1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Gene Ontology (GO) evidence codes

Gene Ontology (GO) evidence codes基因本体论证据代码


基因本体论 (Gene Ontology) 证据代码是用于描述 GO 注释来源和可靠性的标识,不同的证据代码代表不同的证据来源或研究方法,帮助研究人员理解该注释的可靠性和支持依据。证据代码分为六大类:
1. 实验支持的证据
EXP (Inferred from Experiment):实验验证的证据,表示该注释来源于直接的实验数据。
IDA (Inferred from Direct Assay):直接检测证据,通常通过生化实验或其他直接方法 (如活性测定、结合实验) 获得。
IPI (Inferred from Physical Interaction):物理相互作用证据,基于蛋白质间的直接物理相互作用,例如免疫共沉淀 (Co-IP) 或酵母双杂交实验。
IMP (Inferred from Mutant Phenotype):表型影响证据,基于基因突变或敲除实验中的表型变化。例如,删除特定基因后观察到细胞生长异常,则可以推测该基因可能影响生长。
IGI (Inferred from Genetic Interaction):基因间相互作用证据,基于多个基因之间的相互作用,例如观察到两个基因的双突变体比单突变体有更显著的表型变化。
IEP (Inferred from Expression Pattern):表达模式证据,基于基因或蛋白质在特定条件下或时间点的表达变化,通常通过技术如 Northern blot 或 RNA-seq 获得。
2. 高通量实验支持的证据
HTP (High Throughput Experiment):一般的大规模实验,表明数据来自高通量方法,例如基因组测序。
HDA (High Throughput Direct Assay):高通量直接检测,数据来自大规模的直接检测实验。
HMP (High Throughput Mutant Phenotype):高通量表型证据,来自大规模的突变体表型分析。
HGI (High Throughput Genetic Interaction):高通量基因间相互作用数据,例如通过大规模筛选得到的基因互作网络。
HEP (High Throughput Expression Pattern):高通量表达模式证据,基于大规模基因表达实验的结果,如 RNA-seq 数据,用于分析基因在不同条件或组织中的表达水平。
3. 计算分析支持的证据
ISS (Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity):序列或结构相似性推导证据,基于目标基因与已知功能基因在序列或结构上的相似性,通常通过生物信息学工具 (如 BLAST) 获得。
ISO (Inferred from Sequence Orthology):同种物种同源证据,基于同种物种中不同基因的同源性,通常用于注释保守基因的功能。
ISA (Inferred from Sequence Alignment):序列比对推导证据,基于序列比对结果,通常用于不同物种中具有相似结构域的基因。
ISM (Inferred from Sequence Model):基序模型推导证据,通过特定的序列基序或模式识别来推测基因的功能。
IGC (Inferred from Genomic Context):共祖基因证据,基于不同物种中基因的基因组位置相似性来推测功能。
RCA (Inferred from Reviewed Computational Analysis):经验证的计算分析证据,基于经过手动评审的计算分析结果,用于支持基因注释。
4. 作者声明的证据
TAS (Traceable Author Statement):可追溯作者陈述,基于已发表文献中的作者声明。
NAS (Non-traceable Author Statement):不可追溯作者陈述,基于文献中的作者声明,但未提供数据支撑,通常可信度较低。
5. 手动标注和推测性证据
IC (Inferred by Curator):由数据库注释员基于逻辑推理得出的结论,并结合其他证据来源。
ND (No biological Data available):无生物数据支持,目前没有相关实验或计算数据支持该注释。
6. 电子注释证据
IEA (Inferred from Electronic Annotation):电子注释证据,通过自动化计算方法生成的推测性注释,通常在没有人工确认的情况下使用,适合高通量初步注释。

The Gene Ontology (GO) evidence codes describe the source and reliability of GO annotations. Each code represents a different evidence source or research method, helping researchers understand the reliability and basis of the annotation. Evidence codes are categorized into six main types:
1. Experimentally Supported Evidence
EXP (Inferred from Experiment): Experimental validation evidence, indicating that the annotation comes from direct experimental data.
IDA (Inferred from Direct Assay): Direct assay evidence, typically obtained through biochemical or other direct methods (e.g., activity assays, binding assays).
IPI (Inferred from Physical Interaction): Physical interaction evidence based on direct interactions between proteins, such as co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) or yeast two-hybrid.
IMP (Inferred from Mutant Phenotype): Evidence from mutant phenotype, based on phenotypic changes observed in gene knockout or mutation experiments. For instance, deleting a gene resulting in abnormal cell growth suggests it may influence growth.
IGI (Inferred from Genetic Interaction): Genetic interaction evidence, based on interactions between multiple genes, such as observing a stronger phenotype in double mutants than single mutants.
IEP (Inferred from Expression Pattern): Evidence from expression patterns, based on gene or protein expression changes under specific conditions or times, often detected by techniques like Northern blot or RNA-seq.
2. High-Throughput Experiment Supported Evidence
HTP (High Throughput Experiment): General large-scale experiment, indicating data from high-throughput methods like genome sequencing.
HDA (High Throughput Direct Assay): High-throughput direct assay evidence, from large-scale direct experiments.
HMP (High Throughput Mutant Phenotype): High-throughput mutant phenotype evidence, from large-scale mutant phenotype analysis.
HGI (High Throughput Genetic Interaction): High-throughput genetic interaction data, e.g., gene interaction networks from large-scale screenings.
HEP (High Throughput Expression Pattern): High-throughput expression pattern evidence, based on large-scale gene expression experiments (e.g., RNA-seq) for analyzing gene expression in different conditions or tissues.
3. Computational Analysis Supported Evidence
ISS (Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity): Sequence or structural similarity evidence, based on the similarity between the target gene and known functional genes, typically obtained through bioinformatics tools (e.g., BLAST).
ISO (Inferred from Sequence Orthology): Sequence orthology evidence, based on homology among genes within the same species, often for conserved gene functions.
ISA (Inferred from Sequence Alignment): Sequence alignment evidence, based on sequence alignment, usually for genes with similar domains in different species.
ISM (Inferred from Sequence Model): Sequence model evidence, inferred from recognizing specific sequence motifs or patterns.
IGC (Inferred from Genomic Context): Genomic context evidence, based on gene location similarity across species to infer function.
RCA (Inferred from Reviewed Computational Analysis): Reviewed computational analysis evidence, based on manually reviewed computational analysis results.
4. Author Statements as Evidence
TAS (Traceable Author Statement): Traceable author statement, based on statements in published literature with specific data support.
NAS (Non-traceable Author Statement): Non-traceable author statement, based on published statements but without specific data support, generally considered less reliable.
5. Curatorial and Inferred Evidence
IC (Inferred by Curator): Curator-inferred evidence, conclusions made by database curators based on logical reasoning combined with other evidence sources.
ND (No biological Data available): No biological data available; currently, there is no supporting experimental or computational data for the annotation.
6. Electronic Annotation Evidence
IEA (Inferred from Electronic Annotation): Electronic annotation evidence, generated by automated computational methods without manual review, often used in high-throughput preliminary annotation.


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