1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Barcode Fusion Genetics Two Hybrid

Barcode Fusion Genetics Two Hybrid条形码融合遗传双杂交法


This method allows screening of a full matrix of protein pairs in a single multiplexed strain pool. A doubly engineered clone pool is prepared so that each clone bears two distinct DNA barcodes flanked by site specific recombination sequences. Positive bait-prey combinations allow activation of reporter genes and their respective barcodes undergo recombination, creating unique barcode combinations. Recombined barcode tags are then fused, extracted and sequenced for identification of interacting pairs.

该方法允许在单个多重化合物池中筛选完整的蛋白质对矩阵。准备一个双重工程克隆池,使得每个克隆带有两个不同的 DNA 条形码,条形码被特定重组序列夹住。诱饵-猎物的阳性组合会激活报告基因,其相应的条形码经过重组,创建独特的条形码组合。重组后的条形码标签随后会被融合、提取并进行测序,以识别相互作用的蛋白质对。

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