1. Academic Validation
  2. [Pharmacological studies of a new antitussive, 1-phenethyl-4-hydroxy-salicylamido-4-methyl-piperidine-hydrochloride (S 1592) (author's transl)]

[Pharmacological studies of a new antitussive, 1-phenethyl-4-hydroxy-salicylamido-4-methyl-piperidine-hydrochloride (S 1592) (author's transl)]

  • Arzneimittelforschung. 1976 Apr;26(4):516-23.
J Duhault F Tisserand G Regnier
PMID: 989005

1-Phenethyl-4-hydroxy-salicylamido-4-methylpiperidine-hydrochloride (S 1592) markedly inhibits coughing induced in laboratory Animals by chemical or mechanical irritation of respiratory tract or by electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve. The drug has low acute toxicity in mice and rats. The new compound possesses bronchodilating and antianaphylactic properties and does not affect gastrointestinal propulsion. Cardiovascular effects are absent.
