1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Chromatography Technology

Chromatography Technology色谱分离技术


Used to separate and/or analyse complex mixtures. The components to be separated are distributed between two phases: a stationary phase (bed) and a mobile phase which percolates through the stationary bed. The nature of the two phases determines the separation criteria exploited by the column such as affinity, ionic charges, size or hydrophobicity of the molecules under analysis. Each type of column can be implemented with the mobile phase under atmospheric or high pressure condition. In this later case columns are designated as High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).

用于分离和/或分析复杂的混合物。待分离的组分在两个相位之间分布:固定相 (床) 和渗透通过固定床的流动相。两种相位的性质决定了柱所利用的分离标准,如亲和力、离子电荷、分子大小或疏水性。每种类型的柱可以在大气或高压条件下实现流动相的实施。在后者情况下,柱被指定为高压液相色谱 (HPLC)。

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