1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Molecular Sieving

Molecular Sieving分子筛纯化


In sizing columns (gel filtration), the elution position of a protein or of a complex depends on its Stokes radius. Molecules with a radius that is smaller than the bead size are retained and retarded by the interaction with the matrix. The observation that two proteins, loaded on a sieving column, elute in a fraction(s) corresponding to a MW that is larger than the MW of either protein may be taken as an indication that the two proteins interact. Furthermore this technique provides a conceptually simple method for evaluating the affinity of the interaction.

在分子筛柱 (gel filtration) 中,蛋白质或复合物的洗脱位置取决于其 Stokes 半径。小于珠子大小的分子会由于与基质的相互作用而被保留和减速。观察到两个蛋白质加载在筛分柱上时,它们洗脱的位置对应的分子质量 (MW) 比任一蛋白质的分子质量要大,这可能表明这两个蛋白质相互作用。此外,这种技术提供了一种概念上简单的评估相互作用亲和力的方法。

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