疾病名称 |
别名 |
Tietz Albinism-Deafness Syndrome |
Tietz Syndrome
Albinism-Deafness Of Tietz
Hypopigmentation/Deafness Of Tietz
Tietze'S Syndrome
Costochondral Junction Syndrome
Tietze Syndrome
Hypopigmentation-Deafness Syndrome
Slipping Rib Syndrome
Tietze'S Disease
Chondropathia Tuberosa
Albinism And Complete Nerve Deafness
Tietz'S Syndrome
Hypopigmentation-Hearing Loss Syndrome
Costal Chondritis
Abnormality Of The Costochondral Junction
Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant 8 |
Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant, Susceptibility To, 8
Melanoma And Renal Cell Carcinoma
Melanoma And Renal Cell Carcinoma, Susceptibility To
Mitf-Related Melanoma And Renal Cell Carcinoma Predisposition Syndrome
Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma 8
Susceptibility To Melanoma And Renal Cell Carcinoma
Melanoma, Cutaneous, Malignant, Susceptibility To, Type 8
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 2a |
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2a
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type Iia
Waardenburg Syndrome Without Dystopia Canthorum
Waardenburg Syndrome Type Iia
Waardenburg Syndrome 2a
Coloboma, Osteopetrosis, Microphthalmia, Macrocephaly, Albinism, And Deafness |
Commad Syndrome
Coloboma-Osteopetrosis-Microphthalmia-Macrocephaly-Albinism-Deafness Syndrome
Heterochromia Iridis |
Waardenburg'S Syndrome |
Waardenburg Syndrome
Van Der Hoeve Halbertsma Waardenburg Gualdi Syndrome
Van Der Hoeve Halbertsona Waardenburg Syndrome
Waardenburg Shah Syndrome
Waardenburg, Types I And/Or Ii
Mende Syndrome
Waardenburgs Syndrome
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 4a
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 2e |
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2e
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 2e, With Or Without Neurologic Involvement
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type Iie
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism With Anosmia And Deafness With Or Without Hypopigmentation
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2e With Or Without Neurologic Involvement
Waardenburg Syndrome Type Iie
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism With Anosmia And Deafness, With Or Without Hypopigmentation
Ws2e, With Or Without Neurologic Involvement
Ws2e With Or Without Neurological Involvement
Ws 2
Ws Type 2
Waardenburg Syndrome Type Ii
Waardenburg Syndrome 2e
Kallmann Syndrome And Deafness With Or Without Hypopigmentation
Ws2e With Or Without Neurologic Involvement
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2e, Without Neurologic Involvement
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 4a |
Waardenburg-Shah Syndrome
Shah-Waardenburg Syndrome
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 4a
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 4
Waardenburg Syndrome Type Iva
Waardenburg Syndrome With Hirschsprung Disease Type 4a
Hirschsprung Disease With Pigmentary Anomaly
Waardenburg-Hirschsprung Syndrome
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type Iva
Waardenburg Syndrome With Hirschsprung Disease, Type 4a
Waardenburg-Hirschsprung Disease
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 4
Waardenburg Syndrome 4a
Ear Malformation |
Non-Syndromic Genetic Deafness |
Nonsyndromic Genetic Hearing Loss
Isolated Genetic Deafness
Isolated Genetic Hearing Loss
Non-Syndromic Genetic Hearing Loss
Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss |
Nonsyndromic Deafness
Nonsyndromic Hearing Impairment
Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss And Deafness
Deafness, Nonsyndromic
Isolated Deafness
Rare Genetic Deafness |
Rare Genetic Hearing Loss
Inherited Cancer-Predisposing Syndrome |
Hereditary Cancer-Predisposing Syndrome
Bap1 Tumor Predisposition Syndrome |
Bap1-Related Tumor Predisposition Syndrome
Common Syndrome
Bap1 Cancer Syndrome
Cutaneous/Ocular Melanoma, Atypical Melanocytic Proliferations, And Other Internal Neoplasms
Tumor Predisposition Syndrome
Tumor Susceptibility Linked To Germline Bap1 Mutations
Cutaneous/Ocular Melanoma, Atypical Melanocytic Proliferations, Other Internal Neoplasms
Tumor Predisposition
Microphthalmia |
Isolated Anophthalmia-Microphthalmia Syndrome
Isolated Microphthalmia-Anophthalmia-Coloboma
Simple Microphthalmos
Clinical Anophthalmia
Isolated Anophthalmia - Microphthalmia
Isolated Pure Microphthalmia
Mac Spectrum
Microphthalmia-Anophthalmia-Coloboma Spectrum
Primitive Anophthalmia
Globe Of Eye Small
Small Eyeball
Hypoplasia Of Eye
Isolated Nanophthalmos
Rudimentary Eye
Dysplasia Of Eye
Clear Cell Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma |
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 1 |
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 1
Waardenburg Syndrome Type I
Waardenburg Syndrome With Dystopia Canthorum
Waardenburg'S Syndrome Type 1
Waardenburg Syndrome 1
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type I
Waardenburg Syndrome
Clear Cell Sarcoma |
Sarcoma, Clear Cell
Adult Soft Part Clear Cell Sarcoma
Clear Cell Sarcoma Of Soft Parts
Malignant Melanoma Of Soft Parts
Malignant Melanoma Of Soft Tissues
Melanoma, Malignant, Of Soft Parts
Sarcoma Clear Cell
Osteopetrosis |
Marble Bone Disease
Albers-Schonberg Disease
Marble Bones
Osteopetrosis And Related Disorders
Congenital Osteopetrosis
Marble Bone
Albers-Schoenberg Disease
Albers-Schonberg Osteopetrosis
Osteosclerosis Fragilis
Ivory Bones
Angiomyolipoma |
Melanoma |
Malignant Melanoma
Cutaneous Melanoma
Malignant Melanomas
Renal Cell Carcinoma, Papillary, 1 |
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma
Hereditary Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma, Sporadic
Papillary Renal Cell Adenocarcinoma
Renal Cell Carcinoma, Papillary
Renal Cell Carcinoma, Papillary, 1, Familial And Somatic
Chromophil Carcinoma Of Kidney
Papillary Kidney Carcinoma
Sporadic Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma
Chromophil Renal Cell Carcinoma
Papillary Renal Carcinoma, Malignant -
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma, Bilateral -
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma, Familial -
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma, Multiple -
Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma, Sporadic -
Renal Adenocarcinoma
Chromophil Rcc
Renal Cell Carcinoma Papillary
Chromophilic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Carcinoma, Renal Cell, Papillary, Type 1
Type 1 Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Hereditary Papillary Renal Carcinoma
Pigmentation Disease |
Pigmentation Disorders
Skin Pigmentation Disorder
Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant 1 |
Familial Melanoma
Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant, Susceptibility To, 1
Melanoma, Malignant
Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant
Familial Atypical Mole-Malignant Melanoma Syndrome
Melanoma, Familial
Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome, Hereditary
B-K Mole Syndrome
Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant, 1
