1. Academic Validation
  2. (Rp)- and (Sp)-8-piperidino-adenosine 3',5'-(cyclic)thiophosphates discriminate completely between site A and B of the regulatory subunits of cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I and II

(Rp)- and (Sp)-8-piperidino-adenosine 3',5'-(cyclic)thiophosphates discriminate completely between site A and B of the regulatory subunits of cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I and II

  • Eur J Biochem. 1994 May 1;221(3):1089-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1994.tb18828.x.
D Ogreid 1 W Dostmann H G Genieser P Niemann S O Døskeland B Jastorff


  • 1 Center of Molecular Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway.

8-Piperidino-cAMP has been shown to bind with high affinity to site A of the regulatory subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I (AI) whereas it is partially excluded from the homologous site (AII) of isozyme II [Ogreid, D., Ekanger, R., Suva, R. H., Miller, J. P., and Døskeland, S. O. (1989), Eur. J. Biochem. 181, 19-31]. To further increase this selectivity, the (Rp)- and (Sp)-diastereoisomers of 8-piperidino-cAMP[S] were synthesized and analyzed for their potency to inhibit binding of [3H]cAMP to site A and site B from type I (rabbit skeletal muscle) and type II (bovine myocardium) cAMP-dependent protein kinases. (Sp)-8-Piperidino-cAMP[S] showed an enhanced relative affinity for site AI, thus being by far the best A-selective compound (more than 100-fold) tested for this isozyme. In contrast, the (Rp)-isomer was less selective for AI than 8-Piperidino-cAMP itself. The reduction in affinities for BII, compared to 8-piperidino-cAMP, were 10-fold and 50-fold for the (Sp)- and (Rp)-isomer, respectively. Both isomers were almost completely excluded from AII, with affinities about 1000-fold lower than 8-piperidino-cAMP itself. The (Rp)-isomer selected BII with an affinity about 10,000 times higher than for AII, whereas the (Sp)-isomer showed a preference of about 70,000-fold in favour of BII. 8-Piperidino-cAMP as well as its (Sp)-isomer activated both types of holoenzyme protein kinases whereas the (Rp)-isomer acted as an antagonist of cAMP-induced activation. The study concludes that the combination of piperidino- and exocyclic sulfur substitutions generate cAMP analogs that completely discriminate between site A and B of cAMP-dependent protein kinases.

  • Cat. No.
    Product Name
    Research Area
  • HY-137628
    cAMP 诱导激活拮抗剂