疾病名称 |
别名 |
Migraine With Or Without Aura 1 |
Migraine With Or Without Aura, Susceptibility To, 1
Migraine Disorder
Migraine Variant
Migraine Disorders
Migraine With Or Without Aura
Classic Migraine
Common Migraine
Disorder, Migraine
Headache Migraine
Headache Migrainous
Migraine Headache
Migraine Syndrome
Headache Including Migraine
Migraine, Susceptibility To
Paranoid Schizophrenia |
Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenia
Paranoid Type Schizophrenia
Paranoid Type Schizophrenia Subchronic State
Paraphrenia - Late
Paraphrenic Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia, Paranoid
Intermittent Explosive Disorder |
Explosive Personality Disorder
Alzheimer Disease, Familial, 1 |
Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer'S Disease
Presenile And Senile Dementia
Alzheimer Disease, Susceptibility To
Alzheimer Disease, Late-Onset, Susceptibility To
Alzheimer Disease 1, Familial
Familial Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer Disease, Late-Onset
Alzheimers Dementia
Alzheimer Dementia
Alzheimer Sclerosis
Alzheimer Syndrome
Alzheimer-Type Dementia
Primary Senile Degenerative Dementia
Alzheimer Disease 1
Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer Disease
Early-Onset Alzheimer Disease With Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Late Onset Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimer Disease, Early-Onset, With Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Late-Onset Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimer'S Disease Pathway Kegg
Dementia Due To Alzheimer'S Disease
Alzheimer Disease Type 1
Epilepsy, Idiopathic Generalized 11 |
Epilepsy, Idiopathic Generalized, Susceptibility To, 11
Epilepsy, Juvenile Absence 2
Epilepsy, Juvenile Myoclonic 8
Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy 11
Epilepsy, Juvenile Absence, Susceptibility To, 2
Epilepsy, Juvenile Myoclonic, Susceptibility To, 8
Susceptibility To Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy 11
Juvenile Absence Epilepsy 2
Susceptibility To Juvenile Absence Epilepsy 2
Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy 8
Susceptibility To Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy 8
Epilepsy, Idiopathic, Generalized, Susceptibility To, Type 11
Parkinsonism |
Idiopathic Parkinsonism
Primary Parkinsonism
Paralysis Agitans Syndrome
Parkinsonian Syndrome
Trembling Paralysis
Paralysis Agitans
Shaking Palsy
Shaking Paralysis
Irritable Bowel Syndrome |
Irritable Colon
Psychogenic Ibs
Ibs - [Irritable Bowel Syndrome]
Spastic Bowel Syndrome
Impulse Control Disorder |
Disruptive, Impulse Control, And Conduct Disorders
Epilepsy |
Epilepsy Syndrome
Epileptic Syndrome
Symptomatic Epilepsies
Post Traumatic Epilepsy
Traumatic Epilepsy
Traumatic Epileptic
Epilepsy Due To Hippocampal Sclerosis
Epilepsy With Ammon'S Horn Sclerosis
Epilepsy Due To Cortical Dysplasia
Epilepsy Due To Neuronal Migration Disorders
Postpartum Depression |
Maternity Blues
Postnatal Depression
Depression, Postpartum
Post-Partum Depression
Depression Postpartum
Childhood Absence Epilepsy |
Petit Mal Epilepsy
Absence Seizures
Absence Seizure
Petit Mal Seizure
Absence Epilepsy, Childhood
Epilepsy, Absence
Absence Epilepsy
Anxiety |
Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety State
Anxiety Neurosis
Sleep Disorder |
Sleep Disorders
Non-Organic Sleep Disorder
Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome |
Haddad Syndrome
Ondine Curse
Ondine Syndrome
Congenital Central Hypoventilation
Congenital Central Alveolar Hypoventilation Syndrome
Congenital Failure Of Autonomic Control
Ondine'S Curse
Primary Alveolar Hypoventilation
Ondine-Hirschsprung Disease
Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome
Congenital Ondine Curse
Idiopathic Congenital Central Alveolar Hypoventilation
Congenital Central Alveolar Hypoventilation-Hirschsprung Disease Syndrome
Ondine-Hirschsprung Syndrome
Bipolar Disorder |
Bipolar Depression
Manic Disorder
Depression, Bipolar
Bipolar Disorder Manic Phase
Depressive-Manic Psych.
