1. Academic Validation
  2. Pharmacological properties of BN82451: a novel multitargeting neuroprotective agent

Pharmacological properties of BN82451: a novel multitargeting neuroprotective agent

  • CNS Drug Rev. 2007 Fall;13(3):317-32. doi: 10.1111/j.1527-3458.2007.00018.x.
Pierre Etienne Chabrier 1 Michel Auguet


  • 1 Ipsen; Institut Henri Beaufour, Les Ulis, France. pierreet.chabrier@ipsen.com

BN82451 belongs to a new family of small molecules designated as multitargeting or hybrid molecules. BN82451 is orally active, has good central nervous system penetration, and elicits potent neuronal protection and antiinflammatory properties. Neuronal protection is due to Na+ channel blockade, antioxidant properties, and mitochondria-protecting activity, whereas inhibition of cyclooxygenases is mostly responsible for its antiinflammatory activity. BN82451 has been shown to exert a potent neuroprotective effect in various in vitro and in vivo animal models. BN82451 was found to exert a significant protection in experimental animal models mimicking aspects of cerebral ischemia, Parkinson disease, Huntington disease, and more particularly amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Collectively, its pharmacological properties designate BN82451 as a promising neuroprotective agent.
