1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Metabolic Enzyme/Protease
  3. Glycosidase

Glycosidase (糖苷水解酶)



Glycosidase are a class of enzymes which catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds. In living organisms, Glycosidase are involved in carbohydrate metabolism. They can degrade polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen into monosaccharides, providing energy for cells. Glycosidase also participate in the synthesis and modification of biological macromolecules such as glycoproteins and glycolipids, playing a crucial role in cell recognition and signal transduction. Additionally, in plants and microorganisms, Glycosidase are involved in the metabolism of cell wall polysaccharide components, affecting cell growth, differentiation, and morphogenesis. Gene mutations of Glycosidase can trigger genetic diseases, leading to abnormal metabolism in the body and damage to organ functions. Changes in their activity are associated with various diseases such as diabetes, infectious diseases, and tumors, and can influence the occurrence and development of diseases[1][2].

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-155372
    α-Glucosidase-IN-39 Inhibitor
    α-Glucosidase-IN-39 是 α-glucosidase enzyme 的有效抑制剂,其 IC50 为 869.06 ppm。α-Glucosidase-IN-39 可用于抗糖尿病研究。
  • HY-147965
    α-Glucosidase-IN-10 Inhibitor
    α-Glucosidase-IN-10 (compound 13) 是一种有效的 α-glucosidase 抑制剂,其 IC50 为 92.7 μM。α-Glucosidase-IN-10 可用于 II 型糖尿病的研究。
  • HY-N10439
    3β-Acetoxy-hop-22(29)-ene Inhibitor
    3β-Acetoxy-hop-22(29)-ene (compound 1) 是一种有效的抗炎剂 (anti-inflammatory agent)。 3β-Acetoxy-hop-22(29)-ene 对酵母 α- 葡萄糖苷酶 (α-glucosidase) 表现出较高的抑制活性,IC50 为 5.74 μM。在 12-O- 乙酸十四烷酚 (TPA) 诱导小鼠耳水肿模型中,3β-Acetoxy-hop-22(29)-ene 对髓过氧化物酶 (MPO) 活性的抑制作用呈剂量依赖性,其 IC50 为 0.23 μmol/耳。
  • HY-162893
    SX29 Inhibitor
    SX29 是一种具有口服活性的非竞争性 α-glucosidase 抑制剂,IC50 值为 2.12 μM。SX29 具有降血糖活性,口服 SX29 可以降低糖尿病小鼠的血糖浓度并提高其糖耐量。
  • HY-147976A
    Glucocerebrosidase-IN-1 hydrochloride Inhibitor
    Glucocerebrosidase-IN-1 (compound 11a) hydrochloride 是一种有效的选择性的 GCase 抑制剂,其 IC50 为 29.3 μM,Ki 为 18.5 μM。Glucocerebrosidase-IN-1 可用于戈谢病 (GD) 和帕金森病 (PD) 的研究。
    Glucocerebrosidase-IN-1 hydrochloride
  • HY-N2703
    6β-Hydroxyipolamiide Inhibitor
    6β-Hydroxyipolamiide 可以从 S. jamaicensis 叶的甲醇提取物中分离得到。6β-Hydroxyipolamiide 具有α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性,IC50 值为 539.17 μg/mL。
  • HY-163907
    α-Glucosidase-IN-71 Inhibitor
