Gepotidacin mesylate hydrate 是一种口服有效的三氮杂苊烯抗生素和细菌 II 型拓扑异构酶抑制剂。Gepotidacin mesylate hydrate 通过阻断拓扑异构酶来抑制细菌 DNA 复制。Gepotidacin mesylate hydrate 选择性抑制拓扑异构酶 IV 和 DNA 旋转酶的 B 亚基。
Nalidixic acid,一种喹诺酮类抗生素 (antibiotic),对革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌均有效。Nalidixic acid 在较低浓度下以抑菌的方式起作用,而在较高浓度下具有杀菌作用。Nalidixic acid 抑制 DNA 促旋酶和拓扑异构酶 IV 的亚基,并可逆地阻止易感细菌中的 DNA 复制。
Cryptanoside A 是一种强心苷环氧化物,可以从 Cryptolepis dubia 的茎中分离出来。Cryptanoside A 对癌细胞具有有效的细胞毒性。Cryptanoside A 还抑制 Na+/K+-ATPase 活性。Cryptanoside A 增加 Akt, NF-κB p65 亚基的表达。
Nalidixic acid sodium salt,一种喹诺酮类抗生素 (antibiotic),对革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌均有效。Nalidixic acid sodium salt 在较低浓度下以抑菌的方式起作用,而在较高浓度下具有杀菌作用。Nalidixic acid sodium salt 抑制 DNA 促旋酶和拓扑异构酶IV的亚基,并可逆地阻止易感细菌中的 DNA 复制。
卡那霉素 A
Kanamycin (Kanamycin A) 是一种口服有效的抗菌剂 (革兰氏阴性/阳性细菌),可通过与 70 S 核糖体亚单位结合,抑制转位并导致编码错误。Kanamycin 对 M. tuberculosis (敏感或耐药) 以及 K. pneumonia 均具有较好的抑制活性,可用于肺结核和肺炎的研究。
Kanamycin (Kanamycin A) sulfate 是一种口服有效的抗菌剂 (革兰氏阴性/阳性细菌),可通过与 70 S 核糖体亚单位结合,抑制转位并导致编码错误。Kanamycin sulfate 对 M. tuberculosis (敏感或耐药) 以及 K. pneumonia 均具有较好的抑制活性,可用于肺结核和肺炎的研究。
Erythromycin A dihydrate 是由放线菌产生的大环内酯类抗生素 (antibiotic),具有广泛的抗菌活性。Erythromycin A dihydrate 通过结合细菌的 50S 核糖体亚基而起作用,并通过阻断转肽和/或易位反应来抑制 RNA 依赖性蛋白 (RNA-dependent protein synthesis) 的合成,而不会影响核酸的合成。Erythromycin A dihydrate 在不同领域的研究中显示出抗肿瘤特性和保护神经的作用。
Ipomoeassin F 是一种有效的、选择性内质网 (ER) 蛋白易位抑制剂,通过靶向 ER 膜上的 Sec61 复合物 (Sec61α) 的成孔亚基。Ipomoeassin F 选择性抑制 SARS-CoV-2 蛋白的 ER 膜转位。Ipomoeassin F 阻断分泌蛋白和 I 型跨膜蛋白 (TMP) 的内质网易位,但不阻断 III 型 TMP。
Vari Fluor 680-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=680 nm/701
Vari Fluor 647-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=650 nm/665 nm
Vari Fluor 594-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=590 nm/617 nm
Vari Fluor 555-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=555 nm/565 nm
Vari Fluor 488-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=490 nm/515 nm
Vari Fluor 405-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=405 nm/431 nm
N6-甲基腺苷 (Standard)
N6-Methyladenosine (Standard) 是 N6-Methyladenosine 的分析标准品。本产品用于研究及分析应用。N6-Methyladenosine is the most prevalent internal (non-cap) modification present in the messenger RNA (mRNA) of all higher eukaryotes. N6-Methyladenosine can modifies viral RNAs and has antiviral activities.
转录是 DNA 中遗传信息转化为蛋白质的第一步,也是调控基因表达的重要环节。蛋白编码基因的转录是由 RNA 聚合酶 II 和被称为转录因子 (TFs) 的一系列辅助蛋白完成。转录因子在细胞生长、分化和对环境信号的响应的长期调控中发挥重要的作用。转录因子调节失调与多种疾病发生有关,如糖尿病,炎症相关疾病及癌症等。因此这些转录因子作为药物靶点具有较高疾病治疗价值。
Vari Fluor 680-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=680 nm/701
Vari Fluor 647-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=650 nm/665 nm
Vari Fluor 594-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=590 nm/617 nm
Vari Fluor 555-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=555 nm/565 nm
Vari Fluor 488-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=490 nm/515 nm
Vari Fluor 405-Streptavidin 是一种 Vari Fluor-链霉亲和素类染料,由 Vari Fluor 系列荧光探针标记链霉亲和素而成。链霉亲和素(Streptavidin)是一种具有高度亲和力的四聚体蛋白,每个四聚体由四个相同的链霉亲和素亚基组成。链霉亲和素能够特异性结合生物素,形成可逆的非共价作用。链霉亲和素可实现生物素标记物的快速和高效检测,常用于免疫荧光 (IF)、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)、免疫组化染色 (IFH)、原位杂交等实验。Ex/Em=405 nm/431 nm
Cholera toxin B subunit, from vibrio cholerae (CTB, from vibrio cholerae) 对细胞无毒,不具有内在腺苷酸环化酶活性。Cholera toxin B subunit, from vibrio cholerae 通过与神经节苷脂 GM1.8 结合而附着于细胞。研究表明,Cholera toxin B subunit, from vibrio cholerae 是小胶质细胞的良好标记物(因为其细胞表面富含神经节苷脂 GM1),但不是少突胶质细胞或星形胶质细胞的良好标记物。据报道,Cholera toxin B subunit, from vibrio cholerae 是使用免疫组织化学方法研究轴突运输的极佳示踪剂。Cholera toxin B subunit, from vibrio cholerae 已被广泛用作膜脂筏的标记物。
PKA Regulatory Subunit II Substrate (RII phosphopeptide) 是一种工具肽,来源于环磷酸腺苷依赖性蛋白激酶 (PKA) 的调节亚基 Type II (RII)。PKA Regulatory Subunit II Substrate 通常用于模拟蛋白激酶的磷酸化作用,并作为蛋白磷酸酶的特异性底物来评估这些酶的活性。
Nalidixic acid,一种喹诺酮类抗生素 (antibiotic),对革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌均有效。Nalidixic acid 在较低浓度下以抑菌的方式起作用,而在较高浓度下具有杀菌作用。Nalidixic acid 抑制 DNA 促旋酶和拓扑异构酶 IV 的亚基,并可逆地阻止易感细菌中的 DNA 复制。
Cryptanoside A 是一种强心苷环氧化物,可以从 Cryptolepis dubia 的茎中分离出来。Cryptanoside A 对癌细胞具有有效的细胞毒性。Cryptanoside A 还抑制 Na+/K+-ATPase 活性。Cryptanoside A 增加 Akt, NF-κB p65 亚基的表达。
Kanamycin (Kanamycin A) sulfate 是一种口服有效的抗菌剂 (革兰氏阴性/阳性细菌),可通过与 70 S 核糖体亚单位结合,抑制转位并导致编码错误。Kanamycin sulfate 对 M. tuberculosis (敏感或耐药) 以及 K. pneumonia 均具有较好的抑制活性,可用于肺结核和肺炎的研究。
Ipomoeassin F 是一种有效的、选择性内质网 (ER) 蛋白易位抑制剂,通过靶向 ER 膜上的 Sec61 复合物 (Sec61α) 的成孔亚基。Ipomoeassin F 选择性抑制 SARS-CoV-2 蛋白的 ER 膜转位。Ipomoeassin F 阻断分泌蛋白和 I 型跨膜蛋白 (TMP) 的内质网易位,但不阻断 III 型 TMP。
N6-甲基腺苷 (Standard)
N6-Methyladenosine (Standard) 是 N6-Methyladenosine 的分析标准品。本产品用于研究及分析应用。N6-Methyladenosine is the most prevalent internal (non-cap) modification present in the messenger RNA (mRNA) of all higher eukaryotes. N6-Methyladenosine can modifies viral RNAs and has antiviral activities.
