1. Signaling Pathways
  2. PI3K/Akt/mTOR
  3. PI3K

PI3K (磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶)

Phosphoinositide 3-kinase

PI3K(磷酸肌醇 3-激酶)通过肌醇脂质磷脂酰肌醇 4,5-二磷酸 (PI(4,5)P2) 的磷酸化,形成第二信使分子磷脂酰肌醇 (3,4,5)-三磷酸 (PI(3,4,5)P3),后者募集并激活含有 pleckstrin 同源域的蛋白质,从而引发对增殖、存活和迁移至关重要的下游信号传导事件。I 类 PI3K 酶由四种不同的催化异构体组成,即 PI3Kα、PI3Kβ、PI3Kδ 和 PI3Kγ。

PI3K 酶主要有三类,其中 IA 类与癌症密切相关。IA 类 PI3K 是异二聚脂质激酶,由催化亚基(p110α、p110β 或 p110δ;分别由 PIK3CAPIK3CBPIK3CD 基因编码)和调节亚基 (p85) 组成。

PI3K 通路在许多生物过程中起重要作用,包括细胞周期进程、细胞生长、存活、肌动蛋白重排和迁移以及细胞内囊泡运输。

PI3K (Phosphoinositide 3-kinase), via phosphorylation of the inositol lipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2), forms the second messenger molecule phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PI(3,4,5)P3) which recruits and activates pleckstrin homology domain containing proteins, leading to downstream signalling events crucial for proliferation, survival and migration. Class I PI3K enzymes consist of four distinct catalytic isoforms, PI3Kα, PI3Kβ, PI3Kδ and PI3Kγ.

There are three major classes of PI3K enzymes, being class IA widely associated to cancer. Class IA PI3K are heterodimeric lipid kinases composed of a catalytic subunit (p110α, p110β, or p110δ; encoded by PIK3CA, PIK3CB, and PIK3CD genes, respectively) and a regulatory subunit (p85).

The PI3K pathway plays an important role in many biological processes, including cell cycle progression, cell growth, survival, actin rearrangement and migration, and intracellular vesicular transport.

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-N0448


    Inhibitor 99.66%
    10-Gingerol 是一种 AMPK 激动剂,发现于生姜鲜根茎油树脂中,具有抗炎、抗氧化和抗增殖活性。10-Gingerol 抑制新生内膜增生,抑制血管平滑肌细胞增殖。10-Gingerol 对 DPPH 自由基的清除活性的 IC50 值 10.47 μM,对超氧自由基的清除活性的 IC50 值 1.68 μM,对羟基自由基的清除活性的 IC50 值 1.35 μM。10-Gingerol 对 MDA-MB-231 肿瘤细胞株增殖有抑制作用,IC50 值为 12.1 μM。10-Gingerol 通过靶向 MDA-MB-231/IR 细胞的 PI3K/Akt 信号通路抑制增殖、迁移、侵袭和诱导凋亡 (apoptosis)。10-Gingerol 有望用于溃疡性结肠炎的研究。
  • HY-150795
    SY-LB-35 Activator ≥98.0%
    SY-LB-35 是一种有效的骨形态发生蛋白 (BMP) 受体激动剂。SY-LB-35 能刺激 C2C12 成肌细胞显著增加细胞数量和细胞活力,使细胞周期向 S 期和 G2/M 期转变。SY-LB-35 刺激典型的 Smad 和非典型的 PI3K/AktERKp38JNK 胞内信号通路。
  • HY-N0103


