1. Metabolic Enzyme/Protease
  2. NEDD8-activating Enzyme
  3. Pevonedistat hydrochloride

Pevonedistat hydrochloride  (Synonyms: MLN4924 hydrochloride)

目录号: HY-10484 纯度: 98.81%
COA 产品使用指南 技术支持

Pevonedistat hydrochloride (MLN4924 hydrochloride) 是一种有效,选择性的 NEDD8 活化酶 (NEDD8-activating enzyme) 抑制剂,IC50 为 4.7 nM。

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Pevonedistat hydrochloride Chemical Structure

Pevonedistat hydrochloride Chemical Structure

CAS No. : 1160295-21-5

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规格 价格 是否有货 数量
10 mM * 1 mL in DMSO ¥1265
5 mg ¥1150
10 mg ¥1900
50 mg ¥5400
100 mg 现货 询价
200 mg   询价  
500 mg   询价  

* Please select Quantity before adding items.

Other Forms of Pevonedistat hydrochloride:

MCE 顾客使用本产品发表的 145 篇科研文献


    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Nat Microbiol. 2019 May;4(5):813-825.  [Abstract]

    293T cells are treated with MLN4924 and then co-transfected with PSGL-1 and Vpu or an empty vector. One day after the transfection, the cells are treated with CHX and collected at the indicated time points. The cell lysates are analysed by western blotting.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Nat Microbiol. 2019 May;4(5):813-825.  [Abstract]

    293T cells are treated with MLN4924 at the indicated concentrations 24 h before the cells are transfected with plasmids expressing PSGL-1 and Vpu. Two days after transfection, the cells are harvested and analysed by western blotting. Empty vector (–) was used as a negative control for the Vpu- or PSGL-1-expressing vectors.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Nat Plants. 2019 Jan;5(1):34-40.   [Abstract]

    Western analysis of LHCSR1 and LHCSR3 protein expression in the treatment of MLN4924 with different concentrations.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Lab Invest. 2019 Apr;99(4):528-538.  [Abstract]

    Western blot analysis of p65 phosphorylation in synovial cells induced by 100 ng/ml IL-17A with or without 100 nM MLN4924 pretreatment.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2019 Jun 1;316(6):L1070-L1080.  [Abstract]

    Immunoblotting analysis of degradation of IκBα, and levels of p-p65 (also known as RELA) and the NEDD8–Cullin compared with β-actin and total p65 in cell lysates from pulmonary epithelial cells stimulated with rmIL-17A (50 ng/ml) for 15 min after preincubation with the indicated concentration of MLN4924 (MLN) or DMSO for 0.5 h.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2019 Jun 1;316(6):L1070-L1080.  [Abstract]

    Immunoblotting analysis of p-p38, JNK, and ERK compared with total p38, JNK, and ERK in cell lysates from pulmonary epithelial cells stimulated as above.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 Jan 15;508(3):986-990.   [Abstract]

    MLN4924 antagonizes the suppressive effects of PTX on cytoskeletal organization in HO8910 and OVA-W cells. (A, C) After treatment with PTX and/or MLN4924 for 48 h, HO8910 and OVA-W cells are stained for α-tubulin and analyzed for intracellular distribution by confocal microscopy. Overlay of blue (nuclei) and red (a-tubulin) channels is shown. (B, D) Levels of α-tubulin protein are further confirmed by western blotting with b-actin as the loading control.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Nat Commun. 2018 Sep 18;9(1):3801.  [Abstract]

    Trophozoites (3D7) are subjected to the indicated treatment for 6 h before analysis of ubiquitinated proteins. Samples treated with MLN4924 are incubated for an additional 3 h prior to DHA treatment. Blots are representative of 3-4 independent experiments.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Elife. 2018 Aug 1;7:e38430.  [Abstract]

    Kelly cells are treated with increasing concentrations of Thal and co-treated with 5 μM Bortezonib, 5 μM MLN4924, 0.5 μM MLN7243, or DMSO as a control. Following 24 h incubation, SALL4 and GAPDH protein levels are assessed by western blot analysis.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Int J Med Sci. 2018 Apr 3;15(7):674-681.  [Abstract]

