1. Academic Validation
  2. Mitochondria-targeted betulinic and ursolic acid derivatives: synthesis and anticancer activity

Mitochondria-targeted betulinic and ursolic acid derivatives: synthesis and anticancer activity

  • Medchemcomm. 2017 Sep 13;8(10):1934-1945. doi: 10.1039/c7md00248c.
Darya A Nedopekina 1 Rinat R Gubaidullin 1 Victor N Odinokov 1 Polina V Maximchik 2 Boris Zhivotovsky 2 3 Yuriy P Bel'skii 4 Veniamin A Khazanov 4 Arina V Manuylova 4 Vladimir Gogvadze 2 3 Anna Yu Spivak 1


  • 1 Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis , Russian Academy of Sciences , 141 prosp. Oktyabrya , Ufa 450075 , Russian Federation . Email: spivak.ink@gmail.com.
  • 2 Faculty of Fundamental Medicine , MV Lomonosov Moscow State University , 11999 Moscow , Russia . Email: vlad_gogvadze@rambler.ru.
  • 3 Division of Toxicology , Institute of Environmental Medicine , Karolinska Institutet , Box 210 , 17177 Stockholm , Sweden.
  • 4 Innovative Pharmacology Research (IPHAR) , 79/4 Elizarova , Tomsk 634021 , Russian Federation.

A series of new betulinic and ursolic acid conjugates with a lipophilic triphenylphosphonium cation, meant to enhance the bioavailability and mitochondriotropic action of natural Triterpenes, have been synthesized. The in vitro experiments on three human Cancer cell lines (MCF-7, HCT-116 and TET21N) revealed that all the obtained triphenylphosphonium triterpene acid derivatives not only showed higher cytotoxicity as compared to betulinic acid but were also markedly superior in triggering mitochondria-dependent Apoptosis, as assessed using a range of Apoptosis markers such as cytochrome c release, stimulation of Caspase-3 activity, and cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, which is one of the targets of Caspase 3. The IC50 was much lower for all triphenylphosphonium derivatives when compared to betulinic acid. Out of the tested group of conjugates, the most potent toxicity was exhibited by the betulinic acid conjugate 9 (for 9, the IC50 values against MCF-7 and TET21N cells were 0.70 μM and 0.74 μM; for betulinic acid (BA), IC50 > 25 μM against MCF-7 cells).
