1. Academic Validation
  2. Helicusin E, isochromophilone X and isochromophilone XI: new chloroazaphilones produced by the fungus Bartalinia robillardoides strain LF550

Helicusin E, isochromophilone X and isochromophilone XI: new chloroazaphilones produced by the fungus Bartalinia robillardoides strain LF550

  • Mar Drugs. 2013 Mar 12;11(3):800-16. doi: 10.3390/md11030800.
Nils Jansen 1 Birgit Ohlendorf Arlette Erhard Torsten Bruhn Gerhard Bringmann Johannes F Imhoff


  • 1 Kiel Centre for Marine Natural Products at the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research (GEOMAR), Kiel 24106, Germany. jimhoff@geomar.de

Microbial studies of the Mediterranean Sponge Tethya aurantium led to the isolation of the fungus Bartalinia robillardoides strain LF550. The strain produced a number of secondary metabolites belonging to the chloroazaphilones. This is the first report on the isolation of chloroazaphilones of a Fungal strain belonging to the genus Bartalinia. Besides some known compounds (helicusin A (1) and deacetylsclerotiorin (2)), three new chloroazaphilones (helicusin E (3); isochromophilone X (4) and isochromophilone XI (5)) and one new pentaketide (bartanolide (6)) were isolated. The structure elucidations were based on spectroscopic analyses. All isolated compounds revealed different biological activity spectra against a test panel of four bacteria: three fungi; two tumor cell lines and two Enzymes.