Malignant Melanoma, Cutaneous
Melanoma, Cutaneous, Malignant, Susceptibility To, Type 1
Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome
Cutaneous Melanoma
Familial Atypical Mole Melanoma Syndrome
Hereditary Melanoma
Neurofibroma |
Nerve Sheath Tumors
Fibrous Histiocytoma |
Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma
Histiocytoma, Benign Fibrous
Histiocytoma Fibrous
Melanoma In Congenital Melanocytic Nevus |
Malignant Melanoma In Congenital Melanocytic Nevus
Melanocytic Nevi
Nevi Melanocytic
Sensorineural Hearing Loss |
Sensory Hearing Loss
Sensorineural Deafness
Sensorineural Hearing Loss Disorder
Hearing Loss, Sensorineural
Central Hearing Loss
High Frequency Deafness
High Frequency Hearing Loss
High-Frequency Hearing Loss
Perceptive Deafness
Perceptive Hearing Loss
Perceptive Hearing Loss Or Deafness
Hearing Loss Sensorineural
Deafness Sensorineural
Hearing Loss High-Frequency
Hearing Loss, Central
Hearing Loss, High-Frequency
Albinism-Deafness Syndrome |
Albinism Deafness Syndrome
Albinism-Hearing Loss Syndrome
Pycnodysostosis |
Toulouse-Lautrec Syndrome
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 3 |
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 3
Klein-Waardenburg Syndrome
Waardenburg Syndrome With Upper Limb Anomalies
Waardenburg Syndrome Type Iii
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type Iii
White Forelock Syndrome With Multiple Congenital Malformations
Waardenburg Syndrome With Limb Anomalies
Waardenburg Syndrome 3
White Forelock With Malformations
Klein'S Syndrome
Albinism |
Piebald Trait |
Partial Albinism
Albinoidism, Oculocutaneous, Autosomal Dominant
Autosomal Dominant Intellectual Developmental Disorder 19 |
Autosomal Dominant Non-Syndromic Intellectual Disability 19
Autosomal Dominant Mental Retardation 19
Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer Syndrome |
Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer Syndrome
Brca1- And Brca2-Associated Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer
Breast And/Or Ovarian Cancer
Breast And Ovarian Cancer Syndrome
Hboc Syndrome
Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Cancer
Brca1- Brca2-Associated Hboc
Vitiligo-Associated Multiple Autoimmune Disease Susceptibility 1 |
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Vitiligo-Related
Vitiligo-Associated Multiple Autoimmune Disease 1
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Vitiligo-Related
Mastocytosis |
Mast Cell Disease
Mast Cell Hyperplasia
Urticaria Pigmentosa
Malignant Mastocytoma
Malignant Mast Cell Tumours
Malignant Mastocytosis
Ocular Albinism |
Albinism, Ocular
Albinism Ocular
Nodular Malignant Melanoma |
Malignant Spindle Cell Melanoma |
Spindle Cell Melanoma
Desmoplastic Melanoma
Spindle Cell Malignant Melanoma
Spitzoid Malignant Melanoma
Epithelioid Cell Melanoma |
Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumor |
Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Neoplasms
Neoplasm With Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Differentiation
Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma |
Skin Pigmented Basal Cell Carcinoma
Melanoma, Uveal |
Uveal Melanoma
Choroidal Melanoma
Melanoma Of Uvea
Iris Melanoma
Malignant Melanoma Of Choroid
Malignant Melanoma Of Iris
Pendred Syndrome |
Goiter-Deafness Syndrome
Deafness With Goiter
Thyroid Dyshormonogenesis 2b
Autosomal Recessive Sensorineural Hearing Impairment And Goiter
Pendred'S Syndrome
Thyroid Hormonogenesis, Genetic Defect In, 2b
Hypothyroidism, Congenital, Due To Dyshormonogenesis, 2b