FNTA蛋白是法尼基转移酶和香叶基香叶基转移酶复合物中的关键亚基,它可以将法尼基或香叶基香叶基部分转移到蛋白质中具有Cys-脂肪族-脂肪族-X序列半胱氨酸残基的蛋白质上。这种酶活性有助于翻译后蛋白质修饰。FNTA Protein, Human 是重组的 FNTA 蛋白,由 E. coli 表达,不带标签。FNTA Protein, Human 全长 379 个氨基酸。
重组犬 (HEK293, Fc) 白介素-2 受体 beta/CD122
IL-2R beta (CD122), a type Ⅰ cytokine receptor expressed on T lymphocytes, is a receptor for IL-2 (Kd: 1 nM approximately). IL-2R beta mediates T cell immune responses, such as stimulating T cell proliferation and activating lymphokine-activated killer cells. IL-2R beta/CD122 Protein, Canine (HEK293, Fc) is a recombinant canine IL-2R beta (M1-P244) with a C-Terminal hFc tag, which is produced in HEK293 cells.
COX5B 蛋白是细胞色素 c 氧化酶的组成部分,细胞色素 c 氧化酶是线粒体电子传递链中的最终酶。COX5B Protein, Human (His) 是重组的 COX5B 蛋白,由 E. coli 表达,带有 N-His 标签。COX5B Protein, Human (His) 全长 98 个氨基酸,分子量约为 ~14 kDa。
ATP synthase alpha chain; ATP synthase alpha chain; mitochondrial; ATP synthase subunit alpha; ATP synthase subunit alpha mitochondrial; ATP synthase; H+ transporting; mitochondrial F1 complex; alpha subunit 1; cardiac muscle; ATP synthase; H+ transporting; mitochondrial F1 complex; alpha subunit; 1; ATP synthase; H+ transporting; mitochondrial F1 complex; alpha subunit; isoform 1; cardiac muscle; ATP synthase; H+ transporting; mitochondrial F1 complex; alpha subunit; isoform 2; non-cardiac muscle-like 2; ATP sythase F1 ATPase; alpha subunit; ATP5A; Atp5a1; ATP5AL2; ATPA_HUMAN; ATPM; Epididymis secretory sperm binding protein Li 123m; hATP1; HEL-S-123m; MC5DN4; mitochondrial; Mitochondrial ATP synthetase; Mitochondrial ATP synthetase oligomycin resistant; Modifier of Min 2; Modifier of Min 2 mouse homolog; Modifier of Min 2; mouse; homolog of; MOM2; OMR; ORM; OTTHUMP00000163475
PIK3C3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3; PI3-kinase type 3; PI3K type 3; PtdIns-3-kinase type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p100 subunit; Phosphoinositide-3-kinase class 3; hVps34
铁蛋白重链/FTH1 蛋白对于维持铁稳态、通过亚铁氧化酶活性以可溶形式储存铁至关重要。它促进二价铁的氧化,使其以氢氧化铁的形式沉积。Ferritin heavy chain/FTH1 Protein, Human 是重组的 铁蛋白重链/FTH1 蛋白,由 E. coli 表达,不带标签。Ferritin heavy chain/FTH1 Protein, Human 全长 183 个氨基酸,分子量约为 ~22.34 kDa。
PRKX; cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit PRKX; PrKX; Protein kinase X; Protein kinase X-linked; Serine/threonine-protein kinase PRKX; Protein kinase PKX1
Protein Phosphatase 1 Regulatory subunit 14A; 17 kDa PKC-Potentiated Inhibitory Protein of PP1; Protein Kinase C-Potentiated Inhibitor Protein of 17 kDa; CPI-17; PPP1R14A; CPI17; PPP1INL
Protein cereblon; CRBN; AD-006; DNA damage-binding protein 1; DDB p127 subunit; XAP1; UV-damaged DNA-binding factor; HBV X-associated protein 1 (XAP-1); Damage-specific DNA-binding protein 1; DDBa
Protein cereblon; CRBN; AD-006; DNA damage-binding protein 1; DDB p127 subunit; XAP1; UV-damaged DNA-binding factor; HBV X-associated protein 1 (XAP-1); Damage-specific DNA-binding protein 1; DDBa
Protein cereblon; CRBN; AD-006; DNA damage-binding protein 1; DDB p127 subunit; XAP1; UV-damaged DNA-binding factor; HBV X-associated protein 1 (XAP-1); Damage-specific DNA-binding protein 1; DDBa
Microtubule-associated protein tau 是一种大量存在于中枢神经系统 (CNS) 神经元中的微管相关蛋白。MAPT 促进微管组装和稳定性,并可能参与神经元极性的建立和维持。MAPT 的过表达与前列腺癌的不良预后相关。MAPT 与神经性疾病如阿尔茨海默病和帕金森病有关。Tau-F/2N4R Protein, Human 是重组的 Tau-F/2N4R 蛋白,由 E. coli 表达,不带标签。
微管相关蛋白 tau (MAPT) 关键促进微管组装和稳定性,通过作为重要的连接蛋白影响神经元极性。其双重作用涉及 C 端与轴突微管的结合和 N 端与神经质膜成分的结合。Tau-A/SC1 Protein, Rat (HEK293, His) 是重组的 Tau-A/SC1 蛋白,由 HEK293 表达,带有 N-10*His 标签。
Fc epsilon RI alpha; Fc epsilon RI alpha chain ; high affinity I; receptor for; alpha subunit; Fc fragment of IgE; high affinity I; receptor for; alpha polypeptide; Fc IgE receptor; alpha chain; Fc IgE receptor; alpha polypeptide; Fc-epsilon RI-alpha; FCE 1A; FCE1A; FCER1A; Fcer1a; FCERA_HUMAN; FceRI alpha; FcERI; high affinity IgE receptor;
COPS3 Antibody (YA2191) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2191), targeting COPS3, with a predicted molecular weight of 48 kDa (observed band size: 48 kDa). COPS3 Antibody (YA2191) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
FNTB Antibody (YA2844) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2844), targeting FNTB, with a predicted molecular weight of 49 kDa (observed band size: 49 kDa). FNTB Antibody (YA2844) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human background.
