1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Anti-infection
  3. Parasite
  4. Plasmodium Isoform


The key to the Plasmodium life cycle is the Anopheles mosquito, the only genera of mosquito able to support replication of the parasite. Human infection begins following release of infectious sporozoites from a female Anopheles spp. mosquito while she takes a blood meal. Sporozoites disseminate to the liver, infect hepatocytes and over the next 7 to 16 days, differentiate and replicate into thousands of merozoites, all contained within a intracytoplasmic vesicle referred to as the schizont. The schizont, along with the host hepatocyte, ultimately ruptures, releasing thousands of merozoites into the bloodstream. Some Plasmodium species (i.e., P. vivax and P. ovale) can persist in a dormant phase within hepatocytes and lead to relapse infections months to years following initial infection. Released merozoites infect erythrocytes and undergo asexual replication, resulting in formation of a schizont and eventual rupture of the erythrocyte, allowing for invasion of new erythrocytes. Depending on the species, this erythrocyte invasion cycle occurs every 1 to 3 days, coinciding with febrile episodes. A small fraction of merozoites form male and female gametocytes, which also circulate in the bloodstream and are the forms that are infectious to the mosquito. Following ingestion by a female Anopheles mosquito, the gametocytes mature and fuse to form a zygote, which eventually develops into an oocyst harboring the human-infectious sporozoite forms. The sporozoites are released and travel to the mosquito salivary glands in preparation for the next blood meal, completing the parasite life cycle.

The clinical manifestations of Malaria begin upon rupture of the merozoites from erythrocytes. Following synchronization of erythrocyte rupture, the onset of febrile episodes stabilizes, occurring every 48 hours in cases of P. falciparum, P. vivax and P. ovale infections and every 72 hours in cases of P. malariae infection. Initial malarial infections present nonspecifically with fever, tachycardia, headache, chills, nausea, anorexia, and fatigue. Among the five species associated with human disease, P. falciparum causes the greatest morbidity and mortality, followed by P. vivax.

Plasmodium 相关产品 (210):

目录号 产品名 作用方式 纯度
  • HY-17589A


    Inhibitor 99.50%
    Chloroquine 是一种广泛用于疟疾和类风湿性关节炎的抗炎试剂。Chloroquine 是自噬 (autophagy) 和 Toll 样受体 (TLRs) 的抑制剂。Chloroquine 有效抑制 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) 感染 (EC50=1.13 μM)。
  • HY-17589
    Chloroquine phosphate


    Inhibitor 99.89%
    Chloroquine phosphate 是一种广泛用于疟疾和类风湿性关节炎的抗疟疾和抗炎剂。Chloroquine phosphate 是 autophagytoll-like receptors (TLRs) 的抑制剂。Chloroquine phosphate 有效抑制 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) 感染 (EC50=1.13 μM)。
  • HY-B0221
    Amphotericin B


    Amphotericin B是针对多种真菌病原体的多烯抗真菌 (fungal) 剂。 它与麦角甾醇不可逆地结合,导致膜完整性破坏并最终导致细胞死亡。
  • HY-W031727

    羟氯喹; 羟基氯喹

    Inhibitor 99.77%
    Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) 是一种合成的口服抗疟药,可用于疟疾和自身免疫性疾病(如系统性红斑狼疮和类风湿关节炎)的研究。Hydroxychloroquine是一种有效的自噬流动性抑制剂 (autophagic flux inhibitor) ,具有抗病毒活性 (如 SARS-CoV-2 病毒), 可以抑制 Toll 样受体 7/9 (TLR7/9) 信号传导。
  • HY-N0176


    Inhibitor 99.03%
    Dihydroartemisinin是一种有效的抗疟疾 (anti-malaria) 活性分子。
  • HY-B1370
    Hydroxychloroquine sulfate


    Inhibitor 99.99%
    Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (HCQ sulfate) 是一种合成的抗疟疾剂,也可以抑制 Toll 样受体 7/9 (TLR7/9) 信号传导。Hydroxychloroquine sulfate 有效抑制 SARS-CoV-2 感染。
  • HY-B0094


    Inhibitor ≥98.0%
    Artemisinin (Qinghaosu) 是一种倍半萜烯内酯,从黄花蒿 (Artemisia annua L.) 植物的地上部分分离的抗疟疾活性分子。Artemisinin 以剂量依赖性方式降低 pAKT 来抑制 AKT 信号通路。Artemisinin 可减少癌细胞的增殖,迁移,侵袭,肿瘤发生和转移,同时 Artemisinin 有神经保护作用。
  • HY-143218
    TPE-MI 98.71%
    TPE-MI (Tetraphenylethene maleimide) 在通过马来酰亚胺与硫醇结合之前本质上是非荧光的。TPE-MI 荧光在标记游离半胱氨酸硫醇时被激活,该硫醇通常埋在展开时暴露的球状蛋白质的核心中。TPE-MI 可用于测量细胞未折叠蛋白质负荷。TPE-MI 可以报告亨廷顿病诱导多能干细胞模型中的蛋白质平衡失衡,以及在形成可见聚集物之前转染突变亨廷顿外显子1的细胞。TPE-MI 还检测双氢青蒿素研究疟疾寄生虫后的蛋白质损伤。
  • HY-N1584


