疾病名称 |
别名 |
Alzheimer Disease 4 |
Alzheimer Disease-4
Alzheimer'S Disease 4
Alzheimer Disease, Familial, 4
Alzheimer Disease, Familial4
Alzheimer'S Disease 4, Early Onset
Alzheimer Disease, Type 4
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, 1v |
Dilated Cardiomyopathy 1v
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated 1v
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated, Type 1v
Early-Onset, Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer Disease |
Familial Alzheimer Disease
Early-Onset Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer Disease
Early-Onset Familial Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer'S Disease, Familial
Familial Isolated Dilated Cardiomyopathy |
Familial Or Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Huntington Disease-Like Syndrome |
Huntington Disease-Like Syndromes
Huntington'S Disease Phenocopies
Huntington'S Disease Phenocopy Syndromes
Huntington'S Disease-Like Syndromes
Huntington Disease Phenocopy Syndrome
Dilated Cardiomyopathy |
Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Primary Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Congestive Cardiomyopathy
Idiopathic Dilation Cardiomyopathy
Primary Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Dilated
Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Familial
Hypokinetic Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Familial
Familial Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy, Familial Idiopathic
Idiopathic Cardiomegaly
Dilated Congestive Cardiomyopathy
Chronic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Ccm - [Congestive Cardiomyopathy]
Cocm - [Congestive Cardiomyopathy]
Dcm - [Dilated Cardiomyopathy]
Dilated-Hypokinetic Cardiomyopathy
Congestive Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy
Primary Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Dementia |
Presenile Dementia
Alzheimer Type Dementia
Alzheimer Sclerosis
Alzheimer Disease Dementia
Alzheimer Dementia
Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia
End Stage Alzheimer'S Dementia
Alzheimer'S Type Atypical Dementia
Alzheimer Type Presenile Dementia
Early Onset Alzheimer Dementia
Dementia In Alzheimer Disease Type 2
Dementia In Alzheimer Disease With Early Onset
Early Onset Alzheimer Type Dementia, Uncomplicated
Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia, Early Onset
Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia, Presenile Onset, Uncomplicated
Alzheimer Disease Dementia With Early Onset
Presenile Sclerosis
Presenile Brain Sclerosis
Presenile Alzheimer Brain Sclerosis
Late Onset Alzheimer Dementia
Dementia In Alzheimer Disease Type 1
Dementia In Alzheimer Disease With Late Onset
Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia, Late Onset
Sdat - [Senile Dementia, Alzheimer Type]
Alzheimer Disease Dementia With Late Onset
Late Onset Alzheimer Brain Sclerosis
Senile Alzheimer Brain Disease
Senile Alzheimer Brain Sclerosis
Senile Primary Degenerative Alzheimer Type Dementia
Senile Dementia Of The Alzheimer Type
Arteriosclerotic Dementia
Strategic-Infarct Dementia
Post Stroke Dementia
Vascular Cognitive Impairment
Vascular Dementia
Dementia Of The Lewy Body Type
Dementia With Lewy Bodies
Sdlt - [Senile Dementia Of The Lewy Body Type]
Senile Dementia Of The Lewy Body Type
Alcohol-Related Dementia
Alcoholic Dementia Nos
Alcohol-Induced Dementia
Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
Chronic Alcoholic Brain Syndrome
Alcohol Dementia
Late Onset Alcoholic Psychosis
Residual And Late-Onset Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder
Mental And Behavioural Disorders Due To Use Of Sedatives Or Hypnotics, Residual And Late-Onset Psychotic Disorder
Late-Onset Psychoactive Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder
Inhalant Dementia
Volatile Solvents Dementia
Dementia In Paralysis Agitans
Pdd - [Parkinson Disease Dementia]
Dementia Syndrome Of Parkinson Disease
Dementia In Parkinson Disease
Parkinson Related Dementia
Dementia In Huntington Chorea
Hiv - [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] Dementia
Hiv- [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] Associated Cognitive Motor Complex
Hiv- [Human Immunodeficiency Virus] Associated Dementia Complex