POLR2A; POLR2; DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB1; RNA polymerase II subunit B1; DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit A; DNA-directed RNA polymerase III largest subunit; RNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB1
RNA Polymerase II Subunit B1 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 217 kDa, targeting to RNA Polymerase II Subunit B1. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Dynactin Subunit 1 Antibody (YA869) is an unconjugated, approximately 142 kDa, mouse-derived, anti-Dynactin Subunit 1 (YA869) monoclonal antibody. Dynactin Subunit 1 Antibody (YA869) can be used for: WB, IP expriments in human background without labeling.
Laminin gamma 1 Antibody (YA1255) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1255), targeting Laminin gamma 1. Laminin gamma 1 Antibody (YA1255) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
PSF1 Antibody (YA1763) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1763), targeting PSF1, with a predicted molecular weight of 23 kDa (observed band size: 23 kDa). PSF1 Antibody (YA1763) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
DPS1 Antibody (YA2721) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2721), targeting DPS1, with a predicted molecular weight of 46 kDa (observed band size: 46 kDa). DPS1 Antibody (YA2721) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human background.
TAF3 Antibody (YA1621) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1621), targeting TAF3, with a predicted molecular weight of 104 kDa (observed band size: 140 kDa). TAF3 Antibody (YA1621) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human background.
GCLM Antibody (YA1407) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1407), targeting GCLM, with a predicted molecular weight of 31 kDa (observed band size: 31 kDa). GCLM Antibody (YA1407) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Dynactin Subunit 3 Antibody (YA2762) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2762), targeting Dynactin Subunit 3, with a predicted molecular weight of 21 kDa (observed band size: 21 kDa). Dynactin Subunit 3 Antibody (YA2762) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit Vic Antibody (YA2611) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2611), targeting Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit Vic, with a predicted molecular weight of 9 kDa (observed band size: 12 kDa). Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit Vic Antibody (YA2611) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
COPS5; CSN5; JAB1; COP9 signalosome complex subunit 5; SGN5; Signalosome subunit 5; Jun activation domain-binding protein 1
Human, Mouse, Rat
JAB1 Antibody (YA3159) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3159), targeting JAB1, with a predicted molecular weight of 38 kDa (observed band size: 38 kDa). JAB1 Antibody (YA3159) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
NFYA; Nuclear transcription factor Y subunit alpha; CAAT box DNA-binding protein subunit A; Nuclear transcription factor Y subunit A; NF-YA
Human, Mouse, Rat
NFYA Antibody (YA1396) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1396), targeting NFYA, with a predicted molecular weight of 37 kDa (observed band size: 37 kDa). NFYA Antibody (YA1396) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
IL-23 alpha Antibody (YA1463) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting IL-23 alpha, with a predicted molecular weight of 21 kDa (observed band size: 21 kDa). IL-23 alpha Antibody (YA1463) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase E1 beta subunit Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 39 kDa, targeting to Pyruvate Dehydrogenase E1 beta subunit. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,FC,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Glucosidase 2 subunit beta Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 59 kDa., targeting to Glucosidase 2 subunit beta. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
COPS8 Antibody (YA1679) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1679), targeting COPS8, with a predicted molecular weight of 23 kDa (observed band size: 23 kDa). COPS8 Antibody (YA1679) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
NDUFB10 Antibody (YA1330) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1330), targeting NDUFB10, with a predicted molecular weight of 21 kDa (observed band size: 21 kDa). NDUFB10 Antibody (YA1330) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
PSMA3 Antibody (YA2386) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2386), targeting PSMA3, with a predicted molecular weight of 28 kDa (observed band size: 28 kDa). PSMA3 Antibody (YA2386) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Calcineurin A Antibody (YA2508) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2508), targeting Calcineurin A, with a predicted molecular weight of 59 kDa (observed band size: 59 kDa). Calcineurin A Antibody (YA2508) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PKA 2 beta (regulatory subunit)Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 46 kDa, targeting to PKA 2 beta (regulatory subunit). It can be used for WB,IP,ICC/IF,IHC-P,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Hemoglobin subunit alpha Antibody (YA1173) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1173), targeting Hemoglobin subunit alpha. Hemoglobin subunit alpha Antibody (YA1173) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
Dynactin Subunit 5 Antibody (YA1990) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1990), targeting Dynactin Subunit 5, with a predicted molecular weight of 20 kDa (observed band size: 20 kDa). Dynactin Subunit 5 Antibody (YA1990) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
IL-11 Receptor alpha Antibody (YA3092) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3092), targeting IL-11 Receptor alpha, with a predicted molecular weight of 45 kDa (observed band size: 45 kDa). IL-11 Receptor alpha Antibody (YA3092) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human background.
CBFB Antibody (YA2006) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2006), targeting CBFB, with a predicted molecular weight of 22 kDa (observed band size: 22 kDa). CBFB Antibody (YA2006) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PI3 Kinase p85 alpha Antibody (YA689) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 84 kDa, targeting to PI3 Kinase p85 alpha (1C8). It can be used for WB,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Alpha-ENaC Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 76 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-Alpha-ENaC polyclonal antibody. Alpha-ENaC Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, Flow-Cyt, IF expriments in human, mouse, rat, and predicted: dog, pig, cow, horse, sheep background without labeling.
Complex III Subunit 5 Antibody (YA1865) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1865), targeting Complex III Subunit 5, with a predicted molecular weight of 30 kDa (observed band size: 24 kDa). Complex III Subunit 5 Antibody (YA1865) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CAMK2B; CAM2; CAMK2; CAMKB; Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit beta; CaM kinase II subunit beta; CaMK-II subunit beta; CAMK2G; CAMK; CAMK-II; CAMKG; Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit gamma
CaMKII beta Antibody (YA2344) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CaMKII beta, with a predicted molecular weight of 73 kDa (observed band size: 54 kDa). CaMKII beta Antibody (YA2344) can be used for WB experiment in mouse background.
PSMB1 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 26 kDa, targeting to PSMB1. It can be used for WB, IF-Cell, IHC-P, FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human,Mouse, Rat.
CD127 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 52 kDa, targeting to CD127. It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
XRCC5; G22P2; X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5; 86 kDa subunit of Ku antigen; ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 2; ATP-dependent DNA helicase II 80 kDa subunit; CTC box-binding factor 85 kDa subunit; CTC85; CTCBF; DNA repair pr
Human, Monkey
Ku80 Antibody (YA714) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 83 kDa, targeting to Ku80 (8H1). It can be used for WB,ICC/IF,IP,ChIP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Monkey.
Phospho-PI3 Kinase p85/p55 (Tyr467/Tyr199) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 84 kDa, targeting to Phospho-PI3 Kinase p85/p55 (Tyr467/Tyr199). It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,ELISA assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat, Monkey.
PSMB5/MB1 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 26 kDa, targeting to PSMB5/MB1. It can be used for WB, IHC-P, IF-Cell, FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human,Mouse, Rat.
