1. 资源中心
  2. Protocols
  3. 动物与疾病专题
  4. 穿梭箱实验(TDPA)

穿梭箱实验(TDPA,Two-Day Passive Avoidance)是一种经典的学习和记忆行为实验,常用于小鼠或大鼠模型中。在实验中,动物被训练避免与电击刺激相关的环境。在第一天,动物在学习阶段接触到条件刺激(如电击)后,学会避免特定环境。第二天,测试阶段通过观察动物是否保持避免行为,评估其短时记忆。TDPA实验通常用于研究学习、记忆、认知功能和神经系统疾病模型中的认知缺陷。

Shuttle box experiment (TDPA, Two-Day Passive Avoidance) is a classic learning and memory behavioral experiment, commonly used in mouse or rat models. In experiments, animals are trained to avoid situations associated with electric shock stimulation. On the first day, animals learn to avoid a specific environment after being exposed to a conditioned stimulus (such as an electric shock) during the learning phase. The next day, a testing phase assessed the animals' short-term memory by observing whether they maintained their avoidance behavior. TDPA experiments are commonly used to study learning, memory, cognitive function, and cognitive deficits in neurological disease models.