Aids - [Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome] Dementia Complex
Aids Related Dementia
Dementia Due To Niacin Deficiency
Alzheimer Disease 3 |
Alzheimer Disease, Type 3
Alzheimer Disease, Type 3, With Spastic Paraparesis And Apraxia
Alzheimer Disease, Type 3, With Spastic Paraparesis And Unusual Plaques
Alzheimer'S Disease 3
Alzheimer Disease, Familial, 3, With Spastic Paraparesis And Apraxia
Alzheimer Disease 3, Early-Onset
Alzheimer Disease, Familial, 3
Alzheimer Disease, Protection Against, Due To Apoe3-Christchurch
Alzheimer Disease 3, Early Onset
Alzheimer Disease Familial 3
Early-Onset Familial Alzheimer Disease 3
Familial Alzheimer Disease 3
Familial Alzheimer Disease 3 With Spastic Paraparesis And Apraxia
Familial Alzheimer Disease 3 With Spastic Paraparesis And Unusual Plaques
Alzheimer Disease, Familial, 3, With Spastic Paraparesis And Unusual Plaques
Alzheimer Disease, Familial, Type 3
Simultanagnosia |
Visual Agnosia |
Frontotemporal Dementia |
Pallidopontonigral Degeneration
Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration
Semantic Dementia
Frontotemporal Lobe Dementia
Multiple System Tauopathy With Presenile Dementia
Dementia, Frontotemporal
Frontotemporal Dementia With Parkinsonism
Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration With Tau Inclusions
Ftld With Tau Inclusions
Dementia, Frontotemporal, With Parkinsonism
Disinhibition-Dementia-Parkinsonism-Amyotrophy Complex
Wilhelmsen-Lynch Disease
Dementia, Frontotemporal, With Or Without Parkinsonism
Semantic Primary Progressive Aphasia
Semantic Variant Ppa
Wilhemsen-Lynch Disease
Frontotemporal Dementia-Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Frontotemporal Dementia And Parkinsonism Linked To Chromosome 17
Pick Complex
Pick Disease Of The Brain
Frontotemporal Dementia With Parkinsonism-17
Grn-Related Frontotemporal Dementia
Frontotemporal Dementia With Motor Neuron Disease
Dementia In Fronto-Temporal Lobar Degeneration
Ftd - [Frontotemporal Dementia]
Temple Dementia
Frontal Lobe Dementia
Alzheimer Disease, Familial, 1 |
Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer'S Disease
Presenile And Senile Dementia
Alzheimer Disease, Susceptibility To
Alzheimer Disease, Late-Onset, Susceptibility To
Alzheimer Disease 1, Familial
Familial Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimer Disease, Late-Onset
Alzheimers Dementia
Alzheimer Dementia
Alzheimer Sclerosis
Alzheimer Syndrome
Alzheimer-Type Dementia
Primary Senile Degenerative Dementia
Alzheimer Disease 1
Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer Disease
Early-Onset Alzheimer Disease With Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Late Onset Alzheimer Disease
Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimer Disease, Early-Onset, With Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Late-Onset Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimer'S Disease Pathway Kegg
Dementia Due To Alzheimer'S Disease
Alzheimer Disease Type 1
Amyloidosis |
Amyloid Disease
Amyloid Degeneration
Amyloidosis Nos
Amyloid Deposition
Amyloid Infiltration
Idiopathic Amyloidosis
Hyaloid Degeneration
Lardaceous Degeneration
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Cst3-Related |
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis
Hereditary Cystatin C Amyloid Angiopathy
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Familial
Amyloidosis, Cerebroarterial, Icelandic Type
Amyloidosis Vi
Cerebral Hemorrhage, Hereditary, With Amyloidosis
Cst3-Related Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Cerebral Hemorrhage, Hereditary, With Amyloidosis, Icelandic Variant
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis, Icelandic Variant
Caa, Familial
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Genetic
Acys Amyloidosis
Cst3-Related Amyloidosis
Cystatin Amyloidosis
Hchwa, Icelandic Type
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis, Icelandic Type
Amyloidosis 6
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Cst3-Related
Cerebroarterial Amyloidosis Icelandic Type
Cystatin C Amyloidosis
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis Icelandic Type
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Familial