SDHB; SDH; SDH1; Succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur subunit; mitochondrial; Iron-sulfur subunit of complex II; Ip
Human, Mouse, Rat
SDHB Antibody (YA1580) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1580), targeting SDHB, with a predicted molecular weight of 32 kDa. SDHB Antibody (YA1580) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD123 Antibody (YA1458) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1458), targeting CD123. CD123 Antibody (YA1458) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
p150 CAF1 Antibody (YA1488) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1488), targeting p150 CAF1, with a predicted molecular weight of 107 kDa (observed band size: 150 kDa). p150 CAF1 Antibody (YA1488) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
IL-2RA Antibody (YA1457) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1457), targeting IL-2RA. IL-2RA Antibody (YA1457) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
CAM kinase 2 delta; CAM kinase II delta; CaM kinase II delta subunit; CaM kinase II subunit delta; CAMK 2d; CaMK-II delta subunit; CAMK2D; CAMKI
Human, Rat
CaMKII delta Antibody (YA2337) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CaMKII delta, with a predicted molecular weight of 56 kDa (observed band size: 56 kDa). CaMKII delta Antibody (YA2337) can be used for WB experiment in human, rat background.
PI 3 Kinase p150 Antibody (YA2823) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2823), targeting PI 3 Kinase p150, with a predicted molecular weight of 153 kDa (observed band size: 150 kDa). PI 3 Kinase p150 Antibody (YA2823) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Calpain Small Subunit 1 Antibody (YA1221) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1221), targeting Calpain Small Subunit 1. Calpain Small Subunit 1 Antibody (YA1221) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
PSMD14 Antibody (YA2250) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2250), targeting PSMD14, with a predicted molecular weight of 35 kDa (observed band size: 35 kDa). PSMD14 Antibody (YA2250) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Complex III Subunit 7 Antibody (YA2358) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2358), targeting Complex III Subunit 7, with a predicted molecular weight of 14 kDa (observed band size: 14 kDa). Complex III Subunit 7 Antibody (YA2358) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human, rat background.
IL-2 Receptor alpha Antibody (YA2361) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2361), targeting IL-2 Receptor alpha. IL-2 Receptor alpha Antibody (YA2361) can be used for IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human background.
RNA Polymerase beta Antibody (YA2403) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2403), targeting RNA Polymerase beta, with a predicted molecular weight of 151 kDa (observed band size: 151 kDa). RNA Polymerase beta Antibody (YA2403) can be used for WB, IP experiment in e.coli background.
PRKACA/PRKACB; PRKACA + PRKACB; PKA alpha + beta; PKA alpha; PKA beta; cAMP dependent protein kinase alpha catalytic subunit; cAMP dependent protein kinase beta catalytic subunit; cAMP dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha; cAMP dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit beta; DKFZp781I2452; MGC102831; MGC41879; MGC48865; MGC9320; PKA C alpha; PKA C beta; PKACA; PKACB; PRKACA; PRKACB; Protein kinase A catalytic subunit alpha; Protein kinase A catalytic subunit; Protein kinase A catalytic subunit beta; Protein kinase cAMP dependent catalytic alpha; Protein kinase cAMP dependent catalytic beta; cAMP dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha isoform 1; cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit alpha; KAPCA_HUMAN; KAPCB_HUMAN; PKA C alpha; PKA C-alpha; PKACA; PRKACA; Protein kinase A catalytic subunit; Protein kinase cAMP dependent catalytic alpha.
Human, Mouse
PKA alpha + beta Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 40 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-PKA alpha + beta polyclonal antibody. PKA alpha + beta Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, ICC, IF expriments in human, mouse, and predicted: rat background without labeling.
PI3 Kinase p110 delta Antibody (YA1617) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1617), targeting PI3 Kinase p110 delta, with a predicted molecular weight of 119 kDa (observed band size: 119 kDa). PI3 Kinase p110 delta Antibody (YA1617) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
DNA PKcs Antibody (YA957) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG1 antibody (Clone NO.: YA957), targeting DNA PKcs, with a predicted molecular weight of 469 kDa (observed band size: 450 kDa). DNA PKcs Antibody (YA957) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
DNA PKcs Antibody (YA958) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG2b antibody (Clone NO.: YA958), targeting DNA PKcs, with a predicted molecular weight of 469 kDa (observed band size: 450 kDa). DNA PKcs Antibody (YA958) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
DNA PKcs Antibody (YA959) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA959), targeting DNA PKcs, with a predicted molecular weight of 469 kDa (observed band size: 469 kDa). DNA PKcs Antibody (YA959) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Core protein II; QCR2; mitochondrial; Ubiquinol cytochrome c reductase core protein II; UQCR2; Uqcrc2
Human, Mouse, Rat
Complex III Subunit 2 Antibody (YA1929) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1929), targeting Complex III Subunit 2, with a predicted molecular weight of 48 kDa (observed band size: 48 kDa). Complex III Subunit 2 Antibody (YA1929) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
SF3A3 Antibody (YA2478) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting SF3A3, with a predicted molecular weight of 59 kDa (observed band size: 59 kDa). SF3A3 Antibody (YA2478) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat, hamster background.
Proteasome beta 8 Antibody (YA684) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 30 kDa, targeting to Proteasome beta 8 (3G3). It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Rat.
APPBP1 Antibody (YA2131) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2131), targeting APPBP1, with a predicted molecular weight of 60 kDa (observed band size: 60 kDa). APPBP1 Antibody (YA2131) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human background.
Phospho-eIF2A (Ser51) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 36 kDa, targeting to Phospho-eIF2A (Ser51). It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
NDUFB9 Antibody (YA1340) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1340), targeting NDUFB9, with a predicted molecular weight of 22 kDa (observed band size: 22 kDa). NDUFB9 Antibody (YA1340) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Phospho-DNA PKcs (Ser2056) Antibody (YA1823) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1823), targeting Phospho-DNA PKcs (Ser2056), with a predicted molecular weight of 469 kDa (observed band size: 469 kDa). Phospho-DNA PKcs (Ser2056) Antibody (YA1823) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human background.
MT ND1 Antibody (YA2089) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting MT ND1, with a predicted molecular weight of 36 kDa (observed band size: 36 kDa). MT ND1 Antibody (YA2089) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
IL-12 beta Antibody (YA2753) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting IL-12 beta, with a predicted molecular weight of 37 kDa (observed band size: 40 kDa). IL-12 beta Antibody (YA2753) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
XRCC6; G22P1; X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 6; 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase Ku70; 5'-dRP lyase Ku70; 70 kDa subunit of Ku antigen; ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 1; ATP-dependent DNA helicase II 70 kDa subunit; CTC box-
Ku70 Antibody (YA319) is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 70 kDa, targeting to Ku70. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
SAE1 Antibody (YA1847) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1847), targeting SAE1, with a predicted molecular weight of 38 kDa (observed band size: 38 kDa). SAE1 Antibody (YA1847) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, rat background.
Alpha isoform serine threonine protein phosphatase PP1alpha 1 catalytic subunit; Catalytic subunit; PP1A; PP1A_HUMAN; PP1alpha; PP2C ALPHA; PP2CA; Ppp1ca; Protein Phosphatase 2C Alpha Isoform; Serine threonine protein phosphatase PP1 alpha catalytic subunit; Serine threonine protein phosphatase PP1 alpha catalytic subunit protein phosphatase 1; Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1-alpha catalytic subunit.
PP1C alpha Antibody (YA1040) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG1 antibody (Clone NO.: YA1040), targeting PP1C alpha, with a predicted molecular weight of 38 kDa (observed band size: 38 kDa). PP1C alpha Antibody (YA1040) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human background.
