1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Interactome Parallel Affinity Capture

Interactome Parallel Affinity Capture相互作用组平行亲和捕获法


Interactome Parallel Affinity Capture is a specific protein-protein interaction capture method that uses bait proteins with at least two different affinity tags (such as GFP, FLAG, etc.), expressed endogenously and purified. Compared to Tandem Affinity Purification (TAP), this method employs parallel purification protocols, enhancing the specificity for capturing target proteins interacting with the bait proteins. This technique is primarily applied in systems biology and proteomics to identify and validate protein complexes and their dynamic changes.

相互作用组平行亲和捕获法是一种特定的蛋白质相互作用捕获方法,通过使用至少带有两个不同亲和标签 (如GFP, FLAG等) 的诱饵蛋白,内源性地表达并进行纯化。与串联亲和纯化 (Tandem Affinity Purification, TAP) 相比,该方法采用并行的多种纯化协议,从而提高特异性捕获与诱饵蛋白相互作用的目标蛋白。该技术主要应用于系统生物学和蛋白组学,用于鉴定和验证蛋白质复合体及其动态变化。

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