    α-Glucosidase-IN-71 (Compound 7h) 是一种竞争性 α-葡萄糖苷酶 抑制剂 (IC50: 98.0 µM)。α-Glucosidase-IN-71 可用于研究碳水化合物相关疾病,尤其是 2 型糖尿病。
  • HY-151138
    α-Glucosidase-IN-16 Inhibitor
    α-Glucosidase-IN-16 是一种有效且具有口服活性的 α-葡萄糖苷酶 (α-glucosidase) 抑制剂,IC50 为 3.28 μM。α-Glucosidase-IN-16 可降低链脲佐菌素 (Streptozotocin; HY-13753) 诱导的糖尿病大鼠的血糖水平。具有抗糖尿病活性。
  • HY-126535
    Magnoloside B Inhibitor
    Magnoloside B 是一种 α-glucosidase 抑制剂 (IC50=0.69 mM),可从厚朴茎皮中获得。Magnoloside B 对 MGC-803 和 HepG2 细胞显示出中等的抑制活性,具有研究癌症以及糖尿病的潜力。
    Magnoloside B
  • HY-149533
    α-Glucosidase-IN-34 Inhibitor
    α-Glucosidase-IN-34 (compound 7f) 是有效的 α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂 (IC50: 2.90 μM),可用于 2 型糖尿病和高血糖的研究。
  • HY-135670B
    Glycosidase-IN-2 Inhibitor
    Glycosidase-IN-2 (Compound 20) 是一种氮杂糖类糖苷酶 (glycosidase) 抑制剂。Glycosidase-IN-2 有降血糖活性。
  • HY-N10426
    (+)-Cembrene A Inhibitor
    (+)-Cembrene A (Compound 5) 是一种 α-glucosidase 抑制剂,IC50 为 30.31 μM。(+)-Cembrene A 对人正常肝细胞 (LO2) 无毒性。
    (+)-Cembrene A
  • HY-N1820
    3α-Akebonoic acid Inhibitor
    3α-Akebonoic Acid 是一种 α-glucosidase 抑制剂,IC50 值为 0.035 mM。3α-Akebonoic Acid 具有抗菌活性和细胞毒性。
    3α-Akebonoic acid
  • HY-144124
    5-C-heptyl-DNJ Inhibitor
    5-C-heptyl-DNJ 是一种有效的 GAA 激动剂,Ki 值为 0.0047 μM。5-C-heptyl-DNJ 增加 GAA 活性。
  • HY-168594
    α-Glucosidase/NLRP3-IN-1 Inhibitor
    α-Glucosidase/NLRP3-IN-1 (Compound 8) 是一种 α-glucosidaseNLRP3 的双重抑制剂,对 α-glucosidase 的 IC50 值为 6.6 μM,并在 100 μM 的浓度下抑制多细胞系的 NLRP3。α-Glucosidase/NLRP3-IN-1 显示出神经保护和抗糖尿病特性,可用于相关研究。
  • HY-N10440
    3-Oxo-hop-22(29)-ene Inhibitor
    3-Oxo-hop-22(29)-ene 是一种 yeast α-glucosidase 抑制剂。3-Oxo-hop-22(29)-ene 具有中等的抗克氏锥虫和抗墨西哥利什曼原虫活性。3-Oxo-hop-22(29)-ene 具有微弱的抗炎活性。
  • HY-161421
    α-Glucosidase-IN-61 Inhibitor
    α-Glucosidase-IN-61 (Compd 1j) 是具有竞争性的 α-glucosidase 抑制剂,其 IC50 值为 0.73 μM。α-Glucosidase-IN-61 (Compd 1j) 可用于二型糖尿病研究。
  • HY-134960
    2,3-Indolobetulonic acid Inhibitor
    2,3-Indolobetulonic acid (compound 2) 是一种三萜化合物,是 α-葡萄糖苷酶 (α-glucosidase) 的抑制剂,IC50 为 1.8 µM。
    2,3-Indolobetulonic acid
  • HY-161522
    α-Glucosidase-IN-63 Inhibitor
    α-Glucosidase-IN-63 (Compound 4d) 是 α-Glucosidase 的抑制剂 (IC50=0.44 μM)。 α-Glucosidase-IN-63 对 hCA II 的抑制活性 Ki= 7.0 nM。α-Glucosidase-IN-63 口服有效。
  • HY-161150
    AChE/BChE-IN-17 Inhibitor
    AChE/BChE-IN-17 (compound 8m) 是一种有效的 AChEBChE 抑制剂,具有 IC50 值分别为 125.06 nM 和 119.68 nM。AChE/BChE-IN-17 还可抑制 α-葡萄糖苷酶 (α-glucosidase),IC50 为 41050 nM。
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