Alpha isoform serine threonine protein phosphatase PP1alpha 1 catalytic subunit; Catalytic subunit; PP1A; PP1A_HUMAN; PP1alpha; PP2C ALPHA; PP2CA; Ppp1ca; Protein Phosphatase 2C Alpha Isoform; Serine threonine protein phosphatase PP1 alpha catalytic subunit; Serine threonine protein phosphatase PP1 alpha catalytic subunit protein phosphatase 1; Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1-alpha catalytic subunit.
PP1C alpha Antibody (YA1041) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG1 antibody (Clone NO.: YA1041), targeting PP1C alpha, with a predicted molecular weight of 38 kDa (observed band size: 38 kDa). PP1C alpha Antibody (YA1041) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human background.
KPNA2 Antibody (YA1415) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1415), targeting KPNA2, with a predicted molecular weight of 58 kDa (observed band size: 58 kDa). KPNA2 Antibody (YA1415) can be used for WB, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
DFFA; DFF1; DFF45; H13; DNA fragmentation factor subunit alpha; DNA fragmentation factor 45 kDa subunit; DFF-45; Inhibitor of CAD; ICAD
ICAD Antibody (YA2262) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2262), targeting ICAD, with a predicted molecular weight of 37 kDa (observed band size: 37 kDa). ICAD Antibody (YA2262) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human background.
SF3B1; SAP155; Splicing factor 3B subunit 1; Pre-mRNA-splicing factor SF3b 155 kDa subunit; SF3b155; Spliceosome-associated protein 155; SAP 155
Human, Mouse, Rat
SF3B1 Antibody (YA2256) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2256), targeting SF3B1, with a predicted molecular weight of 146 kDa (observed band size: 155 kDa). SF3B1 Antibody (YA2256) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PP 1G; PP-1G; PP1G; PP1G_HUMAN; PP1gamma; PPP 1G; PPP1CC; PPP1CC protein; PPP1G; Protein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit gamma isoform; Protein phosphatase 1C catalytic subunit; Protein phosphatase 1C subunit; Protein phosphatase 2C gamma isoform; Serine/threonine phosphatase 1 gamma; Serine/threonine protein phosphatase PP1 gamma catalytic subunit; Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1-gamma catalytic subunit.
PP1C gamma Antibody (YA1068) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG2b antibody, targeting PP1C gamma, with a predicted molecular weight of 37 kDa (observed band size: 37 kDa). PP1C gamma Antibody (YA1068) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
Alpha isoform serine threonine protein phosphatase PP1alpha 1 catalytic subunit; Catalytic subunit; PP1A; PP1A_HUMAN; PP1alpha; PP2C ALPHA; PP2CA; Ppp1ca; Protein Phosphatase 2C Alpha Isoform; Serine threonine protein phosphatase PP1 alpha catalytic subunit; Serine threonine protein phosphatase PP1 alpha catalytic subunit protein phosphatase 1; Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1-alpha catalytic subunit.
Human, Mouse, Rat
PP1C alpha/beta Antibody (YA1700) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1700), targeting PP1C alpha/beta, with a predicted molecular weight of 38 kDa (observed band size: 38 kDa). PP1C alpha/beta Antibody (YA1700) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
UBA2 Antibody (YA2329) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2329), targeting UBA2, with a predicted molecular weight of 71 kDa (observed band size: 90 kDa). UBA2 Antibody (YA2329) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, rat background.
SF3B3 Antibody (YA1171) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1171), targeting SF3B3. SF3B3 Antibody (YA1171) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
p60 Katanin Antibody (YA1511) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting p60 Katanin, with a predicted molecular weight of 56 kDa (observed band size: 56 kDa). p60 Katanin Antibody (YA1511) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
CLPX Antibody (YA2814) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2814), targeting CLPX, with a predicted molecular weight of 69 kDa (observed band size: 69 kDa). CLPX Antibody (YA2814) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat, hamster background.
AMPK alpha Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 62 kDa, targeting to AMPK alpha. It can be used for WB,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human .
phospho-PI3 Kinase p110 beta (Ser1070) Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 110-123 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-phospho-PI3 Kinase p110 beta (Ser1070) polyclonal antibody. phospho-PI3 Kinase p110 beta (Ser1070) Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, IF expriments in human, mouse, rat, and predicted: chicken, dog, pig, cow, horse, guinea pig background without labeling.
ATP1B3 Antibody (YA2201) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting ATP1B3, with a predicted molecular weight of 32 kDa (observed band size: 40 kDa). ATP1B3 Antibody (YA2201) can be used for WB experiment in mouse, rat background.
Aly Antibody (YA2079) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2079), targeting Aly, with a predicted molecular weight of 27 kDa (observed band size: 27 kDa). Aly Antibody (YA2079) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PI3 Kinase p85 beta Antibody (YA688) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 82 kDa, targeting to PI3 Kinase p85 beta (8D9). It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
TERT Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 125 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-TERT polyclonal antibody. TERT Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, Flow-Cyt, ICC, IF expriments in human, mouse, rat, background without labeling.
PDGF B Antibody (YA1556) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1556), targeting PDGF B, with a predicted molecular weight of 27 kDa (observed band size: 27 kDa). PDGF B Antibody (YA1556) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
AP3M1 Antibody (YA2117) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting AP3M1, with a predicted molecular weight of 47 kDa (observed band size: 47 kDa). AP3M1 Antibody (YA2117) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
EBI3 Antibody (YA2692) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting EBI3, with a predicted molecular weight of 25 kDa (observed band size: 25 kDa). EBI3 Antibody (YA2692) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Alpha CaMKII; Calcium calmodulin dependent protein kinase II; Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase II alpha B subunit; Calcium/calmodulin dependent protein kinase type II alpha chain; Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaM kinase) II alpha; Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha; Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-alpha; Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit alpha; Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IIA; CaM kinase II alpha chain; CaM kinase II alpha subunit; CaM kinase II subunit alpha; CaMK II alpha subunit; CaMK-II subunit alpha; Camk2a; CAMKA; CaMKII; CaMKIINalpha; EC2.7.11.17; KCC2A_HUMAN; KIAA0968; MGC123320; MGC139375; MGC155201; mKIAA0968; PK2CDD; PKCCD; R74975; zgc:112538; zgc:123320;
Human, Mouse, Rat
CaMKII alpha Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 54 kDa, targeting to CaMKII alpha. It can be used for WB,IP,FC,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
PRKACG; cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit gamma; PKA C-gamma
Human, Mouse, Rat
PKA C gamma Antibody (YA1726) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1726), targeting PKA C gamma, with a predicted molecular weight of 40 kDa (observed band size: 40 kDa). PKA C gamma Antibody (YA1726) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
IL-13RA1 Antibody (YA1377) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1377), targeting IL-13RA1. IL-13RA1 Antibody (YA1377) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
Phospho-CD18 (Ser745) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 85 kDa, targeting to Phospho-CD18 (Ser745). It can be used for WB,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Death domain containing protein p84N5; HPR1; hTREX84; Nuclear matrix protein p84; p84N5; THO complex 1; Tho1; Thoc1
THO Complex Subunit 1 Antibody (YA1437) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1437), targeting THO Complex Subunit 1, with a predicted molecular weight of 76 kDa (observed band size: 84 kDa). THO Complex Subunit 1 Antibody (YA1437) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human background.