    Inhibitor 99.92%
    Halofuginone (RU-19110),Febrifugine 的衍生物,是一种竞争性的脯氨酰-tRNA 合成酶 (prolyl-tRNA synthetase) 抑制剂,Ki 为 18.3 nM。Halofuginone 是 I 型胶原 (type-I collagen) 合成的特异性抑制剂,并通过抑制 TGF-β 活性可减轻骨关节炎。Halofuginone 也是一种有效的肺血管扩张剂,可激活 Kv 通道并阻断电压门控、受体操作和存储操作的 Ca2+ channels 通道。Halofuginone 具有抗疟疾、抗炎、抗癌、抗纤维化作用。
  • HY-16438
    RRx-001 Inhibitor 99.16%
    RRx-001 是一种低氧选择性的表观遗传因子,被用作放射或化疗敏感剂,能诱发凋亡,克服骨髓瘤的耐药性。RRx-001 具有有效的抗癌活性且毒性极低。RRx-001是一个免疫检查点的抑制剂,可下调 CD47SIRP-α。RRx-001是G6PD的有效抑制剂,具有较强的抗疟活性。
  • HY-13832


    Inhibitor 99.75%
    Atovaquone (Atavaquone) 是一种有效的、具有口服活性的选择性寄生虫线粒体细胞色素 bc1 (parasite’s mitochondrial cytochrome?bc1) 复合物的抑制剂。Atovaquone 抑制人类和 P. falciparum?细胞色素 bc1?活性,IC50 值分别为 460 nM 和 2.0 nM。Atovaquone 是一种抗疟 (antimalarial agent) 试剂,有潜力用于肺孢子虫肺炎、弓形体病、疟疾和巴贝斯虫病的相关研究。
  • HY-B1751
    Quinidine (15% dihydroquinidine)


    Inhibitor 99.19%
    Quinidine (15% dihydroquinidine) 是一种抗心律失常剂。Quinidine 是一种有效的、具有口服活性的、选择性的细胞色素 P450db (cytochrome P450db) 抑制剂,也是 K+ 通道 (K+ channel) 的有效阻断剂,其 IC50 值为 19.9 μM,也可诱导凋亡。Quinidine 也可用作疟疾的研究。
  • HY-13735A
    Quinacrine dihydrochloride


    Inhibitor 99.38%
    Quinacrine (Mepacrine) dihydrochloride 是一种有效的,具有口服活性的抗疟剂 (antimalarial),在体内外均具有抗肿瘤作用。Quinacrine dihydrochloride 抑制 NF-κB 并激活 p53 信号转导,诱导肿瘤细胞发生凋亡 (apoptosis)。
  • HY-18062


    Pyrimethamine (Pirimecidan) 是一种口服有效的双氢叶酸还原酶 (DHFR) 抑制剂。Pyrimethamine 是一种抗疟剂。Pyrimethamine 通过干扰叶酸-叶酸系统影响疟原虫的核蛋白代谢,并通过抑制二氢叶酸向四氢叶酸的转化影响细胞分裂。
  • HY-D0143


    Inhibitor 98.05%
    Quinine 是一种从金鸡纳树皮中提取的生物碱,具有抗疟疾的作用。Quinine 是一种钾离子通道 (potassium channel) 抑制剂,可抑制电压脉冲引起的 MT mSlo3 (KCa5.1) 通道 +100 mV 电流, 其 IC50 值为 169 μM。
  • HY-N0674


    Inhibitor 99.77%
    Dehydrocorydaline (13-Methylpalmatine) 是一种生物碱。Dehydrocorydaline 调节 BaxBcl-2 蛋白表达;激活 caspase-7caspase-8,并使 PARP 失活。Dehydrocorydaline 能增强 p38 MAPK 活化,具有抗炎、抗癌等功效。Dehydrocorydaline 具有强大的抗疟疾作用,并具低细胞毒性 (细胞生存力> 90%), P. falciparum 3D7 strain (IC50=38 nM)。
  • HY-17437A
    Mefloquine hydrochloride


    Inhibitor 99.99%
    Mefloquine hydrochloride (Mefloquin hydrochloride) 是一种喹啉抗疟药,是一种抗 SARS-CoV-2 进入抑制剂。Mefloquine hydrochloride 也是一种 K+ 通道 (KvQT1/minK) 拮抗剂,IC50 为 ~1 μM。Mefloquine hydrochloride 可用于疟疾、系统性红斑狼疮和癌症的研究。
  • HY-12651A
    Primaquine Inhibitor 98.85%
    Primaquine 是一种有效的抗疟疾剂,也是一种有效的恶性疟原虫杀配子体。Primaquine 可防止间日疟和卵形疟复发。
  • HY-N0402


    Inhibitor 98.42%
  • HY-N1584A
    Halofuginone hydrobromide


    Inhibitor 99.99%
    Halofuginone (RU-19110) hydrobromid,Febrifugine 的衍生物,是一种竞争性的脯氨酰-tRNA 合成酶 (prolyl-tRNA synthetase) 抑制剂,Ki 为 18.3 nM。Halofuginone hydrobromid 是 I 型胶原 (type-I collagen) 合成的特异性抑制剂,并通过抑制 TGF-β 活性可减轻骨关节炎。Halofuginone hydrobromid 也是一种有效的肺血管扩张剂,可激活 Kv 通道并阻断电压门控、受体操作和存储操作的 Ca2+ channels 通道。Halofuginone hydrobromid 具有抗疟疾、抗炎、抗癌、抗纤维化作用。