1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy荧光相关光谱法


FCS monitors the random motion of fluorescently labelled molecules inside a defined volume irradiated by a focused laser beam. These fluctuations provide information on the rate of diffusion or diffusion time of a particle and this is directly dependent on the particle mass. As a consequence, any increase in the mass of a biomolecule, e.g. as a result of an interaction with a second molecule, is readily detected as an increase in the diffusion time of the particle. From these results the concentration of the different molecules can be calculated as well as their binding constant.

荧光相关光谱法 (FCS) 监测荧光标记分子在聚焦激光束照射的特定体积内的随机运动。这些波动提供了有关粒子扩散速率或扩散时间的信息,这直接取决于粒子的质量。因此,任何生物分子的质量增加,例如由于与第二个分子相互作用,都会表现为粒子扩散时间的增加。从这些结果中可以计算不同分子的浓度以及它们的结合常数。

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