1. Academic Validation
  2. Effect of steviol and its structural analogues on glucose production and oxygen uptake in rat renal tubules

Effect of steviol and its structural analogues on glucose production and oxygen uptake in rat renal tubules

  • Experientia. 1985 Jan 15;41(1):55-7. doi: 10.1007/BF02005871.
N S Yamamoto A M Kelmer Bracht E L Ishii F S Kemmelmeier M Alvarez A Bracht

The effect of several Natural Products of Stevia rebaudiana on glucose production and oxygen uptake in rat renal cortical tubules was investigated. Steviol, isosteviol and glucosilsteviol decreased glucose production and inhibited oxygen uptake. The sweet principle stevioside, and steviolbioside, however, were without effect on gluconeogenesis and oxygen uptake.
