疾病名称 |
别名 |
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Ib |
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type 1b
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type Ib
Lethal Arteriopathy Syndrome Due To Fibulin-4 Deficiency
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, 1b
Cutis Laxa Autosomal Recessive Type Ib
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type I |
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type 1
Cutis Laxa, Type 1
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type I
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive Type 1
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa With Severe Systemic Involvement
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa, Pulmonary Emphysema Type
Cutis Laxa |
Generalized Elastolysis
Loose Skin
Cutis Laxa Syndrome
Doyne Honeycomb Retinal Dystrophy |
Doyne Honeycomb Degeneration Of Retina
Malattia Leventinese
Dystrophy, Retinal, Doyne Honeycomb
Aortic Aneurysm |
Aortic Rupture
Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Ruptured
Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm
Aortic Aneurysms
Aortic Aneurysm Without Mention Of Rupture Nos
Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Aortic Aneurysm, Ruptured
Ruptured Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant 1 |
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant
Autosomal Dominant Cutis Laxa
Autosomal Dominant Cutis Laxa 1
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant, 1
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant, Type 1
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Ic |
Cutis Laxa With Severe Pulmonary, Gastrointestinal, And Urinary Abnormalities
Urban-Rifkin-Davis Syndrome
Cutis Laxa With Severe Pulmonary, Gastrointestinal And Urinary Anomalies
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type Ic
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type 1c
Cutis Laxa With Severe Pulmonary Gastrointestinal And Urinary Abnormalities
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Ia |
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type Ia
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type 1a
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, 1a
Cl Type I
Cutis Laxa Autosomal Recessive Type I
Cutis Laxa Autosomal Recessive Type Ia
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type I
Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome |
Arterial Tortuosity
Tortuosity, Arterial, Syndrome
Ureteric Orifice Cancer |
Malignant Neoplasm Of Ureteric Orifice Of Urinary Bladder
Malignant Tumor Of Ureteric Orifice
Orifice Of The Ureter
Aortic Valve Disease 1 |
Aortic Valve Disease
Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Aortic Valve Disorder
Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease
Familial Bicuspid Aortic Valve
Aortic Valve Calcification
Aortic Valve, Bicuspid
Aortic Valve, Calcification Of
Aortic Stenosis, Calcific
Familial Bav
Calcific Aortic Stenosis
Calcification Of Aortic Valve
Abnormality Of The Aortic Valve
Aortic Valve Disease, Type 1
Aortic Valve Disease 2
Bicommissural Aortic Valve
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Vascular Type |
Eds Iv
Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Sack-Barabas Syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type Iv, Autosomal Dominant
Vascular Type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Arterial-Ecchymotic Eds
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 4
Vascular Eds
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type 4
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type Iv
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Arterial Type
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Ecchymotic Type
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Sack-Barabas Type
Autosomal Dominant Type Iv Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Eds Type Iv
Eds Type 4
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Sack-Barabas Type
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Arterial Type
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Ecchymotic Type
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type Iv
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 4
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Arterial Type
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Ecchymotic Type
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Type 4 Variant
Ehlers-Danlos, Vascular Type Syndrome
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Iib |
Cutis Laxa With Progeroid Features
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type 2b
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type Iib
Arcl2, Progeroid Type
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive Type 2b
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type 2, Progeroid Type
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, 2b
Cl Type Iib
