1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Fluorescent Resonance Energy Transfer

Fluorescent Resonance Energy Transfer荧光共振能量转移


FRET is a quantum mechanical process involving the radiationless transfer of energy from a donor fluorophore to an appropriately positioned acceptor fluorophore. The fluorophores are genetically fused to the protein in analysis and cotransfected. Three basic conditions must be fulfilled for FRET to occur between a donor molecule and acceptor molecule. First, the donor emission spectrum must significantly overlap the absorption spectrum of the acceptor. Second, the distance between the donor and acceptor fluorophores must fall within the range 20 to 100 Angstrom. Third, the donor and acceptor fluorophores must be in favourable orientations.

FRET 是一种量子力学过程,涉及从供体荧光分子到适当定位的受体荧光分子的无辐射能量转移。荧光分子通过基因连接到被分析的蛋白质并共转染。FRET 发生的三个基本条件是:首先,供体的发射光谱必须与受体的吸收光谱显著重叠;其次,供体和受体荧光分子之间的距离必须在 20 到 100 埃的范围内;最后,供体和受体荧光分子必须具有有利的取向。

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