1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related
  3. Radionuclide-Drug Conjugates (RDCs)
  4. RDC Linker Isoform

RDC Linker

RDC linkers are often employed to separate the chelator and the bioconjugate in order to avoid detrimental interactions (i.e.,bioconjugate interference with coordination or chelate disruption of receptor targeting). Aliphatic, amino acid, or polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains are frequently used.

RDC Linker 相关产品 (1):

目录号 产品名 作用方式 纯度
  • HY-111605
    Macropa-NCS 能与抗体偶联形成肿瘤选择性载体分子,可以进一步与放射性核素结合作为特定靶向癌细胞载体,是靶向 α 研究(targeted alpha therapy,TAT) 中的连接子-螯合剂。