Manic Bipolar Affective Disorder
Manic Bipolar I Disorder
Manic Depression
Manic Depressive Disorder
Mixed Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Affective Disorder
Bipolar Affective Psychosis
Bipolar Spectrum Disorder
Manic Depressive Illness
Depression Bipolar
Bipolar Disorder, Mixed
Major Affective Disorder
Major Affective Disorder 1
Major Affective Disorder 2
Alexithymia |
Autism Spectrum Disorder |
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autistic Continuum
Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Pervasive Development Disorder
Autistic Behavior
Autistic Disorder
Autistic Disorder Of Childhood Onset
Infantile Autism
Childhood Autism
Kanner Syndrome
Pervasive Developmental Delay Nos
Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified
Tic Disorder |
Nervous System Disease |
Abnormality Of The Nervous System
Nervous System Diseases
Nervous System Disorder
Mood Disorder |
Mood Disorders
Episodic Mood Disorder
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy |
Encephalopathy, Developmental And Epileptic
Tobacco Addiction |
Nicotine Dependence
Tobacco Addiction, Susceptibility To
Nicotine Addiction
Tobacco Use Disorder
Smoking Habit
Nicotine Dependence, Protection Against
Nicotine Addiction, Protection From
Cigarette Habituation
Cigarette Habituation, Susceptibility To
Smoking Habit, Susceptibility To
Nicotine Dependence, Susceptibility To
Nicotine Addiction, Susceptibility To
Addiction, Tobacco, Susceptibility To
Compulsive Tobacco User Syndrome
Tobacco Dependence
Tobacco Dependence Syndrome
Cigarette Addiction
Cigarette Dependence
Smoking Addiction
Smokers Syndrome
Epilepsy, Idiopathic Generalized 10 |
Epilepsy, Idiopathic Generalized, Susceptibility To, 10
Generalized Epilepsy With Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 5
Epilepsy, Juvenile Myoclonic, Susceptibility To
Epilepsy, Idiopathic Generalized, 10
Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy 10
Epilepsy, Juvenile Myoclonic 7
Generalized Epilepsy With Febrile Seizures Plus Type 5
Generalized Epilepsy With Febrile Seizures Plus, Type 5, Susceptibility To
Epilepsy, Juvenile Myoclonic
Susceptibility To Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy 10
Generalized Epilepsy With Febrile Seizures Plus 5
Gefs+ Type 5
Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy 7
Susceptibility To Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy 7
Epilepsy, Idiopathic, Generalized, Susceptibility To, Type 10
Myoclonic Epilepsy, Juvenile
Inhibited Male Orgasm |
Male Orgasmic Disorder
Psychosexual Dysfunction With Male Orgasmic Disorder
Conversion Disorder |
Conversion Hysteria Or Reaction
Conversion Hysterical Neurosis
Hysterical Neurosis, Conversion Type
Functional Movement Disorder
Functional Neurological Disorder
Dissociative Disorder
Amnestic Disorder |
Amnestic Syndrome
Korsakoff'S Psychosis Or Syndrome
Amnesic Syndrome
Amnestic Disorder In Conditions Classified Elsewhere
Korsakoff Psychosis Or Syndrome, Nonalcoholic
Nonalcoholic Organic Amnesic Syndrome
Organic Amnesic Syndrome
Mental Depression |
Depressive Disorder
Premature Ejaculation |
Esophageal Leukoplakia |
Sexual Health Disorder |
Parkinson Disease 1, Autosomal Dominant |
Autosomal Dominant Parkinson Disease 1
Parkinson Disease 1
Parkinson'S Disease 1
Atypical Parkinson Disease
Parkinson Disease 1, Autosomal Dominant Lewy Body
Autosomal Dominant Parkinson'S Disease 1
Lewy Body Parkinsonism
Parkinson Disease Autosomal Dominant 1
Parkinson Disease Familial Type 1
Parkinson Disease, Type 1
Parkinson Disease, Familial, Type 1
Substance Dependence |
Motion Sickness |
Travel Sickness
Riders' Vertigo
Diarrhea |
Diarrhea Of Presumed Infectious Origin
Panic Disorder |
Panic Anxiety Syndrome
Panic Disorder 1
Episodic Paroxysmal Anxiety Disorder
