1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Blue Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

Blue Native Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis蓝色原位聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳


Blue native PAGE (BN-PAGE) permits a high-resolution separation of multi-protein complexes under native conditions. Blue native (BN)-PAGE is a charge shift method, in which the electrophoretic mobility of a complex is determined by the negative charge of the bound Coomassie dye and the size and shape of the complex. Coomassie does not act as a detergent and preserves the structure of complexes. Importantly, the resolution of BN-PAGE is much higher than that of other methods such as gel filtration or sucrose-gradient ultracentrifugation. Combined with other pre-purifications or dialysis steps this method permits the analysis of multi-protein complexes of whole cellular lysates by BN-PAGE.

蓝色原生 PAGE (BN-PAGE) 允许在原生条件下对多蛋白复合物进行高分辨率分离。蓝色原生 (BN) PAGE 是一种电荷位移法,其中复合物的电泳迁移率由结合的考马斯亮蓝染料的负电荷以及复合物的大小和形状决定。考马斯亮蓝不作为表面活性剂作用,能够保持复合物的结构。重要的是,BN-PAGE 的分辨率远高于其他方法,如凝胶过滤或蔗糖梯度超离心法。结合其他预纯化或透析步骤,该方法允许通过 BN-PAGE 分析全细胞裂解液中的多蛋白复合物。

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