1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer

Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer生物发光共振能量转移


In this variation of the FRET assay the donor fluorophore is replaced by a luciferase (typically Renilla luciferase). In the presence of its substrate, the luciferase catalyses a bioluminescent reaction that excites the acceptor fluorophore through a resonance energy transfer mechanism. As with FRET the energy transfer occurs only if the protein fused to the luciferase and the one fused to the acceptor fluorophore are in close proximity (10-100 Angstrom).

在这种 FRET 测定法的变体中,供体荧光分子被荧光素酶 (通常是 Renilla 荧光素酶) 替换。在其底物的存在下,荧光素酶催化的生物发光反应通过共振能量转移机制激发受体荧光分子。与 FRET 一样,只有当融合到荧光素酶的蛋白质与融合到受体荧光分子的蛋白质非常接近 (10-100 埃) 时,能量转移才会发生。

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