TERT Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 125 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-TERT monoclonal antibody. TERT Antibody can be used for: WB, IHC-P, Flow-Cyt expriments in human background without labeling.
CASP4 Antibody is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CASP4, with a predicted molecular weight of 43 kDa. CASP4 Antibody can be used for WB, ELISA experiment in human and rat background.
TSG101 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 44 kDa, targeting to TSG101. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
PSMA4 Antibody (YA1765) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1765), targeting PSMA4, with a predicted molecular weight of 29 kDa (observed band size: 29 kDa). PSMA4 Antibody (YA1765) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
GATOR complex protein SEH1; Nup107-160 subcomplex subunit SEH1
Human, Mouse, Rat
SEH1L Antibody (YA1919) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1919), targeting SEH1L, with a predicted molecular weight of 40 kDa (observed band size: 40 kDa). SEH1L Antibody (YA1919) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
DDB2 Antibody (YA2127) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2127), targeting DDB2, with a predicted molecular weight of 48 kDa (observed band size: 45 kDa). DDB2 Antibody (YA2127) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human background.
AMPK alpha 2 Antibody (YA623) is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 62 kDa, targeting to AMPK alpha 2. It can be used for WB,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Rat.
Phospho-AMPK alpha 2 (Thr172) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 62 kDa, targeting to Phospho-AMPK alpha 2 (Thr172). It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
IL-13 Receptor alpha 1 Antibody (YA1624) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting IL-13 Receptor alpha 1, with a predicted molecular weight of 49 kDa (observed band size: 49 kDa). IL-13 Receptor alpha 1 Antibody (YA1624) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
Mitochondrial Ferritin Antibody (YA3353) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting Mitochondrial Ferritin, with a predicted molecular weight of 28 kDa (observed band size: 22 kDa). Mitochondrial Ferritin Antibody (YA3353) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
AMPK alpha 1 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 64 kDa, targeting to AMPK alpha 1. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
AMPK beta 1 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 30 kDa, targeting to AMPK beta 1. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,FC,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
ITGAX Antibody is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting ITGAX, with a predicted molecular weight of 128 kDa (observed band size: 140 kDa). ITGAX Antibody can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
ATP synthase lipid-binding protein; ATP synthase membrane subunit c locus 1
ATP Synthase C Antibody (YA1633) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1633), targeting ATP Synthase C, with a predicted molecular weight of 14 kDa (observed band size: 14 kDa). ATP Synthase C Antibody (YA1633) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human background.
ATP synthase lipid-binding protein; ATP synthase membrane subunit c locus 1
Human, Rat
ATP5G Antibody (YA2205) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2205), targeting ATP5G, with a predicted molecular weight of 14 kDa (observed band size: 14 kDa). ATP5G Antibody (YA2205) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human, rat background.
THO Complex subunit 1; Death domain containing protein p84N5; HPR1; hTREX84; Nuclear matrix protein p84; p84N5; THO complex 1; Tho1; Thoc1
Nuclear Matrix Protein p84 Antibody (YA1224) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1224), targeting Nuclear Matrix Protein p84. Nuclear Matrix Protein p84 Antibody (YA1224) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
AP-2 complex subunit mu; AP-2 mu chain; Adapter-related protein complex 2 subunit mu; Adaptin-mu2; Clathrin assembly protein complex 2 mu medium chain; Clathrin coat assembly protein AP50
Human, Mouse, Rat
AP2M1 Antibody (YA3106) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting AP2M1, with a predicted molecular weight of 50 kDa (observed band size: 50 kDa). AP2M1 Antibody (YA3106) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
RNA Polymerases I/II/III Subunit ABC1 Antibody (YA1684) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1684), targeting RNA Polymerases I/II/III Subunit ABC1, with a predicted molecular weight of 25 kDa (observed band size: 25 kDa). RNA Polymerases I/II/III Subunit ABC1 Antibody (YA1684) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
p16 Arc; ARPC5; ARC16; Arp2/3 protein complex subunit p16
Human, Mouse, Rat
p16 ARC Antibody (YA1854) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1854), targeting p16 ARC, with a predicted molecular weight of 16 kDa (observed band size: 16 kDa). p16 ARC Antibody (YA1854) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
COX5B; Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B; mitochondrial; Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide Vb
Human, Mouse, Rat
COX5B Antibody (YA2550) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2550), targeting COX5B, with a predicted molecular weight of 14 kDa (observed band size: 14 kDa). COX5B Antibody (YA2550) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Phospho-AMPK alpha 1 (Ser496) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 64 kDa, targeting to Phospho-AMPK alpha 1 (Ser496). It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
DKC1; NOLA4; H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex subunit 4; CBF5 homolog; Dyskerin; Nopp140-associated protein of 57 kDa; Nucleolar protein NAP57; Nucleolar protein family A member 4; snoRNP protein DKC1
Human, Mouse, Rat
DKC1 Antibody (YA1750) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1750), targeting DKC1, with a predicted molecular weight of 58 kDa (observed band size: 58 kDa). DKC1 Antibody (YA1750) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
AP-2 complex subunit mu; AP-2 mu chain; Adapter-related protein complex 2 subunit mu; Adaptin-mu2; Clathrin assembly protein complex 2 mu medium chain; Clathrin coat assembly protein AP50
Phospho-AP2M1 (Thr156) Antibody (YA2113) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting Phospho-AP2M1 (Thr156), with a predicted molecular weight of 50 kDa (observed band size: 50 kDa). Phospho-AP2M1 (Thr156) Antibody (YA2113) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
CD220; HHF5; human insulin receptor; Insr; Insulin receptor subunit beta; IR 1; IR
Human, Rat
Insulin Receptor Antibody (YA1540) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1540), targeting Insulin Receptor, with a predicted molecular weight of 156 kDa (observed band size: 95 kDa). Insulin Receptor Antibody (YA1540) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human, rat background.
Proteasome alpha 6 Antibody (YA1749) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1749), targeting Proteasome alpha 6, with a predicted molecular weight of 27 kDa (observed band size: 27 kDa). Proteasome alpha 6 Antibody (YA1749) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
RNA Polymerase II Subunit B3 Antibody (YA2447) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2447), targeting RNA Polymerase II Subunit B3, with a predicted molecular weight of 31 kDa (observed band size: 31 kDa). RNA Polymerase II Subunit B3 Antibody (YA2447) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor alpha 5 Antibody (YA2659) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2659), targeting Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor alpha 5, with a predicted molecular weight of 53 kDa (observed band size: 53 kDa). Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor alpha 5 Antibody (YA2659) can be used for WB, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
GCLC Antibody (YA2898) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting GCLC, with a predicted molecular weight of 73 kDa (observed band size: 73 kDa). GCLC Antibody (YA2898) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PRKAR2A; PKR2; PRKAR2; cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-alpha regulatory subunit
Human, Mouse, Rat, Pig
Phospho-PKA RII alpha (Ser99) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 46 kDa, targeting to Phospho-PKA RII alpha (Ser99). It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat, Pig.
