1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Metabolic Enzyme/Protease
  3. Glutathione Reductase (GR)

Glutathione Reductase (GR) (谷胱甘肽还原酶)

Glutathione Reductase

谷胱甘肽还原酶 (GR) 是一种黄素酶,主要作用是催化氧化型谷胱甘肽 (GSSG) 还原为还原型谷胱甘肽 (GSH),在细胞的氧化还原平衡中发挥关键作用。谷胱甘肽还原酶可维持细胞内两种谷胱甘肽的动态平衡,间接参与细胞内清除活性氧等抗氧化过程,保护细胞免受氧化损伤。此外,它也参与肝脏等器官的解毒过程。其活性异常可导致细胞氧化还原失衡,在心血管疾病、神经退行性疾病、溶血性贫血、肝脏疾病等的发生发展中具有重要作用[1]

Glutathione reductase (GR) is a flavoenzyme whose main function is to catalyze the reduction of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) to reduced glutathione (GSH), playing a crucial role in the redox balance of cells. Glutathione reductase maintains the dynamic equilibrium between the two forms of glutathione within the cell, indirectly participates in antioxidant processes such as the elimination of reactive oxygen species in the cell, and protects cells from oxidative damage. In addition, it is also involved in the detoxification processes of organs such as the liver. Abnormal activity of glutathione reductase can lead to cellular redox imbalance and plays an important role in the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, hemolytic anemia, liver diseases, etc[1].

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-12542S

    丹曲洛林-13C3; 丹曲林钠-13C3

    Inhibitor ≥99.0%
    Dantrolene-13C313C3 标记的 Dantrolene。Dantrolene (F368) 是一种肌肉松弛剂,非竞争性地抑制人红细胞谷胱甘肽还原酶 (glutathione reductase),KiIC50 值分别为 111.6 μM 和 52.3 μM。 Dantrolene 是一种兰尼碱受体拮抗剂和 Ca2+ 信号稳定剂。Dantrolene 可用于肌肉痉挛、恶性高热
  • HY-126849


    3-Morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1) 是一种自发的 ROS/RNS 发生器和过氧亚硝酸盐供体。3-Morpholinosydnonimine 可诱导氧化应激导致的软骨细胞凋亡 (apoptosis) 和坏死 (necrosis)。3-Morpholinosydnonimine 通过抑制膜联蛋白 A2 的表达,抑制血管平滑肌细胞迁移、增殖及新内膜形成。此外,低剂量的 3-Morpholinosydnonimine 对 Zn2+ 处理的神经细胞具有保护作用。
目录号 产品名 / 同用名 应用 反应物种