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  2. Protocols
  3. 细胞生物学专题
  4. 细胞毒性试验


Cytotoxicity tests are used to evaluate the harmful effects of substances on cells. Common methods include MTT, LDH release and apoptosis detection, etc. To evaluate toxicity by measuring parameters such as cell survival, membrane integrity and cell death. These tests are widely used in drug screening, chemical safety assessment, and environmental toxicology studies. Cytotoxicity tests can provide important information for understanding the potential harm of substances to organisms and help develop safety standards and protective measures.


  • 细胞毒性检测通常基于对细胞膜损伤的评估,也可通过测量细胞活力来间接获知。检测方法包括但不限于 MTT 检测法,CKK-8 检测法,LDH 检测法或 ATP 检测法。