Congenital Hypothyroidism Due To Dyshormonogenesis 2b
Genetic Defect In Thyroid Hormonogenesis 2b
Autosomal Recessive Sensorineural Hearing Impairment, Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct, And Goiter
Goiter-Hearing Loss Syndrome
Goitre-Deafness Syndrome
Goitre Deafness
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 2c |
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2c
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type Iic
Waardenburg Syndrome Type Iic
Oculocutaneous Albinism |
Albinism, Oculocutaneous
Albinism Oculocutaneous
Oca - [Oculocutaneous Albinism]
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 4c |
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 4c
Waardenburg Syndrome Type Ivc
Waardenburg Syndrome With Hirschsprung Disease Type 4c
Waardenburg Syndrome With Hirschsprung Disease, Type 4c
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type Ivc
Waardenburg Syndrome 4c
Hirschsprung Disease With Pigmentary Anomaly
Shah-Waardenburg Syndrome
Waardenburg-Shah Syndrome
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 4a
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 2b |
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2b
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type Iib
Waardenburg Syndrome Type Iib
Gallbladder Melanoma |
Malignant Melanoma Of Gallbladder
Acral Lentiginous Melanoma |
Acral Lentiginous Melanoma, Malignant
Malignant Acral Lentiginous Melanoma
Acral Lentiginous Malignant Melanoma Of Skin
Palmar/Plantar Melanoma
Subungual Melanoma
Acral Lentiginous Malignant Melanoma
Perivascular Tumor |
Malignant Perivascular Cancer
Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor |
Malignant Neurilemmoma
Malignant Neurofibroma
Malignant Schwannoma
Neurogenic Sarcoma
Schwannoma, Malignant
Malignant Neoplasm Of The Peripheral Nerve Sheath
Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors
Peripheral Demyelinating Neuropathy, Central Dysmyelination, Waardenburg Syndrome, And Hirschsprung Disease |
Pcwh Syndrome
Neurologic Waardenburg-Shah Syndrome
Waardenburg-Shah Syndrome, Neurologic Variant
Peripheral Demyelinating Neuropathy-Central Dysmyelinating Leukodystrophy-Hirschsprung Disease-Waardenburg Syndrome
Peripheral Demyelinating Neuropathy-Central Dysmyelinating Leukodystrophy-Waardenburg Syndrome-Hirschsprung Disease
Ws4 Plus
Peripheral Demyelinating Neuropathy, Central Dysmyelinating Leukodystrophy, Waardenburg Syndrome And Hirschsprung Disease
Waardenburg-Shah Syndrome Neurologic Variant
Albinism, Ocular, With Late-Onset Sensorineural Deafness |
Ocular Albinism With Sensorineural Deafness
Deafness And Ocular Albinism
Ocular Albinism With Late-Onset Sensorineural Deafness
Albinism, Ocular, With Sensorineural Deafness
Autosomal Recessive Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2 With Ocular Albinism
Digenic Waardenburg Syndrome/Albinism
Digenic Waardenburg Syndrome/Ocular Albinism
Albinism Ocular Late Onset Sensorineural Deafness
Ocular Albinism With Late-Onset Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Waardenburg Syndrome/Ocular Albinism, Digenic
Waardenburg Syndrome/Albinism, Digenic
Ocular Albinism And Sensorineural Deafness
Ochronosis |
Mucosal Melanoma |
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type 2d |
Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2d
Waardenburg Syndrome, Type Iid
Waardenburg Syndrome Type Iid
Waardenburg Syndrome 2d
Amelanotic Melanoma |
Melanoma, Amelanotic
Melanoma Amelanotic
Amelanotic Skin Melanoma
Dowling-Degos Disease 1 |