Drug Psychosis |
Drug-Induced Psychosis
Drug-Induced Psychotic Disorder
Psychoses, Substance-Induced
Psychoses, Drug
Cyclothymic Disorder |
Cycloid Personality
Cyclothymic Personality
Affective Personality Disorder
Cyclothymic Personality Disorder
Cycloid Personality Disorder
Body Mass Index Quantitative Trait Locus 11 |
Obesity, Susceptibility To
Leanness, Inherited
Obesity, Susceptibility To, Bmiq11
Obesity, Mild, Early-Onset
Obesity, Association With
Obesity, Early-Onset, Susceptibility To
Obesity, Severe
Obesity, Severe, And Type Ii Diabetes
Obesity, Late-Onset
Obesity Bmiq11
Obesity, Early-Onset
Obesity , Susceptibility To
Simple Obesity Nos
Excess Fat
Obesity, Not Elsewhere Classified, Body Mass Index Not Elsewhere Classified
Withdrawal Disorder |
Withdrawal Syndrome
Substance Withdrawal Syndrome
Agnosia |
Primary Visual Agnosia
Dyspraxia Syndrome
Monomodal Visual Amnesia
Visual Amnesia
Agnosia, Primary Visual
Personality Disorder |
Personality Disorders
Character Disorder
Specific Personality Disorders
Enduring Personality Change After Psychiatric Illness
Serotonin Syndrome |
Serotonergic Syndrome
Serotonin Storm
Serotonin Toxicity
Serotonin Toxidrome
Malignant Carcinoid Syndrome
Schizoaffective Disorder |
Schizo-Affective Psychosis
Schizo-Affective Type Schizophrenia
Schizoaffective Psychosis
Schizoaffective Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia, Schizo-Affective Type
Schizophreniform Psychosis, Affective Type
Eating Disorder |
Eating Disorders
Feeding And Eating Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder |
Specific Developmental Disorder |
Alcohol Dependence |
Alcohol Dependence, Susceptibility To
Aerodigestive Tract Cancer, Squamous Cell, Alcohol-Related, Protection Against
Alcohol Dependence, Protection Against
Alcoholism, Susceptibility To
Alcoholic Intoxication, Chronic
Pharyngeal Neoplasms
Chronic Alcoholism
Alcohol Addiction
Ethanol Dependence
Chronic Ethanolism
Chronic Alcoholic Disease Nos
Alcoholic Disease Nos
Endogenous Depression |
Clinical Depression
Unipolar Depression
Depressive Disorder
Retrograde Amnesia |
Vagus Nerve Disease |
Vagus Nerve Diseases
Disorder Of Pneumogastric [10th] Nerve
Disorder Of Vagal Nerve
Disorder Of Vagus Nerve
Vagus Nerve Disorder
Disorders Of The Tenth Cranial Nerve
Disorders Of 10th Cranial Nerve
Disorder Of Pneumogastric Nerve
Narcolepsy 1 |
Narcoleptic Syndrome 1
Gelineau Disease
Narcolepsy-Cataplexy Syndrome
Narcolepsy, Type 1
Narcolepsy Type 1
Gélineau'S Syndrome
Narcolepsy With Cataplexy And/Or Hypocretin Deficiency
Somatoform Disorder |
Physiological Malfunction Arising From Mental Factor
Psychosomatic Disorder
Psychophysiologic Disorders
Social Phobia |
Phobia, Social
Phobia Social
Phobic Anxiety Disorder
Hypochondriasis |
Hypochondriacal Disorder
Hypochondriacal Neurosis
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Health Anxiety Disorder
Hypochondriacal Reaction
Extratemporal Epilepsy |
Gilles De La Tourette Syndrome |
Tourette Syndrome
Tourette Disorder
Gilles De La Tourette'S Syndrome
Motor-Verbal Tic Disorder
Guinon'S Disease
Psychogenic Tics
Tourette'S Syndrome
Chronic Motor And Vocal Tic Disorder
Tourette'S Disease
Combined Vocal And Multiple Motor Tic Disorder [De La Tourette]
Combined Vocal And Multiple Motor Tic Disorder
Tic De La Tourette
Substance-Induced Psychosis |
Major Depressive Disorder |
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Unipolar Depression
Depressive Disorder
Unipolar Depression, Susceptibility To
Major Depressive Disorder 1
Major Depressive Disorder, Response To Citalopram Therapy In
Major Depressive Disorder 2
Winter Depression
Single Major Depressive Episode
Clinical Depression
Major Depression
Depressive Syndrome
Major Depressive Disorder And Accelerated Response To Antidepressant Drug Treatment
