1. Signaling Pathways
  2. GPCR/G Protein
  3. G2A (GPR132)

G2A (GPR132) (G 蛋白偶联受体 132)

G2A (GPR132)

在2003年,Ludwig 等人首次描述了氢离子感受型G蛋白偶联受体 (proton-sensing G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs)) 家族,该家族包括四个成员,均属于GPCRs Class A:GPR4、TDAG8 (GPR65)、OGR1 (GPR68) 和G2A (GPR132)。

G2A (GPR132),简称G2A,是一种应激诱导型受体,其表达在DNA损伤后增强,导致细胞周期在G2/M期停滞。因此,选择了“G2-细胞周期停滞”作为受体的名称来源。G2A主要在白细胞中表达,负责巨噬细胞的迁移。有趣的是,G2A 也在表达TRPV1通道的外周感觉神经元中表达。在这些神经元中,G2A似乎与TRPV1沟通,并通过蛋白激酶C增强其活性,从而在草酸铂引起的神经病理性疼痛中发挥作用。

G2A是四个受体中对氢离子最不敏感的,其通过Gq 途径激活产生肌醇三磷酸 (IP3)。它在pH 7.4时被激活,随着pH从8.2降低到6.6,反应单调增加。G2A被提议作为脂质受体,后来又被撤回。似乎溶血磷脂不是直接的激活剂,而是参与G2A到达细胞膜的运输。溶血磷脂也作为T细胞迁移的趋化剂通过G2A。另一项研究发现LPC可能是G2A的弱拮抗剂,但所需的浓度很高 (>10 µM)。在异源表达系统中,最强的G2A激活是由亚油酸代谢物9S-HODE引起的 (EC50:约0.5 µM)。最近的研究还发现了N-棕榈酰甘氨酸和N-亚油酸甘氨酸作为G2A的激活剂,其效力与9-HODE相似,这加强了G2A作为信号脂质受体的概念,而不是氢离子和酸化的受体。在同一研究中,还发现了血管紧张素II型受体拮抗剂Telmisartan及其类似物GSK1820795A作为有效的G2A抑制剂。在肿瘤微环境中,G2A 被建议沉默肿瘤相关巨噬细胞 (TAMs)。乳腺癌肿瘤细胞产生乳酸,可以激活TAMs中的G2A,使其保持非侵略性的M2样状态,并增强肿瘤生长。

The family of proton-sensing G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) has first been described by Ludwig et al. in 2003 and consists of four members that belong to the class A orphan GPCRs: GPR4, TDAG8 (GPR65), OGR1 (GPR68), and G2A (GPR132).

G2A (GPR132), the abbreviation, G2A, is a stress-induced receptor and that its expression is enhanced upon DNA damage, leading to cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase. The term: “G2-cell cycle arrest” was chosen as a name for the receptor. G2A is mainly expressed in leukocytes and seems to be responsible for the migration of macrophages. Interestingly, G2A is also expressed in peripheral sensory neurons that co-express the TRPV1 channel. In these neurons, G2A seems to communicate with TRPV1 and enhance its activity via protein kinase C during oxaliplatin-induced neuropathic pain.

G2A is the least sensitive to protons among four receptors, and its activation leads to the production of inositol trisphosphate (IP3) through Gq activation. It is activated at pH 7.4, with the response increasing monotonously as the pH decreases from 8.2 to 6.6. G2A is proposed as a receptor for lipids, especially lysophospholipids. Which was later retracted. It seems that lysophospholipids are not direct activators but are involved in the trafficking of G2A to the plasma membrane. Lysophospholipids also act as chemoattractants for T-cell migration through G2A. Another study found that LPC may be a weak antagonist of G2A, but the required concentrations are high (>10 µM). The strongest G2A activation was caused by linoleic acid metabolite 9S-HODE (EC50: ~0.5 µM) in a heterologous expression system. A recent study also identified N-palmitoylglycine and N-linoleoylglycine as G2A activators with similar potency to 9-HODE, reinforcing the concept of G2A as a receptor for signaling lipids rather than protons and acidification. In the same study, the angiotensin-II type I receptor antagonist telmisartan and its analogue GSK1820795A were identified as potent G2A inhibitors.

In the tumor microenvironment, G2A has been suggested to silence tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs). Breast tumor cells produce lactate, which can activate G2A in TAMs non-aggressive M2-like state and enhancing tumor growth. G2A may thus be a novel target for breast cancer.

G2A (GPR132) 相关产品 (4):

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-157189
    GPR132 antagonist 1 Antagonist 99.43%
    GPR132antagonist 1 (GPR132-B-160, 化合物 25) 是一种 GPR132 拮抗剂,EC50 值为 0.075 μM。GPR132 antagonist 1 具有促进胰岛素分泌活性,EC50值为0.7 μM。
    GPR132 antagonist 1
  • HY-163763
    T-10418 Activator 99.78%
    T-10418 是 G2 累积蛋白 (G2A) (又称 G 蛋白偶联受体 GPR132) 的激动剂,EC50 为 0.82 μM。T-10418 对小鼠初级感觉神经元表现出敏化作用。T-10418 在小鼠模型中表现出良好的药代动力学特征,且无明显毒性 (100 μM)。
  • HY-157189A
    GPR132 antagonist 1 (dihydrocholide) Antagonist
    GPR132antagonist 1 (GPR132-B-160, Compound 25) 是一种 GPR132 拮抗剂,EC50 值为 0.075 μM。GPR132 antagonist 1 具有促进胰岛素分泌活性,EC50 值为 0.7 μM。
    GPR132 antagonist 1 (dihydrocholide)
  • HY-119494
    Commendamide 是一种 GPCR G2A/GPR132 激动剂 (EC50: 11.8 μM)。Commendamide 可用于自身免疫和动脉粥样硬化的研究。