Reticular Pigment Anomaly Of Flexures
Dowling-Degos Disease
Meningeal Melanoma |
Melanoma Of The Leptomeninges
Leptomeningeal Melanoma
Malignant Leptomeningeal Tumor |
Malignant Leptomeningeal Tumour
Malignant Tumor Of Leptomeninges
Malignant Tumour Of Leptomeninges
Malignant Leptomeningeal Neoplasm
Childhood Kidney Cell Carcinoma |
Pediatric Renal Cell Carcinoma
Childhood Renal Cell Carcinoma
Cowden Syndrome 4 |
Cowden Syndrome, Type 4
Uterus Perivascular Epithelioid Cell Tumor |
Neurilemmoma |
Benign Schwannoma
Peripheral Fibroblastoma
Psammomatous Schwannoma
Epithelioid Type Angiomyolipoma |
Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma
Paraganglioma |
Glomus Body Tumor
Carotid Body Paraganglioma
Extra-Adrenal Paraganglioma
Cutaneous Ganglioneuroma |
Benign Giant Cell Tumor |
Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma |
Alveolar Soft-Part Sarcoma
Sarcoma, Alveolar Soft Part
Alveolar Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Sarcoma Alveolar Soft Part
Adult Alveolar Soft-Part Sarcoma
Childhood Alveolar Soft-Part Sarcoma
Macular Degeneration, Age-Related, 7 |
Age Related Macular Degeneration 7
Macular Degeneration, Age-Related, Neovascular Type
Susceptibility To Neovascular Type Of Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration, Age-Related, Type 7
Hirschsprung Disease 1 |
Hirschsprung Disease
Aganglionic Megacolon
Hirschsprung'S Disease
Congenital Megacolon
Congenital Intestinal Aganglionosis
Colonic Aganglionosis
Hirschsprung Disease, Susceptibility To, 1
Hirschsprung Disease, Protection Against
Pelvirectal Achalasia
Total Intestinal Aganglionosis
Megacolon, Aganglionic
Hscr 1
Hirschsprung Disease Type 1
Hirschsprung Disease, Type 1
Congenital Dilatation Of Colon
Congenital Aganglionic Megacolon
Aganglionosis Of Colon
Bowel Aganglionosis
Colon Aganglionosis
Hirschsprung Megacolon
Large Congenital Melanocytic Nevus |
Giant Pigmented Hairy Nevus
Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevus
Congenital Pigmented Nevus
Giant Congenital Nevus
Bathing Trunk Nevus
Congenital Giant Pigmented Nevus
Congenital Hairy Nevus
Giant Hairy Nevus
Giant Pigmented Nevus
Congenital Giant Pigmented Nevus Of Skin
Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Syndrome
Giant Congenital Melanocytic Nevi
Giant Congenital Pigmented Nevus
Melanocytic Nevus Syndrome, Congenital
Skin Carcinoma |
Skin Cancer
Carcinoma Of Skin
Ca - Skin Cancer
Cancer Of Skin
Malignant Neoplasm Of Skin
Melanoma And Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer
Skin Cancers
Cancer, Skin
Hepatic Angiomyolipoma |
Cutaneous Fibrous Histiocytoma |
Fibrohistiocytic Tumor
Benign Cutaneous Fibrous Histiocytoma
Fibrous Histiocytoma Of Skin
Fibrous Xanthoma Of Skin
Pleomorphic Fibroma
Sclerosing Angioma
Sclerosing Angioma Of Skin
Fibrous Histiocytoma
Kidney Angiomyolipoma |
Angiomyolipoma Of Kidney
Renal Angiomyolipoma
Vascular Cancer |
Blood Vessel Tumors
Malignant Vascular Neoplasm
Renal Vein Leiomyosarcoma
Vascular Neoplasms
Blood Vessel Neoplasm
Blood Vessel Tumor
Blood Vessel Tumour Disorder
Haemangiomatous Tumour
Leiomyosarcoma Of The Renal Vein
Malignant Great Vessel Tumor
Malignant Tumor Of Pulmonary Artery
Malignant Tumor Of Pulmonary Vein
Malignant Vascular Tumor
Neoplasm Of Great Vessel
Pulmonary Artery Malignant Neoplasm
Pulmonary Vein Malignant Neoplasm
Vascular Tissue Neoplasm
Vascular Tumors
Blood Vessel Cancer
Neoplasms, Vascular Tissue
Malignant Neoplasm Of Great Vessels
Keratosis, Seborrheic |
Seborrheic Keratosis
Keratosis, Seborrheic, Somatic