    NB4 cells are treated with MLN4924 (0, 20, 40 and 80 nM) for 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours, and the protein levels of cullin1 are detected by western blotting, with β-actin used as loading control.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2018 Dec;22(23):8273-8280.  [Abstract]

    AGS cells are transfected with Flag-MRFAP1 for 30 hours and treated with or with 2 μM MLN4924 for additional 4 hours, cells are harvested and subjected to immunoprecipitation with Flag M2 beads and then detected with Western blot.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2018 Dec;22(23):8273-8280.  [Abstract]

    AGS cells are transfected with increased dose of Flag-FBXW8 for 30 hours, 2 μM MLN4924 are added where indicate 4 hours before harvested. Western blot assay is performed with indicated antibodies.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2018 Dec;22(23):8273-8280.  [Abstract]

    MRFAP1 KO AGS cells are treated with or without 2 μM MLN4924 for 24 hours, cells are harvested and subjected to Western blot with indicated antibodies.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2018 Jun;81(6):1083-1093.  [Abstract]

    786-0 and ACHN cells are treated with MLN4924 (0.5 μM or 1 μM).γ-H2AX is detected by immunoblotting analysis.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Oncotarget. 2017 Oct 12;8(57):97178-97186.  [Abstract]

    After 4 hours 1 µM MLN4924 treatment, lysates from 293T cells stably expressing either Flag or Flag-FBXW8 are immunoprecipitated with anti-FLAG M2 resin. Bound proteins are eluted with FLAG peptide, and all separated cell lysate components are resolved on 10% SDS-PAGE gel, stained by Coomassie Brilliant or subjected to immunoblotting with the indicated antibodies.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Oncotarget. 2017 Sep 23;8(49):86395-86409.  [Abstract]

    Immunofluorescence results, showing that ROC1, DCAF1, DDB1, and TET1 knockdown, and treatment with MLN4924 leads to the reduction of 5hmC levels in A2780 cells. A2780 cells transfected with siNC, siROC1, siDCAF1, siDDB1 or siTET1 and treatment with MLN4924 are subjected to immunofluorescence analysis with antibodies to the indicated protein.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Elife. 2016 Apr 11;5:e14087.  [Abstract]

    Fbxo21-/- RAW264.7 cells are transfected with indicated amounts (0, 1 or 5 μg) Fbxo21-Myc and equal amounts of K29O-Ub-HA vectors for 48 hr, and then infected with VSV (MOI = 1) or HSV-1 (MOI = 5) for 2 hr in the presence or absence of MLN-4924 (10 nM). Then polyubiquitinated ASK1 is examined by immunoblot (IB) against HA after immuneprecipitations (IP).

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Aug;15(4):527-34.  [Abstract]

    MLN4924 induces accumulation of SCF E3 ligase substrates. Subconfluent cells are treated with MLN4924 (50 nM) or radiation (6 Gy) alone or in combination for 24 hours, followed by immunoblotting (IB) analysis using indicated antibodies.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 4;7(40):66087-66099.  [Abstract]

    MLN4924 increases the stability of RORα. MLN4924 increases the half-life of RORα. U2OS cells are transiently transfected with plasmids expressing the Flag-RORα. At 24 h after transfection, MLN4924 (1 μM) or DMSO are added into respective cell culture media. 24 h later, cells are treated with Cycloheximide (CHX) for 0, 3, 6, 4, 9 and 12 h. Equal amounts of whole cell lysates are analyzed by Western blot with a Flag antibody (M2). Actin is used as an internal control.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Oncotarget. 2016 Jun 14;7(24):35643-35654.  [Abstract]

    MLN4924 induces apoptosis is caspase dependent. BMDCs are cultured with MLN4924. Total cellular protein extracts are prepared and subjected to immunoblotting by using A. anti-PARP, anti-caspase-3, anti-caspase-7 antibodies and B. anti-cleaved PARP, anti-cleaved-caspase-3, anti-cleaved-caspase-7 antibodies. C. Caspase-3 activity is examined by caspase activity kit. D. Immunoblotting analysis is performed for erk, p-erk, cyclin D1 and cyclin D3 expression.

