1. 一站式药筛
  2. 虚拟筛选
  3. MegaUni 5万虚拟类药多样库
MegaUni 50K Virtual Diversity Library

Cat. No.: HY-L910V

MegaUni 库为运用生成式人工智能技术,构建出的兼具新颖性、类药性、多样性、可合成性的超大化合物库。适用于AI药物筛选、大型虚拟筛选等。

MCE 依托强大的计算能力,基于高质量的 40,662 个分子砌块,匹配合适的反应规则,选择最优的化合物生成策略,去除合成难度高、类药性低、PAINS等不利化合物后,进一步分析化合物骨架,优选出类药多样性分子组成虚拟库。随后随机挑选库中分子,进行合成验证,再次剔除合成难度高的分子,经迭代优化后,最终生成含 1000 万可合成类药多样性分子的 MegaUni 10M Virtual Diversity Library。

优选 50,000 个分子组成 MegaUni 50K Virtual Diversity Library。50,000 个分子具有 46,744 种 BMS 分子骨架,每种分子骨架仅包含 1-3 个化合物,化学空间多样,结构新颖,适用于新型先导物发现等。

  • Chinese National Compound Library
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Compound Screening Libraries


Biological activity

•   All the compounds derived from MCE's 40,662 Building Blocks: easy to synthesize via standard 1-2 step procedures and suitable for high throughput synthesis;

•   46,744 unique Bemis-Murcko Scaffolds (BMS), each scaffold cluster containing only 1-3 compounds;

•   All compounds compatible with “Lipinski’s Rule of Five”, with multiple characteristics such as calculated lipophilicity (-3.2≤logP≤5), rotatable bonds (RotB≤10), topological polar surface area (PSA ≤120), 200≤MW≤500, number of Hydrogen Bond Donor (HBD)≤5, number of Hydrogen Bond Acceptor (HBA)≤10;

•   To increase the synthetic accessibility and drug-like properties, compounds were removed with SAScore > 6 or QED > 0.4;

•   Compounds passed all MedChem selection filters, particularly pan assay interference compound (PAINS) motifs, to remove any inappropriate chemical structures and avoid false hits.

  •  特定化合物
  •  化合物数量
  •  产品排布图
  •  浓度
  •  形式(固体或溶液)
  •  YES
  • Chinese National Compound Library

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MegaUni 50K Virtual Diversity Library