1. Academic Validation
  2. Antithrombotic activity of BN 50341, a structurally new compound with anticalcic and PAF-antagonistic properties

Antithrombotic activity of BN 50341, a structurally new compound with anticalcic and PAF-antagonistic properties

  • Agents Actions Suppl. 1986:20:259-66.
A Etienne N Baroggi R Andries F Clostre A Esanu R Bourgain P Braquet
PMID: 3468781

BN 50341, a new benzazepine derivative, which has been shown to possess a mild anticalcic activity decreased (oral or i.v. administration) and also totally reversed (local superfusion) the in vivo electrically induced thrombus formation in rat or guinea-pig artery. These effects of BN 50341 were correlated with an inhibition of PAF-acether- and thrombin-induced platelet activation since it decreased free cytoplasmic calcium mobilization measured on cells loaded with the fluorescent probe Quin 2. Taking into account the beneficial effects of BN 50341 on vascular spasm as well as on the early stage of the process of white thrombus formation, this drug could be of therapeutic interest.
