1. Academic Validation
  2. PIGRET assay can detect mutagenicity of ethyl methanesulfonate much earlier than RBC Pig-a assay

PIGRET assay can detect mutagenicity of ethyl methanesulfonate much earlier than RBC Pig-a assay

  • Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen. 2016 Nov 15:811:102-105. doi: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2015.11.010.
Satoru Itoh 1 Chiharu Hattori 2 Shiho Nakayama 3 Akiharu Hanamoto 3


  • 1 Medicinal Safety Research Laboratories, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., 1-16-13, Kitakasai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 134-8630, Japan. Electronic address: itoh.satoru.n5@daiichisankyo.co.jp.
  • 2 Biologics Pharmacology Research Laboratories, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., 1-2-58, Hiromachi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-8710, Japan.
  • 3 Medicinal Safety Research Laboratories, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., 1-16-13, Kitakasai, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 134-8630, Japan.

The comparison between the original red blood cell (RBC) Pig-a assay, which measures Pig-a mutant RBCs, and the PIGRET assay, which uses reticulocytes, was conducted using in vivo mutagenesis by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) as a part of a collaborative study by the Mammalian Mutagenicity Study Group in the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society. Three dose levels of EMS (180, 360, and 720mg/kg) were administered once by oral gavage to 8-week-old male Crl:CD(SD) rats, and peripheral blood was sampled at 0 (1 day before dosing), 1, 2, and 4 weeks after dosing with EMS. As a result, a statistically significant increase in the mutant frequency of the Pig-a gene was observed from 2 weeks after dosing and a higher value was obtained on week 4 at the highest dose only in the RBC Pig-a assay. In the PIGRET assay, on the Other hand, a statistically significant increase in Pig-a mutant frequency was obtained at the highest dose from 1 week after dosing, and it decreased on weeks 2 and 4 compared to the value at week 1. The Pig-a mutant frequency appeared to reach a plateau 1 week after dosing in the PIGRET assay and it might continue to increase even after week 4 in the RBC Pig-a assay. These results indicate that the PIGRET assay can detect Pig-a mutants much earlier than the original RBC Pig-a assay, and it can enable judgement of mutagenicity of EMS within 1 week after a single dosing.


In vivo mutation assay; Pig-a gene; Red blood cells; Reticulocytes.