    Pevonedistat hydrochloride purchased from MCE. Usage Cited in: Ann Hematol. 2014 Sep;93(9):1499-508.  [Abstract]

    MLN4924-induced p21 high expression eliminates the cell cycle promotion effect of BM-MSCs on Reh cells. a Western blot analysis of p21, skp2, and bax expression in Reh cells treated by different concentration of MLN4924. b Under the treatment of 25 nM IDA, western blot analysis of p21 and skp2 expressions in Reh cells cultured with or without BM-MSCs in the presence of different concentrations of MLN4924 (0, 300, 700 nM). c Under the treatment of 250 nM VP16, western blot analysis of p21 and skp
    • 生物活性

    • 实验参考方法

    • 纯度 & 产品资料

    • 参考文献


    Pevonedistat hydrochloride (MLN4924 hydrochloride) is a potent and selective NEDD8-activating enzyme (NAE) inhibitor, with an IC50 of 4.7 nM[1].

    IC50 & Target

    IC50: 4.7 nM (NAE)[1]

    (Cellular Effect)
    Cell Line Type Value Description References
    Caco-2 IC50
    0.63 μM
    Compound: PEVONEDISTAT
    Determination of IC50 values for inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 induced cytotoxicity of Caco-2 cells after 48 hours by high content imaging
    Determination of IC50 values for inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 induced cytotoxicity of Caco-2 cells after 48 hours by high content imaging
    Caco-2 CC50
    222.44 μM
    Compound: PEVONEDISTAT
    Toxicity against Caco-2 cells determined at 48 hours by intracellular ATP concentration using the CellTiter-Glo Luminescent Cell Viability Assay
    Toxicity against Caco-2 cells determined at 48 hours by intracellular ATP concentration using the CellTiter-Glo Luminescent Cell Viability Assay
    (In Vitro)

    Pevonedistat (MLN4924) is a potent inhibitor of NAE (half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50=0.004 μM), and is selective relative to the closely related enzymes UAE, SAE, UBA6 and ATG7 (IC50=1.5, 8.2, 1.8 and >10 μM, respectively). Pevonedistat (MLN4924) treatment inhibits overall protein turnover in cultured HCT-116 cells. Treatment of HCT-116 cells with Pevonedistat (MLN4924) for 24 h results in a dose-dependent decrease of Ubc12-NEDD8 thioester and NEDD8-cullin conjugates, with an IC50 < 0.1 μM, resulting in a reciprocal increase in the abundance of the known CRL substrates CDT1, p27 and NRF2 (also known as NFE2L2), but not non-CRL substrates[1]. Pevonedistat induces CLL cell apoptosis and circumvented stroma-mediated resistance. Pevonedistat promotes induction of Bim and Noxa in the CLL cells leading to rebalancing of Bcl-2 family members toward the proapoptotic BH3-only proteins[2]. Pevonedistat (MLN4924) rapidly inhibits cullin 1 neddylation and remarkably suppressed growth and survival as well as migration in a dose-and time-dependent manner in gastric cancer cells, and significantly suppresses migration by transcriptionally activating E-cadherin and repressing MMP-9[3].

    MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

    (In Vivo)

    Pevonedistat (MLN492410, 30 or 60 mg/kg, s.c.) leads to a dose- and time-dependent increase in the steady state levels of NRF2 and CDT1 in HCT-116 tumour-bearing mice, and decreases NEDD8-cullin levels in normal mouse tissue as illustrated in mouse bone marrow cells. Pevonedistat (MLN4924) administered on a BID schedule at 30 and 60 mg/kg inhibits tumour growth with T/C values of 0.36 and 0.15, respectively[1].

    MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

    Clinical Trial




    CAS 号



    White to off-white


    Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.


