1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Metabolic Enzyme/Protease
  3. PANK

PANK (泛酸激酶)

Pantothenate Kinase

泛酸激酶(PanK)负责催化泛酸 (维生素 B5) 与 ATP 反应生成泛酸-4'-磷酸,这是合成辅酶 A (Coenzyme A,CoA) 的第一步。辅酶 A 在多种生物代谢过程中扮演关键角色,如脂肪酸的合成与氧化、复杂脂质的合成以及丙酮酸在柠檬酸循环中的氧化。
哺乳动物中存在四种活性泛酸激酶异构体,PanK1α、PanK1β、PanK2、PanK3,它们由三个不同的基因编码,对 acetyl-CoA 的反馈抑制敏感性各不相同,且分布于不同细胞器。例如 PanK1α 主要位于细胞核,而 PanK2 主要位于线粒体间膜空间。这种特定的亚细胞定位使得泛酸激酶能够在不同的细胞环境中感知和调节 CoA 水平,从而影响脂肪酸氧化和糖异生等重要的能量代谢途径。
泛酸激酶的表达和活性与 CoA 的水平与密切相关,影响着机体代谢调节能力。泛酸激酶功能失调会导致代谢疾病和神经退行性疾病。例如 Pank1 敲除小鼠在禁食时糖异生功能受损,而 Pank2 敲除小鼠表现出不育和运动功能障碍。PanK2 还与功能缺陷与神经变性和脑铁积累疾病 (NBIA) 相关[1]

Pantothenate kinase (PanK) catalyzes the reaction between pantothenate (vitamin B5) and ATP to produce 4'-phosphopantothenate, the first step in the synthesis of coenzyme A (CoA). CoA plays a critical role in numerous metabolic processes, such as the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids, complex lipid synthesis, and the oxidation of pyruvate in the citric acid cycle.
In mammals, there are four active isoforms of pantothenate kinase: PanK1α, PanK1β, PanK2, and PanK3, encoded by three different genes. Each isoform has distinct sensitivities to feedback inhibition by acetyl-CoA and is localized in different cellular compartments. For instance, PanK1α is primarily located in the nucleus, while PanK2 is mainly found in the intermembrane space of mitochondria. This specific subcellular localization allows pantothenate kinase to sense and regulate CoA levels in various cellular environments, thereby influencing critical energy metabolic pathways such as fatty acid oxidation and gluconeogenesis.
The expression and activity of pantothenate kinase are closely linked to CoA levels, affecting the body's metabolic regulation capabilities. Dysfunctions in pantothenate kinase can lead to metabolic diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. For example, Pank1 knockout mice exhibit impaired gluconeogenesis during fasting, and Pank2 knockout mice show infertility and motor dysfunctions. Additionally, PanK2 is associated with functional deficits in neurodegeneration and brain iron accumulation disease (NBIA)[1].

PANK 相关产品 (5):

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-124634
    PZ-2891 Modulator 99.38%
    PZ-2891 是一种可口服,能渗透血脑屏障的泛酸激酶 (PANK) 调节剂。PZ-2891 在高浓度下充当正构抑制剂,在较低亚饱和浓度下充当变构激活剂。PZ-2891 抑制人泛酸激酶 PANK1β,PANK2 和 PANK3,IC50 分别为 40.2 nM,0.7 nM 和 1.3 nM。
  • HY-44170
    Pantothenate kinase-IN-2 Inhibitor ≥98.0%
    Pantothenate kinase-IN-2 是一种有效的 泛酸激酶1/3 (PanK1/3) 抑制剂,其 IC50 分别为 0.14 μM 和 0.36 μM。Pantothenate kinase-IN-2是 PKAN (PanK-相关性神经变性) 和糖尿病研究中很有前景的化合物。
    Pantothenate kinase-IN-2
  • HY-144734
    Pantothenate kinase-IN-1 Inhibitor
    Pantothenate kinase-IN-1 (Compound 1) 是一种泛酸激酶 (pantothenate kinase (PANK)) 调节剂,对 PANK3IC50 值为 0.51 µM。Pantothenate kinase-IN-1 具有合理的配体效率 (LipE = 2.8)
    Pantothenate kinase-IN-1
  • HY-164909
    PZ-3022 是一种具有口服活性的、变构 PanK 激活剂,可抵消 C3-CoA 抑制。PZ-3022 可增加丙酸血症小鼠模型中的肝脏 CoASH 和 C2-CoA,并降低 C3-CoA。PZ-3022 可用于研究丙酸血症中的线粒体缺陷。
  • HY-159509
    Claziprotamidum Modulator
    Claziprotamidum (Claziprotamide) 是一种对泛酰酸激酶 1 和 3 (PanK1 和 PanK3) 的正变构调节剂 (PAM)。