Angiopathy, Amyloid, Cerebral, Cst3-Related
Hereditary Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Icelandic Type
Familial Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Hereditary
Gerstmann Syndrome |
Aphasia-Angular Gyrus Syndrome
Developmental Gerstmann Syndrome
Gerstmann Badal Syndrome
Gerstmann Tetrad
Gerstmann'S Syndrome
Developmental Gerstmann'S Syndrome
Shipyard Eye |
Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis
Acute Conjunctivitis |
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, App-Related |
Amyloidosis, Cerebroarterial, App-Related
Amyloidosis, Hereditary, With Cerebral Hemorrhage, Dutch Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, App-Related, Dutch Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, App-Related, Iowa Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, App-Related, Italian Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, App-Related, Flemish Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, App-Related, Arctic Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Dutch, Italian, Iowa, Flemish, Arctic Variants
App-Related Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Abetaa21g Amyloidosis
Abeta Amyloidosis, Italian Type
Abeta Amyloidosis, Arctic Type
Abeta Amyloidosis, Iowa Type
Abeta Amyloidosis, Dutch Type
Abeta Amyloidosis, Flemish Type
Abetaa21g-Related Amyloidosis
Hchwa, Flemish Type
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis, Flemish Type
Abetae22k Amyloidosis
Hchwa, Italian Type
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis, Italian Type
Abetae22g Amyloidosis
Hchwa, Arctic Type
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis, Arctic Type
Abetad23n Amyloidosis
Hchwa, Iowa Type
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis, Iowa Type
Abetal34v Amyloidosis
Abeta Amyloidosis, Piedmont Type
Abetal34v-Related Amyloidosis
Hchwa, Piedmont Type
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis, Piedmont Type
Abetae22q Amyloidosis
Hchwa, Dutch Type
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis, Dutch Type
Amyloidosis Cerebroarterial App-Related
Amyloidosis Hereditary With Cerebral Hemorrhage Dutch Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy App-Related Arctic Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy App-Related Dutch Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy App-Related Flemish Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy App-Related Iowa Variant
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy App-Related Italian Variant
Familial Occipital Calcifications With Hemorrhagic Strokes Leukoencephalopathy Arterial Dysplasia Dementia
Hereditary Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Dutch Type
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis Dutch Type
Hereditary Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis Italian Type
Cerebral Hemorrhage With Amyloidosis, Hereditary, Dutch Type
Apperceptive Agnosia |
Ideomotor Apraxia |
Apraxia, Ideomotor
Classic Apraxia
Ideomotor Dyspraxia
Limb-Kinetic Apraxia
Transcortical Apraxia
Speech And Communication Disorders |
Language Disorder
Communication Disorder
Language Disorders
Communication Disorders
Speech Language Disorder
Speech-Language Disorder
Communication Impairment
Speech And Language Disorder
Pharyngoconjunctival Fever |
Pharyngo-Conjunctival Fever
Adenoviral Pharyngoconjunctivitis
Adenovirus Infections, Human
Alexia |
Dyslexia, Acquired
Acquired Dyslexia
Tactile Agnosia |
Subjective Cognitive Decline |
Mild Cognitive Impairment |
Anosognosia |
Agraphia |
Chromosomal Duplication Syndrome |
Prosopagnosia |
Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis |
Viral Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis, Acute Hemorrhagic
Apollo Disease
Epidemic Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis
Viral Conjunctiva Disorder
Viral Conjunctivitis Nos
Prion Disease |
Spongiform Encephalopathy
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
Prion Diseases
Prion Disease Pathway
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy
Prion Induced Disorder
Prion Protein Disease
Inherited Human Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
Prion Protein Diseases