    4°C, sealed storage, away from moisture

    *In solvent : -80°C, 1 year; -20°C, 6 months (sealed storage, away from moisture)


    DMSO 中的溶解度 : 100 mg/mL (208.34 mM; 超声助溶; 吸湿的 DMSO 对产品的溶解度有显著影响,请使用新开封的 DMSO)

    H2O 中的溶解度 : 10 mg/mL (20.83 mM; 超声助溶)

    浓度 溶剂体积 质量 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
    1 mM 2.0834 mL 10.4171 mL 20.8342 mL
    5 mM 0.4167 mL 2.0834 mL 4.1668 mL

    * 请根据产品在不同溶剂中的溶解度选择合适的溶剂配制储备液;一旦配成溶液,请分装保存,避免反复冻融造成的产品失效
    储备液的保存方式和期限:-80°C, 1 year; -20°C, 6 months (sealed storage, away from moisture)。-80°C储存时,请在1年内使用, -20°C储存时,请在6个月内使用。

    * 备注:如您选择水作为储备液,请稀释至工作液后,再用 0.22 μm 的滤膜过滤除菌后使用。

    • 摩尔计算器

    • 稀释计算器

    Mass (g) = Concentration (mol/L) × Volume (L) × Molecular Weight (g/mol)

    分子量 *

    Concentration (start) × Volume (start) = Concentration (final) × Volume (final)

    This equation is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2

    浓度 (start)


    体积 (start)


    浓度 (final)


    体积 (final)



    请根据您的 实验动物和给药方式 选择适当的溶解方案。

    以下溶解方案都请先按照 In Vitro 方式配制澄清的储备液,再依次添加助溶剂:

    • 方案 一

      请依序添加每种溶剂: 10% DMSO    40% PEG300    5% Tween-80    45% Saline

      Solubility: ≥ 2.5 mg/mL (5.21 mM); 澄清溶液

      此方案可获得 ≥ 2.5 mg/mL(饱和度未知)的澄清溶液。

      1 mL 工作液为例,取 100 μL 25.0 mg/mL 的澄清 DMSO 储备液加到 400 μL PEG300 中,混合均匀;再向上述体系中加入 50 μL Tween-80,混合均匀;然后再继续加入 450 μL 生理盐水 定容至 1 mL

      生理盐水的配制:将 0.9 g 氯化钠,溶解于 ddH₂O 并定容至 100 mL,可以得到澄清透明的生理盐水溶液。
    • 方案 二

      请依序添加每种溶剂: 10% DMSO    90% (20% SBE-β-CD in Saline)

      Solubility: ≥ 2.5 mg/mL (5.21 mM); 澄清溶液

      此方案可获得 ≥ 2.5 mg/mL(饱和度未知)的澄清溶液。

      1 mL 工作液为例,取 100 μL 25.0 mg/mL 的澄清 DMSO 储备液加到 900 μL 20% 的 SBE-β-CD 生理盐水水溶液 中,混合均匀。

      2 g SBE-β-CD(磺丁基醚 β-环糊精)粉末定容于 10 mL 的生理盐水中,完全溶解至澄清透明。








    DMSO +
    Tween-80 +
    如果您的动物是免疫缺陷鼠或者体弱鼠,建议 DMSO 中的在最后工作液体系中的占比尽量不超过 2%。
    方案所需 助溶剂 包括:DMSO ,均可在 MCE 网站选购。 Tween 80,均可在 MCE 网站选购。
    工作液所需浓度 : mg/mL
    储备液配制方法 : mg 药物溶于 μL  DMSO(母液浓度为 mg/mL)。

    *In solvent : -80°C, 1 year; -20°C, 6 months (sealed storage, away from moisture)

    您所需的储备液浓度超过该产品的实测溶解度,以下方案仅供参考,如有需要,请与 MCE 中国技术支持联系。
    动物实验体内工作液的配制方法 : 取 μL DMSO 储备液,加入 μL  μL ,混合均匀至澄清,再加 μL Tween 80,混合均匀至澄清,再加 μL 生理盐水
    请确保第一步储备液溶解至澄清状态,从左到右依次添加助溶剂。您可采用超声加热 (超声清洗仪,建议频次 20-40 kHz),涡旋吹打等方式辅助溶解。
    纯度 & 产品资料