NDUFS1 Antibody (YA2535) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2535), targeting NDUFS1, with a predicted molecular weight of 79 kDa (observed band size: 75 kDa). NDUFS1 Antibody (YA2535) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CSNK2A1; CK2A1; Casein kinase II subunit alpha; CK II alpha
Human, Mouse, Rat
CSNK2A1 Antibody (YA2833) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CSNK2A1, with a predicted molecular weight of 45 kDa (observed band size: 45 kDa). CSNK2A1 Antibody (YA2833) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PI3 Kinase p55 gamma Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 54 kDa, targeting to PI3 Kinase p55 gamma. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
YBX1; NSEP1; YB1; Nuclease-sensitive element-binding protein 1; CCAAT-binding transcription factor I subunit A; CBF-A; DNA-binding protein B; DBPB; Enhancer factor I subunit A; EFI-A; Y-box transcription factor; Y-box-binding protein 1; YB-
Human, Mouse, Rat
YB1 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 36 kDa, targeting to YB1. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Phospho-NFKB1 p105/p50 (Ser337) Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 50&120 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-NFKB1 p105/p50 (Ser337) polyclonal antibody. Phospho-NFKB1 p105/p50 (Ser337) Antibody can be used for: WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF expriments in human, mouse, rat background without labeling.
Histone deacetylase complex subunit Sin 3a; Paired amphipathic helix protein Sin 3a; SIN3 homolog A
Human, Mouse, Rat
mSin3A Antibody (YA3368) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3368), targeting mSin3A, with a predicted molecular weight of 145 kDa (observed band size: 150 kDa). mSin3A Antibody (YA3368) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Phospho-FAK (Tyr576) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 119 kDa, targeting to Phospho-FAK (Tyr576). It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
GABA B Receptor 2 Antibody (YA1733) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1733), targeting GABA B Receptor 2, with a predicted molecular weight of 106 kDa (observed band size: 106 kDa). GABA B Receptor 2 Antibody (YA1733) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PIK3CA Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 110 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-PIK3CA monoclonal antibody. PIK3CA Antibody can be used for: WB, ICC/IF, IP expriments in human, mouse, rat background without labeling.
Coagulation factor XIIIa; F13A; F13a1; Fibrin stabilizing factor; A subunit; Fibrinoligase; TGase; Transglutaminase A chain
Factor XIIIa Antibody (YA1631) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1631), targeting Factor XIIIa, with a predicted molecular weight of 83 kDa (observed band size: 83 kDa). Factor XIIIa Antibody (YA1631) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human background.
PP1C beta Antibody (YA1703) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1703), targeting PP1C beta, with a predicted molecular weight of 37 kDa (observed band size: 37 kDa). PP1C beta Antibody (YA1703) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CCT2; 99D8.1; CCTB; T-complex protein 1 subunit beta; TCP-1-beta; CCT-beta
Human, Mouse, Rat
CCT2 Antibody (YA2320) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2320), targeting CCT2, with a predicted molecular weight of 57 kDa (observed band size: 57 kDa). CCT2 Antibody (YA2320) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
TCP1; CCT1; CCTA; T-complex protein 1 subunit alpha; TCP-1-alpha; CCT-alpha
TCP 1 alpha Antibody (YA2238) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2238), targeting TCP 1 alpha, with a predicted molecular weight of 60 kDa (observed band size: 60 kDa). TCP 1 alpha Antibody (YA2238) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
YY1; Delta transcription factor; INO80 complex subunit S; NF-E1; Yin and yang 1; YY-1
Human, Mouse, Rat
YY1 Antibody (YA2446) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2446), targeting YY1, with a predicted molecular weight of 45 kDa (observed band size: 65 kDa). YY1 Antibody (YA2446) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
NOX2 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 65 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-NOX2 polyclonal antibody. NOX2 Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, IF expriments in human, mouse, rat, and predicted: chicken, dog, pig, cow, horse, rabbit background without labeling.
DKFZp686C01211 antibody;
DNA binding factor KBF1 antibody;
DNA binding factor KBF1 EBP1 antibody;
DNA-binding factor KBF1 antibody;
EBP 1 antibody;
EBP-1 antibody;
EBP1 antibody;
KBF1 antibody;
MGC54151 antibody;
NF kappa B antibody;
NF kappaB antibody;
NF kappabeta antibody;
NF kB1 antibody;
NFkappaB antibody;
NFKB 1 antibody;
NFKB p105 antibody;
NFKB p50 antibody;
Nfkb1 antibody;
NFKB1_HUMAN antibody;
Nuclear factor kappa B DNA binding subunit antibody;
Nuclear factor kappa-B, subunit 1 antibody;
Nuclear factor NF kappa B p105 subunit antibody;
Nuclear factor NF kappa B p50 subunit antibody;
Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p50 subunit antibody;
Nuclear factor of kappa light chain gene enhancer in B cells 1 antibody;
Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 1 antibody;
Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 1 antibody;
p105 antibody;
p50 antibody;
p84/NF-kappa-B1 p98 antibody;
Transcription factor NFKB1 antibody
Human, Mouse
NF-κB p105/p50 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 50 kDa, targeting to NF-κB p105/p50. It can be used for WB,ICC,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
SLC7A5; CD98LC, LAT1; MPE16; Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 1; 4F2 light chain (4F2 LC; 4F2LC); CD98 light chain; Integral membrane protein E16; Solute carrier family 7 member 5
SLC7A5/LAT1 Antibody (YA1193) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1193), targeting SLC7A5/LAT1. SLC7A5/LAT1 Antibody (YA1193) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CSNK2B; CK2N; G5A; Casein kinase II subunit beta; CK II beta; Phosvitin; Protein G5a
Human, Mouse, Rat
Casein Kinase 2 beta Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 25 kDa, targeting to Casein Kinase 2 beta. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
FTH1; FTH; FTHL6; OK/SW-cl.84; PIG15; Ferritin heavy chain; Ferritin H subunit; Cell proliferation-inducing gene 15 protein
Human, Mouse, Rat, Hamster
Ferritin Heavy Chain Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 21 kDa, targeting to Ferritin Heavy Chain. It can be used for WB,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat, Hamster.
GABA A Receptor beta 2 Antibody (YA1758) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting GABA A Receptor beta 2, with a predicted molecular weight of 59 kDa (observed band size: 59 kDa). GABA A Receptor beta 2 Antibody (YA1758) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PPP1R1B; DARPP32; Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 1B; DARPP-32; Dopamine- and cAMP-regulated neuronal phosphoprotein
Human, Mouse, Rat
DARPP32 Antibody (YA2644) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2644), targeting DARPP32, with a predicted molecular weight of 23 kDa (observed band size: 32 kDa). DARPP32 Antibody (YA2644) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Integrin beta 4 Antibody (YA3280) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3280), targeting Integrin beta 4, with a predicted molecular weight of 202 kDa (observed band size: 210 kDa). Integrin beta 4 Antibody (YA3280) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human, mouse background.
USP14 Antibody (YA3328) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3328), targeting USP14, with a predicted molecular weight of 56 kDa (observed band size: 56 kDa). USP14 Antibody (YA3328) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD11 antigen-like family member B; CR-3 alpha chain; Cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 subunit alpha; CD11b; Leukocyte adhesion receptor MO1
CD11b Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 127 kDa, targeting to CD11b. It can be used for WB,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Mouse.
