1. Academic Validation
  2. Synthetic and structure-activity relationship of insecticidal bufadienolides

Synthetic and structure-activity relationship of insecticidal bufadienolides

  • Nat Prod Commun. 2014 Jul;9(7):925-7.
Ace Tatang Hidayat Achmad Zainuddin Danar Dono Wawan Hermawan Hideo Hayashi Unang Supratman
PMID: 25230494

A new synthetic analog of bufadienolide, methyl isobryophyllinate A (1), and a known synthetic analog, methyl isobersaldegenate-1,3,5-orthoacetate (2), were obtained by methanolysis of bryophyllin A (3) and bersaldegenin-1,3,5-orthoacetate (5) in basic solution. Structure-insecticidal activity relationship studies revealed both orthoacetate and alpha-pyrone moieties seemed to be essential structural elements for exhibiting insecticidal activity, whereas oxygenated substituents in the C ring enhanced the insecticidal activity against the third instar larvae of silkworm (Bombyx mori).
