1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Beta Lactamase Complementation

Beta Lactamase Complementationβ-内酰胺酶互补法


This strategy is based on a protein fragment complementation assay (PCA) of the enzyme TEM-1 beta-lactamase. The approach includes a simple colorimetric in vitro assays using the cephalosporin nitrocefin and assays in intact cells using the fluorescent substrate CCF2/AM. The combination of in vitro colorimetric and in vivo fluorescence assays of beta-lactamase in mammalian cells permits a variety of sensitive and high-throughput large-scale applications.

该策略基于 TEM-1 β-内酰胺酶的蛋白质片段互补测定法 (PCA)。 该方法包括使用头孢噻啶类 nitrocefin 进行的简单比色法体外实验,以及使用荧光底物 CCF2/AM 进行的完整细胞实验。通过结合在体外的比色法和在小鼠细胞中的荧光法,β-内酰胺酶的检测可实现多种灵敏的高通量大规模应用。

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