    Inhibitor 98.63%
    Sophocarpine 是从传统草药苦参 (Sophora flavescens) 中提取的重要生物碱之一,苦参具有抗病毒,抗肿瘤,抗炎等多种药理作用。Sophocarpine 通过多种机制显着抑制胃癌细胞的生长,例如诱导自噬 (autophagy),激活细胞凋亡 (apoptosis) 和下调细胞存活 PI3K/AKT 信号通路。Sophocarpine 已被证明在各种癌细胞中具有抗肿瘤活性,包括肝细胞癌,前列腺癌和结肠直肠癌。
  • HY-15174
    Dactolisib Tosylate Inhibitor 99.87%
    Dactolisib Tosylate (BEZ235 Tosylate) 是PI3KmTOR的双重激酶抑制剂,对PI3Kα, β, γ, δ 的IC50值分别为4, 75, 7, 5 nM。Dactolisib Tosylate (BEZ235 Tosylate) 抑制 mTORC1mTORC2
    Dactolisib Tosylate
  • HY-15900
    Voxtalisib Inhibitor 99.18%
    Voxtalisib (XL765) 是一种有效的 PI3K 抑制剂,抑制p110αp110βp110γp110δIC50 分别为 39, 113, 9 和 43 nM,也抑制 DNA-PK (IC50=150 nM) 和 mTOR (IC50=157 nM)。Voxtalisib (XL765) 抑制 mTORC1mTORC2IC50s 分别为 160 和 910 nM。
  • HY-10110
    IC-87114 Inhibitor 99.83%
    IC-87114 是一种有效的选择性 PI3Kδ 抑制剂,IC50 为 0.5 μM。
  • HY-N0447
    8-Gingerol Modulator 99.82%
    8-Gingerol 可在姜的根状茎 (Z. officinale) 中被发现,具有口服活性,可激活 TRPV1EC50 值为 5.0 µM。8-Gingerol 抑制 COX-2,还能抑制体外 H. pylori 的生长。同时,8-Gingerol 具有抗癌、抗氧化和抗炎特性,可通过抑制表皮生长因子受体 (EGFR) 和调节其下游的 STAT3/ERK 通路,抑制结肠癌细胞的增殖、迁移和侵袭。8-Gingerol 还可通过抑制氧化应激、诱导细胞周期停滞、促进凋亡 (Apoptosis) 以及调节自噬 (Autophagy) 来发挥免疫抑制作用。此外,8-Gingerol 具有心脏保护作用。8-Gingerol 有望用于癌症、感染、免疫抑制、心血管疾病领域的研究。
  • HY-12868
    Bimiralisib Inhibitor 99.80%
    Bimiralisib (PQR309) 是一种有效的,可渗透脑的,PI3K/mTOR 抑制剂,抑制 PI3Kα, PI3Kδ, PI3Kβ, PI3KγmTORIC50 分别为 33 nM,451 nM,661 nM,708 nM 和 89 nM。Bimiralisib 是 mTORC1mTORC2 抑制剂。
  • HY-N0847


    Inhibitor 99.84%
    Micheliolide 是一种具有抗癌和抗炎作用的倍半萜内酯,来源于 Michelia compressaMichelia champaca。Micheliolide 可以减少高糖刺激下的小鼠肾小管细胞中 NF-κB 的激活、IκBα 的降解,以及 MCP-1、TGF-β1 和 FN 的表达。Micheliolide 抑制 LPS (HY-D1056) 引起的 NF-κBPI3K/Akt/p70S6K 通路的激活,从而发挥抗炎作用。Micheliolide 抑制黄原酸钠 (DSS) (HY-116282) 引起的炎症性肠病、结肠炎相关癌症和类风湿关节炎。
  • HY-13334A
    BGT226 Inhibitor 99.51%
    BGT226 (NVP-BGT226) 是一种 PI3K (针对 PI3KαPI3KβPI3KγIC50分别是4 nM,63 nM,38 nM ) /mTOR 双抑制剂,对人头颈癌细胞具有较强的生长抑制活性。
  • HY-13281
    PIK-75 hydrochloride Inhibitor 99.72%
    PIK-75 hydrochloride 是一种可逆的 DNA-PKp110α-选择性的抑制剂,抑制 DNA-PKp110α 和 p110γ,IC50 分别为 2,5.8 和 76 nM。PIK-75 hydrochloride 抑制 p110α 效果比抑制 p110β (IC50=1.3 μM) 高 200 多倍。PIK-75 hydrochloride 诱导凋亡 (apoptosis)。
    PIK-75 hydrochloride
  • HY-143404
    PI3K-IN-30 Inhibitor 98.21%
    PI3K-IN-30 (compound 6d) 是一种有效的 PI3K 抑制剂,对于 PI3Kα、PI3Kβ、PI3Kγ 和 PI3KδIC50 分别为 5.1 nM、136 nM、30.7 nM 和 8.9 nM。
  • HY-12068
    PI3K-IN-1 Inhibitor 99.93%
    PI3K-IN-1 (XL-147 derivative 1) 是一种有效的 PI3K 抑制剂,PI3K-IN-1 (25 μM) 可 阻断 PI3K/Akt 信号通路。
  • HY-N1412
    1,3-Dicaffeoylquinic acid