Seasonal Affective Disorder, Susceptibility To
Recurrent Major Depression
Affective Disorder, Seasonal
Depression In A Seasonal Pattern
Major Depressive Disorder With A Seasonal Pattern
Seasonal Depression
Seasonal Mood Disorder
Mental Depression
Recurrent Major Depressive Episodes
Detrusor Sphincter Dyssynergia |
Detrusor And Sphincter Dyssynergia
Borderline Personality Disorder |
Psychosexual Disorder |
Psychotic Disorder |
Psychotic Disorders
Mental Or Behavioural Disorder
Mental Disorders
Fibromyalgia |
Diffuse Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Fibromyalgia-Fibromyositis Syndrome
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Myofascial Pain Syndromes
Bipolar I Disorder |
Manic Depression Nos
Manic-Depressive Illness
Bipolar Disorder Nos
Periodic Fever, Menstrual Cycle-Dependent |
Menstrual Cycle-Dependent Periodic Fever
Periodic Fever, Menstrual Cycle Dependent
Luteal-Phase-Dependent Febrile Episode
Luteal-Phase-Dependent Periodic Fever
Menstrual Cycle-Dependent Febrile Episode
Fever, Periodic, Menstrual Cycle-Dependent
Separation Anxiety Disorder |
Separation Anxiety Disorder Of Childhood
Autism |
Autistic Disorder
Autism Susceptibility 1
Childhood Autism
Autistic Disorder Of Childhood Onset
Infantile Autism
Kanner'S Syndrome
Pervasive Developmental Disorder |
Pervasive Development Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Pervasive Child Development Disorders
Autistic Behavior
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder |
Lack Or Loss Of Sexual Desire
Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological
Phobic Disorder |
Phobic Disorders
Phobic Anxiety Disorder
Inhibited Female Orgasm |
Disease Of Mental Health |
Mental Health
Mental Disorders
Delusional Disorder |
Persistent Delusional Disorders
Delusional Perception
Induced Delusional Disorder
Flying Phobia |
Schizophrenia |
Schizophrenia With Or Without An Affective Disorder
Schizophrenia 12
Schizophrenia, Susceptibility To
Dementia Praecox
Schizophrenia 1
Substance Abuse |
Substance-Related Disorders
Substance Abuse Problem
Cocaine Abuse |
Cocaine-Related Disorders
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Postviral Fatigue Syndrome
Myalgic Encephalitis
Encephalomyelitis, Myalgic
Chronic Fatigue
Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic
Benign Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Akureyri Disease
Cfs - [Chronic Fatigue Syndrome]
Epidemic Neuromyasthenia
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Syndrome
Me - [Myalgic Encephalomyelitis]
Pvfs - [Postviral Fatigue Syndrome]
Iceland Disease
Icelandic Disease
Dravet Syndrome |
Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy Of Infancy
Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy In Infancy
Epileptic Encephalopathy, Early Infantile, 6
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 6a
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 6
Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy 6
Myoclonic Epilepsy, Severe, Of Infancy
Severe Myoclonus Epilepsy Of Infancy
Borderline Smei
Smei-Borderland More Than One Feature
Smei-Borderland-Myoclonic Seizures
Smei-Borderland-Spike Wave
Intractable Childhood Epilepsy With Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy, 6
Infantile Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy
Epilepsy, Intractable Childhood, With Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures
Leukodystrophy |
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder |
Traumatic Neurosis
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Ptsd - [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder]
Trauma-Related Disorders
Bruxism |
Sleep Bruxism
Sleep-Related Bruxism
Bruxism - Teeth Grinding
Grinding Teeth
Sleep Related Bruxism
