1. Academic Validation
  2. Interaction of cremophor EL with human plasma

Interaction of cremophor EL with human plasma

  • Int J Biochem. 1991;23(4):473-8. doi: 10.1016/0020-711x(91)90176-n.
M Kongshaug 1 L S Cheng J Moan C Rimington


  • 1 Department of Biophysics, Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway.

1. Interaction of cremophor EL (CRM) with human plasma lipoproteins and nonlipoproteins has been investigated by ultracentrifugation. 2. VLDL has only a low or negligible capacity to bind CRM, i.e. there is little or no change in the optical absorption at 280 nm of VLDL when CRM is added. 3. A low density subfraction of low density lipoproteins seems to associate substantially with CRM at relatively low CRM concentrations (1-3 mg/ml), but such association is not evident for CRM concentrations in the region 12-116 mg/ml. 4. Low density lipoproteins (LDL) may act as a carrier for CRM-emulsions, yet there seems to be no concomitant change in the 280 nm optical absorption of the proteins of LDL. 5. The position in the gradient (i.e. in the centrifugation tube after centrifugation) of high density lipoproteins (HDL) is shifted towards lower density in the presence of 1-4 mg CRM/ml. For higher concentrations of CRM, a destruction of HDL can be observed: the HDL distribution is converted into a bimodal distribution of respectively lighter and heavier "HDL"-particles than the normal ones; the densities at the peaks of these distributions are approximately 1.07 g/ml (light), 1.20 g/ml (heavy) and 1.11 g/ml (normal HDL). The optical extinction coefficient is apparently the same for the proteins of normal--and modified HDL. 6. Even high CRM concentrations (less than or equal to 116 mg/ml) have no perceptible effect on the gradient positions and profile of human serum albumin (HSA) and/or Other heavy proteins. 7. The possible biological significance of these findings is briefly touched upon.
