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  3. Phytohormone

Phytohormone (植物激素)


植物激素 (phytohormone),也称为植物内源激素或植物天然激素,是一类在植物体内由特定组织合成、并能以微量调节植物生理活动的有机化合物。这些激素能够通过促进或抑制植物体内的各种生理过程,调控植物的生长发育、环境适应及生命周期的不同阶段。已知的主要植物激素包括五大类:生长素、赤霉素、细胞分裂素、脱落酸和乙烯。尽管这些植物激素通常是结构简单的小分子化合物,但它们的生理作用却异常复杂和多样,涵盖了细胞分裂、伸长、分化等基础过程,也广泛参与发芽、生根、开花、结实、性别决定、休眠和脱落等重要生理现象的调控[1]

Phytohormones, also known as plant endogenous hormones or plant natural hormones, are a class of organic compounds synthesized by specific tissues within plants that regulate plant physiological activities in minute quantities. These hormones modulate various physiological processes in plants by either promoting or inhibiting them, thereby controlling plant growth, development, environmental adaptation, and different stages of the plant lifecycle. The major classes of known phytohormones include six categories: auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene. Although these phytohormones are generally small, structurally simple molecules, their physiological effects are highly complex and diverse, influencing basic processes such as cell division, elongation, and differentiation. They also play a broad role in regulating important physiological phenomena such as germination, root formation, flowering, fruiting, sex determination, dormancy, and abscission[1].

Phytohormone 相关产品 (23):

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