Cutis Laxa Autosomal Recessive Type Iib
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type 2b
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant 2 |
Autosomal Dominant Cutis Laxa 2
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant, 2
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Dominant, Type 2
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type Iii |
De Barsy Syndrome
Cutis Laxa-Corneal Clouding-Intellectual Disability Syndrome
Progeroid Syndrome, De Barsy Type
Corneal Clouding, Cutis Laxa And Intellectual Disability
Cutis Laxa Growth Deficiency Syndrome
Progeroid Syndrome Of De Barsy
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Iia |
Cutis Laxa With Joint Laxity And Retarded Development
Cutis Laxa With Growth And Developmental Delay
Cutis Laxa, Debre Type
Cutis Laxa With Bone Dystrophy
Cutis Laxa With Congenital Disorder Of Glycosylation
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type Iia
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive Type 2a
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, 2a
Cl Type Iia
Cutis Laxa Autosomal Recessive Type Iia
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type Iiib |
De Barsy Syndrome B
Pycr1-Related De Barsy Syndrome
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type Iiib
Pycr1 Deficiency
Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Reductase 1 Deficiency
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, 3b
Cutis Laxa Autosomal Recessive Type Iiib
Cutis Laxa, Autosomal Recessive, Type 3b
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type Ii Classic Type |
Arcl2, Classic Type
Arcl2, Debre Type
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type 2, Classic Type
Autosomal Recessive Cutis Laxa Type 2, Debre Type
Tricuspid Valve Prolapse |
Geroderma Osteodysplasticum |
Gerodermia Osteodysplastica
Geroderma Osteodysplastica
Walt Disney Dwarfism
Type Of Gerodermia Osteodysplastica
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome |
Loeys-Dietz Aortic Aneurysm Syndrome
Aortic Aneurysm Syndrome Due To Tgf-Beta Receptors Anomalies
Furlong Syndrome
Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis |
Supravalvar Aortic Stenosis
Supravalvar Aortic Stenosis, Eisenberg Type
Aortic Supravalvular Stenosis
Aortic Stenosis, Supravalvular
Supra-Valvular Aortic Stenosis
Stenosis, Aortic Supravalvular
Stenosis, Supravalvular Aortic
Supravalvular Stenosis, Aortic
Aortic Stenosis Supravalvular
Occipital Horn Syndrome |
Eds Ix
Cutis Laxa X-Linked
Cutis Laxa, X-Linked
Cutis Laxa, X-Linked, Formerly
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Occipital Horn Type, Formerly
Eds Ix, Formerly
Eds9, Formerly
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type 9
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type Ix
X-Linked Cutis Laxa
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Occipital Horn Type
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Occipital Horn Type
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 3 |
Aneurysms-Osteoarthritis Syndrome
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome With Osteoarthritis
Aneurysm-Osteoarthritis Syndrome
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome, Type 3
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome, Type 1c, Formerly
Lds1c, Formerly
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Type 1c
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Type 3
Aneurysm - Osteoarthritis Syndrome
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome, Type 1c
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome 1c
Aortic Dissection |
Inguinal Hernia |
Hernia Inguinal
Hernia, Inguinal
Inguinal Hernias
Indirect Inguinal Hernia
Direct Inguinal Hernia
Oblique Inguinal Hernia
Scrotal Hernia
Ih - [Inguinal Hernia]
Bladder Diverticulum |
Diverticulum Of Bladder
Diverticulum - Bladder
Bladder Diverticula
Vesical Diverticulum
Bladder Sacculation
Retinal Drusen |
Aortic Disease |
Aortic Diseases
Aortic Disorder
Disorder Of The Aorta
Wrinkly Skin Syndrome |
Wrinkled Skin Syndrome
Aortic Valve Insufficiency |
Aortic Regurgitation
Rheumatic Aortic Regurgitation
Aortic Insufficiency
Rheumatic Aortic Insufficiency
Rheumatic Aortic Valve Insufficiency
Aortic Incompetence
Corrigan'S Disease
Rheumatic Aortic Valve Regurgitation
Aortic Valve Incompetency
Ai - [Aortic Incompetence]
Incompetent Aortic Valve
Ar - [Aortic Regurgitation]
Calcific Aortic Valve Regurgitation
Myxomatous Aortic Valve Regurgitation
Annular Incompetency Of Aortic Valve
Austin Flint Murmur
Flint Murmur
Rheumatic Aortic Incompetence
Rheumatic Ai - [Aortic Insufficiency]
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic 1 |
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
Annuloaortic Ectasia
Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm And Aortic Dissection
Familial Aortic Dissection
Familial Taad
Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
Congenital Aneurysm Of Ascending Aorta