    Activator 99.09%
    1,3-Dicaffeoylquinic acid是咖啡酰奎宁酸衍生物,具有抗氧化活性和自由基清除活性。
    1,3-Dicaffeoylquinic acid
  • HY-12036
    GSK1059615 Inhibitor ≥99.0%
    GSK1059615 是 PI3Kα/β/δ/γ 可逆的抑制剂,同时也抑制 mTORIC50 值分别为 0.4 nM/0.6 nM/2 nM/5 nM 和 12 nM。
  • HY-N6739


    Inhibitor 99.97%
    Beauvericin 是一种环六肽镰刀菌毒素,具有杀虫、抗菌、抗癌、抗病毒和细胞毒活性。Beauvericin 通过产生 DNA 断裂、染色体畸变和微核,造成细胞的遗传毒性,并抑制 PI3K/AKT 通路诱导细胞凋亡 (apoptosis),从而抑制 HCC 的生长。此外,Beauvericin 通过抑制淋巴细胞增殖和干扰人单核细胞向巨噬细胞的分化过程,来影响免疫功能。
  • HY-110171A
    iMDK quarterhydrate Inhibitor 99.37%
    iMDK quarterhydrate 是一种有效的 PI3K 抑制剂,可抑制生长因子 MDK(也称为中期因子或 MK)。iMDK quarterhydrate 与 MEK 抑制剂协同抑制非小细胞肺癌 (NSCLC),而不会伤害正常细胞和小鼠。
    iMDK quarterhydrate
  • HY-13431
    KU-0060648 Inhibitor 99.62%
    KU-0060648 是 PI3KDNA-PK 的双重抑制剂,抑制 PI3Kα, PI3Kβ, PI3Kγ, PI3KδDNA-PKIC50 值分别为 4 nM,0.5 nM,0.1 nM,0.594 nM 和 8.6 nM 。
  • HY-16526
    Pilaralisib Inhibitor 98.81%
    Pilaralisib (XL147; SAR245408) 是一种有效的选择性 I 类 PI3Ks 抑制剂,抑制 PI3KαPI3KβPI3KγPI3KδIC50 分别为 39 nM,383 nM,23 nM 和 36 nM。
  • HY-W010201


    Modulator 98.60%
    Citronellol ((±)-Citronellol) 是一种口服有效的凋亡 (apoptosis) 诱导剂。Citronellol 可以通过调节 ROS-NOMAPK/ERKPI3K/Akt 信号通路预防 6-OHDA 诱导的 SH-SY5Y 细胞帕金森病模型中的氧化应激、线粒体功能障碍和凋亡。Citronellol 可以通过 TNF-α 途径和活性氧 (ROS) 积累诱导人肺癌细胞坏死性凋亡 (necroptosis)。Citronellol 可以降低 LC-3p62 水平来调节自噬 (autophagy) 途径,抑制氧化应激和神经炎症,从而对帕金森大鼠具有神经保护作用。Citronellol 通过抑制麦角甾醇合成从而对红色毛癣菌具有抗真菌 (fungal) 活性。
目录号 产品名 / 同用名 应用 反应物种

