1. Gene
  2. TM4SF5 - transmembrane 4 L six family member 5 Gene

TM4SF5 - transmembrane 4 L six family member 5 Gene

中文名称:跨膜 4 L 六个家族成员 5

种属: Homo sapiens

基因 ID: 9032 | 基因类型: protein coding

关于 TM4SF5

Cytogenetic location: 17p13.2 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 17:4,771,886-4,783,211 (from NCBI)

This gene has 2 transcripts (splice variants), 188 orthologues and 5 paralogues. Biased expression in duodenum (RPKM 71.1), small intestine (RPKM 65.8) and 4 other tissues.


由该基因编码的蛋白质是跨膜 4 超家族的成员,也称为四跨膜蛋白家族。这些成员中的大多数是细胞表面蛋白,其特征在于存在四个疏水结构域。这些蛋白质介导在细胞发育、活化、生长和运动的调节中起作用的信号转导事件。这种编码的蛋白质是一种细胞表面糖蛋白,在序列和结构上与跨膜 4 超家族成员 1 高度相似。它可能在细胞增殖中发挥作用,这种蛋白质的过度表达可能与肿瘤细胞的不受控制的生长有关。[RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月]

The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the transmembrane 4 superfamily, also known as the tetraspanin family. Most of these members are cell-surface proteins that are characterized by the presence of four hydrophobic domains. The proteins mediate signal transduction events that play a role in the regulation of cell development, activation, growth and motility. This encoded protein is a cell surface glycoprotein and is highly similar in sequence and structure to transmembrane 4 superfamily member 1. It may play a role in cell proliferation, and overexpression of this protein may be associated with the uncontrolled growth of tumour cells. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

TM4SF5 基因产物(1)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_003963.3 NP_003954.2 transmembrane 4 L6 family member 5 precursor
  • 分子功能
  • 生物过程
  • 细胞组分
分子功能 GO 注释 逻辑证据 参考文献 来源
enables arginine binding IMP
IMP: 通过突变表型推断
30956113 GOA
enables protein binding IPI
IPI: 通过物理相互作用推断
30956113 GOA
生物过程 GO 注释 逻辑证据 参考文献 来源
involved in regulation of G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle IDA
IDA: 通过直接分析推断
20399237 GOA
细胞组分 GO 注释 逻辑证据 参考文献 来源
located in lysosomal membrane IDA
IDA: 通过直接分析推断
30956113 GOA
located in plasma membrane IDA
IDA: 通过直接分析推断
30956113 GOA
EXP:通过实验结果推断 IDA:通过直接分析推断 IPI:通过物理相互作用推断 IMP:通过突变表型推断 IGI:通过遗传相互作用推断 IEP:通过表达模式推断

TM4SF5 蛋白结构


L6_membrane: L6 membrane protein (1 - 191)

  • 0
  • 100
  • 197 a.a.
蛋白主名 其他名称

transmembrane 4 L6 family member 5

tetraspan transmembrane protein L6H

TM4SF5 蛋白互作信息

蛋白名称 蛋白编号 互作蛋白 互作蛋白种属 互作蛋白编号 实验方法 参考文献
TM4SF5 O14894 AMIGO1 Homo sapiens Q86WK6 32296183
TM4SF5 O14894 AMIGO1 Homo sapiens Q86WK6 32296183
TM4SF5 O14894 AMIGO1 Homo sapiens Q86WK6 32296183
种属间: 跨种属相互作用 种属内: 同种属相互作用


种属 基因名 来源 基因 ID
Rattus norvegicus TM4SF5 RGD RGD:1308709
Bos taurus TM4SF5 VGNC VGNC:35907
Macaca mulatta TM4SF5 VGNC VGNC:99301
Mus musculus TM4SF5 MGD MGI:1922854
Felis catus TM4SF5 VGNC VGNC:99559
Canis familiaris TM4SF5 VGNC VGNC:47410