Prion-Associated Disorders
Prion-Induced Disorders
Transmissible Dementias
Human Prion Disease
Encephalopathy, Transmissible Spongiform
Prion Disease, Susceptibility To
Spongiform Encephalopathies
Human Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, Inherited
Gerstmann-Straussler Disease |
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Disease
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome
Prion Dementia
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Prnp-Related
Cerebellar Ataxia, Progressive Dementia, And Amyloid Deposits In Cns
Amyloidosis, Cerebral, With Spongiform Encephalopathy
Subacute Spongiform Encephalopathy, Gerstmann-Straussler Type
Encephalopathy, Subacute Spongiform, Gerstmann-Straussler Type
Amyloidosis Cerebral With Spongiform Encephalopathy
Cerebellar Ataxia, Progressive Dementia, And Amyloid Deposits In The Central Nervous System
Encephalopathy Subacute Spongiform Gerstmann-Straussler Type
Gerstmann Straussler Scheinker Syndrome
Cerebral Amyloidosis With Spongiform Encephalopathy
Subacute Spongiform Encephalopathy Gerstmann-Straussler Type
Gluthathione Synthetase Deficiency
Gerstmann Straussler Syndrome
Nominal Aphasia |
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Itm2b-Related, 1 |
Dementia, Familial British
Presenile Dementia With Spastic Ataxia
Familial British Dementia
Abri Amyloidosis
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, British Type
Itm2b-Related Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy 1
Familial Dementia, British Type
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Itm2b-Related 1
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy British Type
Dementia, Familial, British
Dyscalculia |
Disorder Of Arithmetical Skills
Mathematics Disorder
Developmental Arithmetic Disorder
Fatal Familial Insomnia |
Insomnia, Fatal Familial
Familial Fatal Insomnia
Insomnia Familial Fatal
Insomnia Fatal Familial
Insomnia, Fatal, Familial
Ffi - [Fatal Familial Insomnia]
Polycystic Lipomembranous Osteodysplasia With Sclerosing Leukoencephalopathy 1 |
Nasu-Hakola Disease
Polycystic Lipomembranous Osteodysplasia With Sclerosing Leukoencephalopathy
Presenile Dementia With Bone Cysts
Dementia, Prefrontal, With Bone Cysts
Dementia, Progressive, With Lipomembranous Polycystic Osteodysplasia
Brain-Bone-Fat Disease
Progressive Dementia With Lipomembranous Polycystic Osteodysplasia
Brain-Bone-Fat Disease
Writing Disorder |
Breast Cancer |
Breast Carcinoma
Male Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer, Familial
Malignant Neoplasm Of Breast
Breast Cancer, Susceptibility To
Breast Cancer, Early-Onset
Malignant Tumor Of Breast
Carcinoma Of Male Breast
Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal
Breast Cancer, Protection Against
Breast Cancer, Somatic
Breast Cancer, Male
Breast Cancer, Lobular, Somatic
Breast Tumor
Mammary Cancer
Mammary Tumor
Malignant Neoplasm Of Male Breast
Mammary Carcinoma
Male Breast Carcinoma
Familial Cancer Of Breast
Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma
Breast Cancer Susceptibility
Breast Cancer, Male, Susceptibility To
Breast Cancer, Early-Onset, Susceptibility To
Malignant Tumor Of The Breast
Mammary Neoplasm
Primary Breast Cancer
Neoplasm Of Male Breast
Carcinoma Of Breast
Breast Cancer In Men
Familial Breast Cancer
Cancer Of Breast
Breast Cancer Familial
Breast Cancer Familial Male
Breast Cancer, Familial Male
Breast Male Carcinoma
Breast Neoplasms
Breast Neoplasms, Male
Mammary Tumors
Mammary Carcinomas
Cancer, Breast
Cancer, Breast, Susceptibility
Invasive Breast Ductal Carcinoma
Breast Neoplasm
Susceptibility To Breast Cancer
Mammary Neoplasms
Animal Mammary Neoplasms
Primary Malignant Neoplasm Of Breast
Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma Of Breast
Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma Of Unspecified Site
Infiltrating Ductular Carcinoma Of Unspecified Site
Invasive Breast Carcinoma Of No Special Type
Microinvasive Carcinoma Of Breast
Carcinoma With Apocrine Differentiation
Kuru |
Kuru, Susceptibility To
Kuru Encephalopathy
Kuru Encephalitis
Kuru Disease
Dementia, Lewy Body |
Lewy Body Dementia
Lewy Body Disease
Diffuse Lewy Body Disease
Dementia With Lewy Bodies
