1. Academic Validation
  2. An integrated approach for enhanced protein conjugation and capture with viral nanotemplates and hydrogel microparticle platforms via rapid bioorthogonal reactions

An integrated approach for enhanced protein conjugation and capture with viral nanotemplates and hydrogel microparticle platforms via rapid bioorthogonal reactions

  • Langmuir. 2014 Jul 8;30(26):7762-70. doi: 10.1021/la501772t.
Sukwon Jung 1 Hyunmin Yi


  • 1 Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Tufts University , Medford, Massachusetts 02155, United States.

We demonstrate significantly enhanced protein conjugation and target protein capture capacity by exploiting tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) templates assembled with hydrogel microparticles. Protein conjugation results with a red fluorescent protein R-Phycoerythrin (R-PE) show significantly enhanced protein conjugation capacity of TMV-assembled particles (TMV-particles) compared to planar substrates or hydrogel microparticles. In-depth examination of protein conjugation kinetics via tetrazine (Tz)-trans-cyclooctene (TCO) cycloaddition and strain-promoted alkyne-azide cycloaddition (SPAAC) reaction demonstrates that TMV-particles provide a less hindered environment for protein conjugation. Target protein capture results using an anti-R-PE antibody (R-Ab)-R-PE pair also show substantially improved capture capacity of R-Ab conjugated TMV-particles over R-Ab conjugated hydrogel microparticles. We further demonstrate readily controlled protein and antibody conjugation capacity by simply varying TMV concentrations, which show negligible negative impact of densely assembled TMVs on protein conjugation and capture capacity. Combined, these results illustrate a facile postfabrication protein conjugation approach with TMV templates assembled onto hydrogel microparticles for improved and controlled protein conjugation and sensing platforms. We anticipate that our approach can be readily applied to various protein sensing applications.