    纯度: 99.19%

    Cell Assay

    HCT-116 cells grown in 6-well cell-culture dishes are treated with 0.1% DMSO (control) or Pevonedistat(MLN4924) for 24 h. Whole cell extracts are prepared and analysed by immunoblotting. For analysis of the E2-UBL thioester levels, lysates are fractionated by non-reducing SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with polyclonal antibodies to Ubc12, Ubc9 and Ubc10. For analysis of other proteins, lysates are fractionated by reducing SDS-PAGE and probed with primary antibodies as follows: mouse monoclonal antibodies to CDT1, p27, geminin, ubiquitin, securin/PTTG and p53 or rabbit polyclonal antibodies to NRF2, Cyclin B1 and GADD34. Rabbit monoclonal antibodies to NEDD8 and phosphorylated CHK1 (Ser 317) are generated using Ac-KEIEIDIEPTDKVERIKERVEE-amide and Ac-VKYSS(pS)QPEPRT-amide as immunogens, respectively. Antibodies to pH3, cleaved PARP and cleaved caspase 3 are from Cell Signaling Technologies. Secondary HRP-labelled antibodies to rabbit IgG or mouse IgG are used as appropriate. Blots are developed with ECL reagent.

    MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

    Animal Administration

    Female athymic NCR mice are used in all in vivo studies. Mice are inoculated with 2×106 HCT-116 cells (or 30-40 mg H522 tumour fragments) subcutaneously in the right flank, and tumour growth is monitored with caliper measurements. When the mean tumour volume reaches approximately 200 mm3, animals are dosed subcutaneously with vehicle (10% cyclodextrin) or Pevonedistat (MLN4924). Inhibition of tumour growth (T/C) is calculated on the last day of treatment.

    MCE has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.



    * 请根据产品在不同溶剂中的溶解度选择合适的溶剂配制储备液;一旦配成溶液,请分装保存,避免反复冻融造成的产品失效
    储备液的保存方式和期限:-80°C, 1 year; -20°C, 6 months (sealed storage, away from moisture)。-80°C储存时,请在1年内使用, -20°C储存时,请在6个月内使用。

    可选溶剂 浓度 溶剂体积 质量 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 25 mg
    H2O / DMSO 1 mM 2.0834 mL 10.4171 mL 20.8342 mL 52.0855 mL
    5 mM 0.4167 mL 2.0834 mL 4.1668 mL 10.4171 mL
    10 mM 0.2083 mL 1.0417 mL 2.0834 mL 5.2086 mL
    15 mM 0.1389 mL 0.6945 mL 1.3889 mL 3.4724 mL
    20 mM 0.1042 mL 0.5209 mL 1.0417 mL 2.6043 mL
    DMSO 25 mM 0.0833 mL 0.4167 mL 0.8334 mL 2.0834 mL
    30 mM 0.0694 mL 0.3472 mL 0.6945 mL 1.7362 mL
    40 mM 0.0521 mL 0.2604 mL 0.5209 mL 1.3021 mL
    50 mM 0.0417 mL 0.2083 mL 0.4167 mL 1.0417 mL
    60 mM 0.0347 mL 0.1736 mL 0.3472 mL 0.8681 mL
    80 mM 0.0260 mL 0.1302 mL 0.2604 mL 0.6511 mL
    100 mM 0.0208 mL 0.1042 mL 0.2083 mL 0.5209 mL

    * 备注:如您选择水作为储备液,请稀释至工作液后,再用 0.22 μm 的滤膜过滤除菌后使用。

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    • Do most proteins show cross-species activity?

      Species cross-reactivity must be investigated individually for each product. Many human cytokines will produce a nice response in mouse cell lines, and many mouse proteins will show activity on human cells. Other proteins may have a lower specific activity when used in the opposite species.


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    Pevonedistat hydrochloride