1. 重组蛋白
  2. Cytokines and Growth Factors
  3. EGF Superfamily
  4. Amphiregulin

Amphiregulin  (双调蛋白)

双调蛋白 (Amphiregulin, AREG) 是一种表皮生长因子 (EGF) 样分子,属于EGF家族。它是一种自分泌生长因子,也是星形胶质细胞、雪旺细胞和成纤维细胞的有丝分裂原。AREG 基因的表达和释放是由多种刺激引起的,包括炎性脂质、细胞因子、激素、生长因子和外源性药物。通过与 EGFR 结合,AREG 激活细胞内信号的产生,调节不同类型的细胞增殖、凋亡和迁移,包括上皮细胞、成纤维细胞和免疫细胞 (树突状细胞、中性粒细胞、肥大细胞和淋巴细胞)。生理上,AREG 在肺形态发生和乳腺、骨组织和卵母细胞的发育成熟中发挥重要作用。AREG 在感染或损伤后的组织完整性恢复中也发挥着关键作用。

Amphiregulin (AREG) is an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like molecule and is classified into the EGF family. It is an autocrine growth factor as well as a mitogen for astrocytes, Schwann cells and fibroblasts. AREG gene expression and release is induced by a plethora of stimuli including inflammatory lipids, cytokines, hormones, growth factors and xenobiotics. Through EGFR binding AREG activates the generation of intracellular signals modulating cell proliferation, apoptosis and migration of different cell types including epithelial cells, fibroblasts and immune cells (dendritic cells, neutrophils, mast cells and lymphocytes). Physiologically, AREG plays an important role in lung morphogenesis and the development and maturation of mammary glands, bone tissue and oocytes. AREG also plays a critical role in restoring tissue integrity following infection or injury.

目录号 产品名 / 同用名 种属 表达系统
  • HY-P7002
    Amphiregulin Protein, Human (HEK293)


    rHuAmphiregulin; AR; AREG; Colorectum cell-derived growth factor; CRDGF

    Human HEK293
    Amphiregulin Protein, Human (HEK293) 是 EGFR 的配体,对各种器官的上皮发育至关重要。
  • HY-P702502
    Amphiregulin Protein, Mouse

    Amphiregulin 蛋白

    Amphiregulin; AR; AREG; AREGB; Colorectum cell-derived growth factor; CRDGF; MGC13647; schwannoma-derived growth factor; SDGF

    Mouse E. coli
    双调蛋白的特点是缺乏特征注释传播所必需的保守残基。Amphiregulin Protein, Mouse 是重组的 双调蛋白,由 E. coli 表达,不带标签。
  • HY-P70578
    Amphiregulin Protein, Human

    Amphiregulin 蛋白

    Amphiregulin; AR; Colorectum Cell-Derived Growth Factor; CRDGF; AREG; SDGF; AREGB

    Human E. coli
    双调蛋白是一种 EGFR 配体,可作为多种细胞的自分泌生长因子和有丝分裂原,包括星形胶质细胞、雪旺细胞和成纤维细胞。它促进细胞增殖并与未成熟前体阶段的 CNIH 相互作用。双调蛋白的 EGFR 激活强调了其在重要细胞过程中的作用,强调了其作为多种细胞类型的细胞生长和功能调节剂的重要性。Amphiregulin Protein, Human 是重组的 双调蛋白,由 E. coli 表达,不带标签。
  • HY-P77868
    Amphiregulin Protein, Mouse (HEK293, Fc)

    Amphiregulin 蛋白

    Amphiregulin; AR; SDGF; AREG; AREGB; CRDGF; MGC13647

    Mouse HEK293
    双调蛋白是一种 EGFR 配体,可作为多种细胞的自分泌生长因子和有丝分裂原,包括星形胶质细胞、雪旺细胞和成纤维细胞。双调蛋白与未成熟阶段的 CNIH 结合,其 EGFR 激活强调了其在调节细胞生长和协调不同细胞类型的各种细胞功能中的重要作用。Amphiregulin Protein, Mouse (HEK293, Fc) 是重组的 双调蛋白,由 HEK293 表达,带有 N-hFc 标签。Amphiregulin Protein, Mouse (HEK293, Fc) 全长 149 个氨基酸,分子量为 45-50 kDa。
目录号 产品名 作用方式 纯度