Autosomal Dominant Diffuse Lewy Body Disease
Cortical Lewy Body Disease
Dementia, Lewy Body, Susceptibility To
Lewy Body Dementia, Susceptibility To
Senile Dementia Of The Lewy Body Type
Dementia Of The Lewy Body Type
Diffuse Lewy Body Disease With Gaze Palsy
Dysphasic Dementia Hereditary
Lewy Body Type Senile Dementia
Lewy Body Variant Of Alzheimer Disease
Lewy Bodies
Lewy Body
Dlbd - [Diffuse Lewy Body Disease]
Clbd - [Cortical Lewy Body Disease]
Pick Disease Of Brain |
Pick Disease
Pick'S Disease
Pick Disease Of The Brain
Lobar Atrophy Of Brain
Dementia With Lobar Atrophy And Neuronal Cytoplasmic Inclusions
Behavioral Variant Of Frontotemporal Dementia
Dementia In Pick'S Disease
Lobar Atrophy Of The Brain
Picks Disease
Aphasia |
Vascular Dementia |
Dementia, Vascular
Multi Infarct Dementia
Multifocal Dementia
Dementia Vascular
Vascular Dementia, Susceptibility To
Dementia, Multi-Infarct
Multi-Infarct Dementia
Amnestic Disorder |
Amnestic Syndrome
Korsakoff'S Psychosis Or Syndrome
Amnesic Syndrome
Amnestic Disorder In Conditions Classified Elsewhere
Korsakoff Psychosis Or Syndrome, Nonalcoholic
Nonalcoholic Organic Amnesic Syndrome
Organic Amnesic Syndrome
Alzheimer'S Disease 1 |
Alzheimer Disease Type 1
Alzheimer'S Disease 1, Early Onset
Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive, 1 |
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Steele-Richardson-Olszewski Syndrome
Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive
Progressive Supranuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Familial Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Richardson'S Syndrome
Psp Syndrome
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy 1
Supranuclear Palsy Progressive
Ophthalmoplegia, Supranuclear, Progressive
Steele-Richardson-Olszewksi Syndrome
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus |
Low Pressure Hydrocephalus
Hydrocephalus Normal Pressure
Hydrocephalus, Normal Pressure
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Nos
Nph - [Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus]
Normal Pressure Hydrocephaly
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 12b |
Chromosomal Disease |
Chromosomal Disorders
Congenital Chromosomal Disease
Disease Of Mental Health |
Mental Health
Mental Disorders
Parkinson Disease, Late-Onset |
Parkinson Disease
Parkinson'S Disease
Parkinson Disease, Susceptibility To
Late Onset Parkinson'S Disease
Late Onset Parkinson Disease
Paralysis Agitans
Primary Parkinsonism
Idiopathic Parkinson Disease
Parkinson Disease, Late-Onset, Susceptibility To
Parkinson Disease, Age Of Onset, Modifier
Lewy Body Parkinson Disease
Idiopathic Parkinson'S Disease
Pd - [Parkinson Disease]
Parkinson Disease Nos
Parkinson, Nos
Primary Parkinson Disease
Movement Disease |
Movement Disorders
Movement Disorder
Huntington Disease |
Huntington'S Disease
Huntington Chorea
Huntington'S Chorea
Huntington Chronic Progressive Hereditary Chorea
Juvenile Huntington Disease
Chronic Progressive Chorea
Chronic Progressive Hereditary Chorea
Hc - [Huntington Chorea]
Hereditary Chorea
Progressive Hereditary Chorea
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 1 |
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Lou Gehrig Disease
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Type 1
Charcot Disease
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Susceptibility To
Lou Gehrig'S Disease
Motor Neuron Disease
Familial Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 1, Familial
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 1, Autosomal Dominant
Motor Neuron Disease, Bulbar
Motor Neurone Disease
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis With Dementia
Dementia With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Motor Neuron Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Sclerosis, Lateral, Amyotrophic
Sclerosis, Lateral, Amyotrophic, Type 1
Amyotrophic Sclerosis
Als - [Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis]
Wasting Palsy
Amyotrophic Paralysis
Amyotrophy Lateral Sclerosis
Wasting Paralysis
Spinal Progressive Amyotrophy
Progressive Atrophic Paralysis
Nervous System Disease |
Abnormality Of The Nervous System
Nervous System Diseases
Nervous System Disorder