1. Academic Validation
  2. Tetrahedral framework nucleic acid-based small-molecule inhibitor delivery for ecological prevention of biofilm

Tetrahedral framework nucleic acid-based small-molecule inhibitor delivery for ecological prevention of biofilm

  • Cell Prolif. 2024 May 29:e13678. doi: 10.1111/cpr.13678.
Yuhao Liu 1 Kechen Li 1 Weijie Zhuang 1 Lulu Liang 1 2 Xiangyi Chen 1 Dongsheng Yu 1


  • 1 Hospital of Stomatology, Guangdong Provincial Clinical Research Center of Oral Diseases, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Stomatology, Guangdong Key Laboratory for Dental Disease Prevention and Control, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China.
  • 2 Guangzhou Development District Hospital, Chinese Association of Medicinal Biotechnology, Southern Center of Biology Diagnosis and Therapy, Guangzhou, China.

Biofilm formation constitutes the primary cause of various chronic infections, such as wound infections, gastrointestinal inflammation and dental caries. While preliminary achievement of biofilm inhibition is possible, the challenge lies in the difficulty of eliminating the bactericidal effects of current drugs that lead to microbiota imbalance. This study, utilizing in vitro and in vivo models of dental caries, aims to efficiently inhibit biofilm formation without inducing bactericidal effects, even against pathogenic bacteria. The tetrahedral framework nucleic acid (tFNA) was employed as a delivery vector for a small-molecule inhibitor (smI) specifically targeting the activity of glucosyltransferases C (GtfC). It was observed that tFNA loaded smI in a small-groove binding manner, efficiently transferring it into Streptococcus mutans, thereby inhibiting GtfC activity and extracellular polymeric substances formation without compromising Bacterial survival. Furthermore, smI-loaded tFNA demonstrated a reduction in the severity of dental caries in vivo without adversely affecting oral microbial diversity and exhibited desirable topical and systemic biosafety. This study emphasizes the concept of 'ecological prevention of biofilm', which is anticipated to advance the optimization of biofilm prevention strategies and the clinical application of DNA nanocarrier-based drug formulations.

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