1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Metabolic Enzyme/Protease
  3. FXR

FXR (法尼酯X受体)


Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor belonging to the nuclear receptor superfamily. FXR regulates the expression of various genes by binding to DNA either as a monomer or a heterodimer with the common partner for NRs, retinoid x receptor (RXR), to FXR response elements. Two known FXR genes exist, the FXRα and FXRβ.

FXR is mainly expressed in liver and small intestine, where it plays an important role in bile acid, lipid, and glucose metabolism. FXR affects several metabolic pathways through its specific target genes, regulating bile acid (BA) synthesis and homeostasis, glucose and lipid metabolism, also exhibiting a crucial role in intestinal bacterial growth and liver regeneration.

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-163436
    F44-A13 Inhibitor
    F44-A13 是一种具有口服活性、高选择性的 farnesoid X receptor (FXR) 拮抗剂,IC50 值为 1.1 μM。F44-A13 通过诱导 CYP7A1 的表达,能优化胆固醇代谢并降低其活性。F44-A13 能降低小鼠模型中胆固醇、甘油三酯和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 (LDL-C) 的水平。F44-A13 可用于伴有脂质紊乱的代谢性疾病的研究。
  • HY-114392
    Gly-β-MCA Inhibitor 99.74%
    Gly-β-MCA 是一种胆汁酸,是有效的、稳定的、肠特异性的以及具有口服生物活性的法尼酯X受体 (FXR) 抑制剂,可用于代谢障碍的研究。
  • HY-13995A
    Sevelamer hydrochloride


    Inhibitor ≥98.0%
    Sevelamer 盐酸盐一种口服有效的磷酸盐结合试剂,用于慢性肾病高磷血症的研究。Sevelamer 盐酸盐由聚烯丙胺与环氧氯丙烷交联而成。
    Sevelamer hydrochloride
  • HY-13995


  • HY-151959
    FXR agonist 4 Inhibitor
    FXR agonist 4 (compound 10a) 是法尼酯 X 受体 (FXR) 激动剂,EC50 值为 1.05 μM。FXR agonist 4 有效改善 DIO 小鼠高脂血症、肝脏脂肪变性、胰岛素抵抗和肝脏炎症。FXR agonist 4 可用于非酒精性脂肪性肝病 (NAFLD) 的研究。
    FXR agonist 4
  • HY-163466
    FXR agonist 7 Inhibitor
    FXR agonist 7 (compound 33) 是 FXR 的有效激动剂,EC50 为 0.1 nM。FXR agonist 7 在肠道内分布较高,具有良好的抗炎活性。
    FXR agonist 7
目录号 产品名 / 同用名 应用 反应物种