Teeth Grinding
Sleep Related Teeth Grinding
Drug-Induced Mental Disorder |
Melancholia |
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome |
Neurotic Disorder |
Reactive Depression
Adjustment Disorders
Neurotic Disorders
Depressive Neurosis
Neurotic Depression
Neurotic Depression Reactive Type
Neurotic Depressive State
Depressive Disorder
Depression, Neurotic
Atypical Depressive Disorder |
Pathological Gambling |
Compulsive Gambling
Gambling, Pathological
Machado-Joseph Disease |
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 3
Azorean Disease
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3
Azorean Neurologic Disease
Spinopontine Atrophy
Nigrospinodentatal Degeneration
Spinocerebellar Atrophy
Spinocerebellar Atrophy Iii
Spinocerebellar Atrophy Type 3
Azorean Ataxia
Azorean Disease Of The Nervous System
Machado Disease
Nigro-Spino-Dentatal Degeneration With Nuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Disease, Machado-Joseph
Ataxia, Spinocerebellar
Movement Disease |
Movement Disorders
Movement Disorder
Pain Agnosia |
Migraine Without Aura |
Common Migraine
Migraine With Or Without Aura, Susceptibility To
Migraine Without Aura, Susceptibility To
Acute Migraine Without Aura
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy |
Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy Temporal Lobe
Phobia, Specific |
Specific Phobia
Simple Phobia
Phobia, Simple
Isolated Phobia
Schizotypal Personality Disorder |
Kleptomania |
Anterograde Amnesia |
Motor Neuron Disease |
Anterior Horn Cell Disease
Motor Neuron Diseases
Mnd - [Motor Neurone Disease]
Lou Gehrig Disease
Creeping Palsy
Creeping Paralysis
Bulbar Motor Neuron Disease
Bulbar Syndrome
Anterior Horn Cell Disorder
Hereditary Motor Neuron Disease
Dementia |
Presenile Dementia
Alzheimer Type Dementia
Alzheimer Sclerosis
Alzheimer Disease Dementia
Alzheimer Dementia
Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia
End Stage Alzheimer'S Dementia
Alzheimer'S Type Atypical Dementia
Alzheimer Type Presenile Dementia
Early Onset Alzheimer Dementia
Dementia In Alzheimer Disease Type 2
Dementia In Alzheimer Disease With Early Onset
Early Onset Alzheimer Type Dementia, Uncomplicated
Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia, Early Onset
Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia, Presenile Onset, Uncomplicated
Alzheimer Disease Dementia With Early Onset
Presenile Sclerosis
Presenile Brain Sclerosis
Presenile Alzheimer Brain Sclerosis
Late Onset Alzheimer Dementia
Dementia In Alzheimer Disease Type 1
Dementia In Alzheimer Disease With Late Onset
Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia, Late Onset
Sdat - [Senile Dementia, Alzheimer Type]
Alzheimer Disease Dementia With Late Onset
Late Onset Alzheimer Brain Sclerosis
Senile Alzheimer Brain Disease
Senile Alzheimer Brain Sclerosis
Senile Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia
Senile Dementia Of The Alzheimer Type
Arteriosclerotic Dementia
Strategic-Infarct Dementia
Post Stroke Dementia
Vascular Cognitive Impairment
Vascular Dementia
Dementia Of The Lewy Body Type
Dementia With Lewy Bodies
Sdlt - [Senile Dementia Of The Lewy Body Type]
Senile Dementia Of The Lewy Body Type
Alcohol-Related Dementia
Alcoholic Dementia Nos
Alcohol-Induced Dementia
Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
Chronic Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
Alcohol Dementia
Late Onset Alcoholic Psychosis
Residual And Late-Onset Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder
Mental And Behavioural Disorders Due To Use Of Sedatives Or Hypnotics, Residual And Late-Onset Psychotic Disorder
Late-Onset Psychoactive Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder
Inhalant Dementia
Volatile Solvents Dementia
Dementia In Paralysis Agitans