Phosphatidylinositol 3 kinases (PI3Ks) are a family of lipid kinases that integrate signals from growth factors, cytokines and other environmental cues, translating them into intracellular signals that regulate multiple signaling pathways. These pathways control many physiological functions and cellular processes, which include cell proliferation, growth, survival, motility and metabolism[1]


In the absence of activating signals, p85 interacts with p110 and inhibits p110 kinase activity. Following receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) or G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activation, class I PI3Ks are recruited to the plasma membrane, where p85 inhibition of p110 is relieved and p110 phosphorylates PIP2 to generate PIP3. The activated insulin receptor recruits intracellular adaptor protein IRS1. Phosphorylation of IRS proteins on tyrosine residues by the insulin receptor initiates the recruitment and activation of PI3K. PIP3 acts as a second messenger which promotes the phosphorylation of Akt at Thr308 by PDK-1. RTK activation can also trigger Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway. Activated Akt, ERK and RSK phosphorylate TSC2 at multiple sites to inhibit TSC1-TSC2-TBC1D7, which is the TSC complex that acts as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for the small GTPase RHEB. During inhibition of the TSC complex, GTP-loaded RHEB binds the mTOR catalytic domain to activate mTORC1. Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK-3β) activates the TSC complex by phosphorylating TSC2 at Ser1379 and Ser1383. Phosphorylation of these two residues requires priming by AMPK-dependent phosphorylation of Ser1387. Wnt signaling inhibits GSK-3β and the TSC complex, and thus activates mTORC1. mTORC2 is activated by Wnt in a manner dependent on the small GTPase RAC1. Akt activation contributes to diverse cellular activities which include cell survival, growth, proliferation, angiogenesis, metabolism, and migration. Important downstream targets of Akt are GSK-3, FOXOs, BAD, AS160, eNOS, and mTOR. mTORC1 negatively regulates autophagy through multiple inputs, including inhibitory phosphorylation of ULK1, and promotes protein synthesis through activation of the translation initiation promoter S6K and through inhibition of the inhibitory mRNA cap binding 4E-BP1[1][2][3].


PI3Kδ is a heterodimeric enzyme, typically composed of a p85α regulatory subunit and a p110δ catalytic subunit. In T cells, the TCR, the costimulatory receptor ICOS and the IL-2R can activate PI3Kδ. In B cells, PI3Kδ is activated upon crosslinking of the B cell receptor (BCR). The BCR co-opts the co-receptor CD19 or the adaptor B cell associated protein (BCAP), both of which have YXXM motifs to which the p85α SH2 domains can bind. In lumphocytes, BTK and ITK contribute to the activation of PLCγ and promotes the generation of DAG and the influx of Ca2+, which in turn activate PKC and the CARMA1-, BCL 10- and MALT1 containing (CBM) complex. The resulting NF-κB inhibitor kinase (IKK) activation leads to the phosphorylation and the degradation of IκB, and to the nuclear accumulation of the p50-p65 NF-κB heterodimer. MyD88 is an adapter protein that mediates signal transduction for most TLRs and leads to activation of PI3K[4].



[1]. Thorpe LM, et al. PI3K in cancer: divergent roles of isoforms, modes of activation and therapeutic targeting.Nat Rev Cancer. 2015 Jan;15(1):7-24. 
[2]. Vanhaesebroeck B, et al. PI3K signalling: the path to discovery and understanding.Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2012 Feb 23;13(3):195-203. 
[3]. Fruman DA, et al. The PI3K Pathway in Human Disease.Cell. 2017 Aug 10;170(4):605-635.
[4]. Lucas CL, et al. PI3Kδ and primary immunodeficiencies.Nat Rev Immunol. 2016 Nov;16(11):702-714. 

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