Basal Cell Papilloma
Keratosis Seborrheica
Renal Cell Carcinoma, Nonpapillary |
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Nonpapillary Renal Cell Carcinoma
Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Adenocarcinoma Of Kidney
Renal Carcinoma, Chromophobe, Somatic
Clear Cell Carcinoma Of Kidney
Clear-Cell Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Clear Cell Renal Carcinoma
Renal Cell Carcinoma, Somatic
Conventional Renal Cell Carcinoma
Conventional Renal Cell Carcinoma
Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma
Hereditary Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Carcinoma, Renal Cell
Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell, Somatic
Renal Cell Carcinoma, Clear Cell
Clear Cell Kidney Carcinoma
Clear Cell Rcc
Cystic-Multilocular Variant
Clear Cell Renal Cell Adenocarcinoma
Hereditary Clear Cell Renal Cell Adenocarcinoma
Common Renal Cell Carcinoma
Renal Cell Carcinoma Non-Papillary
Carcinoma Renal Cell
Renal Cell Cancer
Carcinoma, Renal Cell, Nonpapillary
Skin Melanoma |
Cutaneous Melanoma
Malignant Ear Melanoma
Malignant Lip Melanoma
Malignant Lower Limb Melanoma
Malignant Melanoma Of Ear And/Or External Auricular Canal
Malignant Melanoma Of Skin Of Lower Limb
Malignant Melanoma Of Skin Of Trunk Except Scrotum
Malignant Melanoma Of Skin Of Upper Limb
Malignant Neck Melanoma
Malignant Scalp Melanoma
Malignant Trunk Melanoma
Malignant Upper Limb Melanoma
Melanoma, Cutaneous Malignant
Malignant Melanoma Of Skin
Melanoma Nos
Malignant Mole, Meaning Melanoma Of Unspecified Site
Melanoma Of Unspecified Site
Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma
Mm - [Malignant Melanoma]
Spinal Cord Melanoma |
Melanoma Of The Spinal Cord
Pheochromocytoma |
Pheochromocytoma, Susceptibility To
Adrenal Gland Chromaffin Paraganglioma
Adrenal Gland Chromaffinoma
Adrenal Gland Paraganglioma
Adrenal Gland Pheochromocytoma
Chromaffin Paraganglioma Of The Adrenal Gland
Intraadrenal Paraganglioma
Chromaffin Cell Tumor
Medullary Chromaffinoma
Medullary Paraganglioma
Chromaffin Cell Neoplasm
Pheochromocytoma, Malignant
Cervix Melanoma |
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease |
Hereditary Motor And Sensory Neuropathy
Cmt - Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Hereditary Neuropathy
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Syndrome
Peroneal Muscular Atrophy
Hereditary Motor And Sensory Neuropathies
Ocular Melanoma |
Intraocular Melanoma
Uveal Melanoma
Eye Melanoma
Melanoma Of Eye
Melanoma Of The Uvea
Malignant Melanoma Of Eye
Skin Disease |
Skin Diseases
Abnormality Of The Skin
Skin Diseases, Genetic
Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue Disease
Dermatologic Disorders
Uveal Disease |
Coloboma Of Macula |
Congenital Ocular Coloboma
Microphthalmia, Isolated, With Coloboma
Agenesis Of Macula
Hereditary Macular Coloboma
Ocular Coloboma
Coloboma Of Eye
Macular Coloboma
Uveoretinal Coloboma
Eye Disease |
Eye Diseases
Abnormality Of The Eye
Toxoplasma Oculopathy
Fundus Dystrophy |
Retinal Dystrophy
Retinal Dystrophies
Dystrophy, Retinal
Nervous System Disease |
Abnormality Of The Nervous System
Nervous System Diseases
Nervous System Disorder
Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Rod-Cone Dystrophy
Autosomal Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa
Non-Syndromic Retinitis Pigmentosa
Pericentral Pigmentary Retinopathy
Pigmentary Retinopathy
Tapetoretinal Degeneration
Retinitis Pigmentosa Autosomal Recessive
Retinitis Pigmentosa, Autosomal Recessive
Retinitis Pigmentosa 1