1. Biology Dictionary
  2. Circular Dichroism

Circular Dichroism圆二色光谱法


Circular dichroism (CD) is observed when optically active molecules absorb left and right hand circularly polarized light slightly differently. Linearly polarized light can be viewed as a superposition of two components of circularly polarized light of equal amplitude and phase but opposite handness. When this light passes through an optically active sample the two polarized components are absorbed differently. The difference in left and right handed absorbance A(l)- A(r) is the signal registered in CD spectra. This signal displays distinct features corresponding to different secondary structures present in peptides, proteins and nucleic acids. The analysis of CD spectra can therefore yield valuable information about the secondary structure of biological macromolecules and the interactions among molecules that influence their structure.

圆二色性 (CD) 是在光学活性分子吸收左右圆极化光的方式略有不同时观察到的现象。线性极化光可以看作是两种具有相等振幅和相位但手性相反的圆极化光的叠加。当这些光通过光学活性样品时,两个极化分量会以不同的方式被吸收。左旋和右旋吸收差异 A (l) - A (r) 就是 CD 光谱中注册的信号。该信号显示出与肽、蛋白质和核酸中不同二级结构相关的明显特征。因此,CD 光谱的分析可以提供有关生物大分子二级结构以及影响其结构的分子间相互作用的宝贵信息。

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