Familial Aortic Aneurysm
Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm And Dissection
Aortic Aneurysm, Thoracic
Aortic Dissection, Familial
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Thoracic
Aneurysm, Thoracic Aortic
Cystic Medial Necrosis Of Aorta
Familial Non-Syndromic Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm And Aortic Dissection
Aortic Aneurysm Thoracic
Familial Aortic Aneurysms
Aneurysm, Aortic, Thoracic, Familial, Type 1
Aneurysm Of Thoracic Aorta
Intrathoracic Aneurysm
Thoracic Aorta Aneurysm
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Without Rupture
Thoracic Aneurysm
Thorax Arterial Aneurysm
Thoracic Artery Aneurysm
Thoracic Arterial Aneurysm
Thorax Aneurysm
Thorax Aortic Aneurysm
Dissection Of Thoracic Aorta
Geleophysic Dysplasia |
Geleophysic Dwarfism
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome |
Cutis Hyperelastica
Elastic Skin
Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes
Ed Syndrome
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Ehlers Danlos Disease
Eds - [Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome]
Orthostatic Intolerance |
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Neurocirculatory Asthenia
Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome
Irritable Heart
Systolic Click-Murmur Syndrome
Soldiers Heart
Cardiovascular Malfunction Arising From Mental Factors
Cardiovascular Neurosis
Da Costa'S Syndrome
Krishaber'S Disease
Barlow'S Syndrome
Floppy Mitral Valve
Mitral Leaflet Syndrome
Myxomatous Mitral Valve Prolapse
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Due To Net Deficiency
Familial Orthostatic Tachycardia Due To Norepinephrine Transporter Deficiency
Orthostatic Intolerance Due To Net Deficiency
Pots Due To Net Deficiency
Intolerance, Orthostatic
Mitral Valve Prolapse, Familial, X-Linked
Ballooning Mitral Valve
Barlow Syndrome
Flail Mitral Leaflet
Myxomatous Mitral Valve
Mitral Valve Prolapse-Click Syndrome
Prolapsing Mitral Valve Leaflet Syndrome
Billowing Mitral Valve Leaflet
Posterior Mitral Leaflet Deformity
Ballooning Posterior Leaflet Syndrome
Blue Valve Syndrome
Floppy Mitral Valve Syndrome
Mitral Valvular Prolapse
Systolic Click Syndrome
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Abdominal, 1 |
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Abdominal 1
Aneurysm, Abdominal Aortic
Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal
Aortic Aneurysm, Familial Abdominal
Aortic Aneurysm Abdominal
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Without Mention Of Perforation Or Rupture
Abdomen Aneurysm
Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm
Aneurysm Of Abdominal Aorta
Aortic Abdomen Aneurysm
Aaa - [Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm]
Abdominal Aneurysm
Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm Rupture
Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm Ruptured
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Which Has Ruptured
Ruptured Aaa
Abdomen Aorta Aneurysm Ruptured
Abdomen Aorta Rupture
Abdomen Aortic Aneurysm Rupture
Abdomen Aneurysm Rupture
Abdomen Aortic Aneurysm Ruptured
Abdomen Aortic Rupture
Abdominal Aorta Rupture
Abdominal Aortic Rupture
Rupture Abdomen Aorta Aneurysm
Rupture Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Ruptured Abdomen Aneurysm
Ruptured Abdomen Aorta
Ruptured Abdomen Aortic
Ruptured Abdominal Aneurysm
Ruptured Abdominal Aorta
Ruptured Abdominal Aortic
Ruptured Aorta Abdominalis Aneurysm
False Abdomen Aorta Aneurysm Ruptured
False Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Ruptured
False Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm Ruptured
False Abdomen Aortic Aneurysm Ruptured
Diaphragmatic Hernia, Congenital |
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Diaphragmatic Hernia
Congenital Diaphragmatic Defect
Hernia, Diaphragmatic
Hernia, Congenital Diaphragmatic
Diaphragmatic Defect, Congenital
Diaphragm, Unilateral Agenesis Of
Hemidiaphragm, Agenesis Of
Diaphragmatic Hernia 1
Agenesis Of Hemidiaphragm
Unilateral Agenesis Of Diaphragm
Hernia Diaphragmatic
Hernia Diaphragmatic Congenital
Hernia, Diaphragmatic, Type 1
Hiatus Hernia
Oesophageal Hiatus Hernia
Paraoesophageal Hernia
Sliding Hiatus Hernia
Congenital Diaphragm Hernia
Congenital Diaphragm Defect With Hernia
Gross Congenital Diaphragm Defect
Williams-Beuren Syndrome |
Williams Syndrome
Deletion 7q11.23
Monosomy 7q11.23
Chromosome 7q11.23 Deletion Syndrome, 1.5- To 1.8-Mb
Fanconi Schlesinger Syndrome
Beuren Syndrome
Elfin Facies Syndrome
Elfin Facies With Hypercalcemia
Hypercalcemia-Supravalvar Aortic Stenosis
Patent Ductus Arteriosus 1 |
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Ductus Arteriosus, Patent
Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Susceptibility To
Patent Ductus Botalli
Patency Of The Ductus Arteriosus
Patent Ductus Arteriosus Familial
Ductus Arteriosus Patent
Patent Ductus Arteriosus - Persisting Type