1. Signaling Pathways
  2. HOXA

HOXA (同源框 A)

Homeobox A

同源框 A (HOXA) 是 Homeobox 基因家族中 A 簇基因的统称。HOXA 含同源盒序列,能编码同源结构域,在生物胚胎发育和细胞分化等过程中发挥关键调控作用。HOXA 在胚胎发育过程中,可调控体节分化与器官原基定位,确保身体各部分按正确模式和顺序发育。HOXA 对于组织形态维持也意义重大。此外,HOXA 还参与造血细胞和神经细胞等的分化过程。HOXA 基因的异常与先天性的手足生殖器综合征、脊柱裂等神经管缺陷以及白血病、乳腺癌等多种肿瘤疾病的发生、发展密切相关[1][2]

Homeobox A (HOXA) is a general term for the genes in cluster A of the Homeobox gene family. HOXA contains the homeobox sequence, which can encode the homeodomain and plays a key regulatory role in processes such as biological embryonic development and cell differentiation. During embryonic development, HOXA can regulate somite differentiation and the positioning of organ primordia, ensuring that all parts of the body develop in the correct pattern and sequence. HOXA is also of great significance for the maintenance of tissue morphology. In addition, HOXA is involved in the differentiation processes of hematopoietic cells, nerve cells, and so on. Abnormalities in HOXA genes are closely related to the occurrence and development of various diseases, including congenital diseases such as hand-foot-genital syndrome and neural tube defects like spina bifida, as well as multiple tumor diseases such as leukemia and breast cancer[1][2].

HOXA 相关产品 (6):

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-153916
    TCRS-417 99.13%
    TCRS-417(T417)是一种小分子化合物,能够对接到 PBX1 与其同源 DNA 靶序列之间的界面,有效干扰 PBX1-DNA 相互作用。TCRS-417 可用于癌症、发育障碍、炎性病症、自身免疫性疾病或神经退行性疾病等研究。
  • HY-134259
    MEISi-2 Inhibitor 98.97%
    MEISi-2 是一种选择性的 MEIS 抑制剂,MEIS 是造血干细胞 (HSC) 自我更新的关键调控因子。MEISi-2 被开发用于心脏损伤、造血问题、骨髓移植和癌症的研究。
  • HY-134258
    MEISi-1 Inhibitor 98.76%
    MEISi-1 是一种小分子 MEIS1 蛋白的同源结构域抑制剂。MEISi-1 能够显著抑制含有 MEIS 结合位点 (TGACAG) 的荧光素酶报告基因的活性,并在体外和体内诱导小鼠和人类的一类关键造血干细胞 (HSC) 的自我更新。MEISi-1 可用于血液疾病,心脏再生以及癌症领域的研究。
  • HY-132870
    MEIS-IN-2 Inhibitor 99.33%
    MEIS-IN-2 是一种 MEIS1 抑制剂,应用于心脏再生和造血干细胞(HSC)调节方面。
  • HY-132869
    MEIS-IN-1 Inhibitor
    MEIS-IN-1 是一种有效诱导小鼠和人类造血干细胞扩增的 MEIS 抑制剂。
  • HY-132871
    MEIS-IN-3 Inhibitor
    MEIS-IN-3 是一种有效的 MEIS 抑制剂。