Pdd - [Parkinson Disease Dementia]
Dementia Syndrome Of Parkinson Disease
Dementia In Parkinson Disease
Parkinson Related Dementia
Dementia In Huntington Chorea
Hiv - [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] Dementia
Hiv- [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] Associated Cognitive Motor Complex
Hiv- [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] Associated Dementia Complex
Aids - [Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome] Dementia Complex
Aids Related Dementia
Dementia Due To Niacin Deficiency
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder |
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit Disorder
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder, Susceptibility To
Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity
Hyperkinetic Disorder
Hyperactivity Of Childhood
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit
Attention Deficit Disorder Of Childhood With Hyperactivity
Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity Syndrome
Hyperkinetic Syndrome
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type
Disturbance Of Activity And Attention
Disorder Of Activity And Attention
Adhd - [Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder]
Hyperkinetic Disorders
Disorder Of Activity And Attention With Hyperkinesia
Attention Deficit Syndrome With Hyperactivity
Vascular Dementia |
Dementia, Vascular
Multi Infarct Dementia
Multifocal Dementia
Dementia Vascular
Vascular Dementia, Susceptibility To
Dementia, Multi-Infarct
Multi-Infarct Dementia
Impotence |
Erectile Dysfunction
Sexual Impotence
Erectile Dysfunction Adverse Event
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome |
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Susceptibility To
Cot Death
Crib Death
Sudden Death Of Nonspecific Cause In Infancy
Sudden Infant Death
Death, Sudden, Syndrome, Infant
Agoraphobia |
Fear Of Open Spaces
Phobia Of Going Out
Adjustment Disorder |
Adjustment Reaction
Adjustment Disorders
Adjustment Disease
Brief Situational Non-Psychotic Disorder
Adaptation Reaction Nos
Emotional Crisis
Situational Disorder
Situational Disturbance
Situational Maladjustment
Situational Reaction
Situational Reaction With Maladjustment
Transient Situational Disturbance
Parkinson Disease, Late-Onset |
Parkinson Disease
Parkinson'S Disease
Parkinson Disease, Susceptibility To
Late Onset Parkinson'S Disease
Late Onset Parkinson Disease
Paralysis Agitans
Primary Parkinsonism
Idiopathic Parkinson Disease
Parkinson Disease, Late-Onset, Susceptibility To
Parkinson Disease, Age Of Onset, Modifier
Lewy Body Parkinson Disease
Idiopathic Parkinson'S Disease
Pd - [Parkinson Disease]
Parkinson Disease Nos
Parkinson, Nos
Primary Parkinson Disease
Anorexia Nervosa |
Anorexia Nervosa, Susceptibility To
Anorexia Nervosa, Susceptibility To, 1
Anorexia Nervosa 1
An - [Anorexia Nervosa]
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder |
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Susceptibility To
Anancastic Neurosis
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Anankastic Neurosis
Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis
Obsessive Compulsive Behavior
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome |
Epileptic Encephalopathy Lennox-Gastaut Type
Lennox Syndrome
Encephalopathy Of Childhood
Childhood Epileptic Encephalopathy With Diffuse Slow Spikes And Waves
Dysthymic Disorder |
Chronic Depressive Disorder
Chronic Depression
Depressive Personality
Depressive Personality Disorder
Persistent Depressive Disorder
Persistent Depression
Constipation |
Cannabis Abuse |
Cascade Stomach |
Hourglass Stricture Or Stenosis Of Stomach
Hourglass Contraction Of Stomach
Hourglass Stenosis Of Stomach
Hourglass Stricture Of Stomach