NEAS Antibody (YA1355) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1355), targeting NEAS, with a predicted molecular weight of 285 kDa (observed band size: 285 kDa). NEAS Antibody (YA1355) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
TOMM20 Antibody (YA1380) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1380), targeting TOMM20, with a predicted molecular weight of 16 kDa (observed band size: 16 kDa). TOMM20 Antibody (YA1380) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, hamster background.
Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 3 (EC:; PI3-kinase type 3; PI3K type 3; PtdIns-3-kinase type 3; Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p100 subunit; Phosphoinositide-3-kinase class 3; hVps34; VPS34 antibodyPIK3C3;
Human, Mouse, Rat
PIK3C3 Antibody (YA2789) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2789), targeting PIK3C3, with a predicted molecular weight of 102 kDa (observed band size: 102 kDa). PIK3C3 Antibody (YA2789) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PP2A alpha/beta Antibody (YA1693) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1693), targeting PP2A alpha/beta, with a predicted molecular weight of 36 kDa (observed band size: 36 kDa). PP2A alpha/beta Antibody (YA1693) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat, hamster background.
VCP Antibody (YA2375) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2375), targeting VCP, with a predicted molecular weight of 89 kDa (observed band size: 89 kDa). VCP Antibody (YA2375) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
alpha Fodrin Antibody (YA3347) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3347), targeting alpha Fodrin, with a predicted molecular weight of 285 kDa (observed band size: 150,285 kDa). alpha Fodrin Antibody (YA3347) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
NDUFS3 Antibody (YA1346) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting NDUFS3, with a predicted molecular weight of 30 kDa (observed band size: 26 kDa). NDUFS3 Antibody (YA1346) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse background.
PRKAR1A; PKR1; PRKAR1; TSE1; cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha regulatory subunit; Tissue-specific extinguisher 1; TSE1
Human, Rat
PKA RI alpha Antibody (YA1751) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting PKA RI alpha, with a predicted molecular weight of 43 kDa (observed band size: 43 kDa). PKA RI alpha Antibody (YA1751) can be used for WB experiment in human, rat background.
Phospho-PP2A alpha (Tyr307) Antibody (YA2856) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2856), targeting Phospho-PP2A alpha (Tyr307), with a predicted molecular weight of 36 kDa (observed band size: 36 kDa). Phospho-PP2A alpha (Tyr307) Antibody (YA2856) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD11 antigen-like family member B; CR-3 alpha chain; Cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 subunit alpha; CD11b; Leukocyte adhesion receptor MO1
CD11b Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 127 kDa, targeting to CD11b. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,FC,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
MSH6; GTBP; DNA mismatch repair protein Msh6; hMSH6; G/T mismatch-binding protein; GTBP; GTMBP; MutS-alpha 160 kDa subunit; p160
Human, Mouse, Rat
MSH6 Antibody (YA1756) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1756), targeting MSH6, with a predicted molecular weight of 153 kDa (observed band size: 163 kDa). MSH6 Antibody (YA1756) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
KCNA1 Antibody (YA3075) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3075), targeting KCNA1, with a predicted molecular weight of 56 kDa (observed band size: 56 kDa). KCNA1 Antibody (YA3075) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human background.
C1QA Antibody (YA1213) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1213), targeting C1QA. C1QA Antibody (YA1213) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
I 1; I1; Inhibitor 1; IPP1; Ppp1r1a; Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 1A
Human, Mouse, Rat
PPP1R1A Antibody (YA3109) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3109), targeting PPP1R1A, with a predicted molecular weight of 19 kDa (observed band size: 27 kDa). PPP1R1A Antibody (YA3109) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
ITGA4; CD49D; Integrin alpha-4; CD49 antigen-like family member D; Integrin alpha-IV; VLA-4 subunit alpha; CD49d
Integrin alpha 4 Antibody (YA3201) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting Integrin alpha 4, with a predicted molecular weight of 115 kDa (observed band size: 150 kDa). Integrin alpha 4 Antibody (YA3201) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
TATA Box Binding Protein Antibody (YA3260) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3260), targeting TATA Box Binding Protein, with a predicted molecular weight of 38 kDa (observed band size: 38 kDa). TATA Box Binding Protein Antibody (YA3260) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse background.
S100A1; S100A; Protein S100-A1; S-100 protein alpha chain; S-100 protein subunit alpha; S100 calcium-binding protein A1
Human, Mouse
S100A1 Antibody (YA3316) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3316), targeting S100A1, with a predicted molecular weight of 11 kDa (observed band size: 11 kDa). S100A1 Antibody (YA3316) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse background.
IKK epsilon Antibody (YA1611) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1611), targeting IKK epsilon, with a predicted molecular weight of 80 kDa (observed band size: 80 kDa). IKK epsilon Antibody (YA1611) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human background.
NF-KB p105 Antibody (YA700) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 105 kDa, targeting to NF-KB p105 (5E3). It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
ITGA2; CD49B; Integrin alpha-2; CD49 antigen-like family member B; Collagen receptor; Platelet membrane glycoprotein Ia; GPIa; VLA-2 subunit alpha; CD49b
Human, Mouse, Rat
Integrin alpha 2 Antibody (YA3107) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3107), targeting Integrin alpha 2, with a predicted molecular weight of 129 kDa (observed band size: 150 kDa). Integrin alpha 2 Antibody (YA3107) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Ferritin L chain; Ferritin L subunit; Ferritin light chain; Ferritin light polypeptide; Ferritin light polypeptide like 3; FRIL; FRIL_HUMAN; FTL; L apoferritin; LFTD; MGC71996; NBIA 3; NBIA3.
Ferritin Light Chain Antibody (YA971) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG2b antibody (Clone NO.: YA971), targeting Ferritin Light Chain. Ferritin Light Chain Antibody (YA971) can be used for ELISA experiment in human background.
Ferritin L chain; Ferritin L subunit; Ferritin light chain; Ferritin light polypeptide; Ferritin light polypeptide like 3; FRIL; FRIL_HUMAN; FTL; L apoferritin; LFTD; MGC71996; NBIA 3; NBIA3.
Ferritin Light Chain Antibody (YA972) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG2a antibody (Clone NO.: YA972), targeting Ferritin Light Chain. Ferritin Light Chain Antibody (YA972) can be used for ELISA experiment in human background.
IKK beta Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 87 kDa, targeting to IKK beta. It can be used for WB,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Phospho-eIF4E (Ser209) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 25 kDa, targeting to Phospho-eIF4E (Ser209). It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
FLJ36922; FLJ55954; OTTHUMP00000165834; PP-T; PP5; PPP5; PPP5_HUMAN; PPP5C; PPT; Protein phosphatase 5; catalytic subunit; Protein phosphatase T; Serine/threonine protein phosphatase 5; Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 5.
PPP5C Antibody (YA1069) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG2a antibody, targeting PPP5C, with a predicted molecular weight of 57 kDa (observed band size: 57 kDa). PPP5C Antibody (YA1069) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
GABA B Receptor 1 Antibody (YA2418) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting GABA B Receptor 1, with a predicted molecular weight of 108 kDa (observed band size: 108 kDa). GABA B Receptor 1 Antibody (YA2418) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
ACTL6A; BAF53; BAF53A; INO80K; Actin-like protein 6A; 53 kDa BRG1-associated factor A; Actin-related protein Baf53a; ArpNbeta; BRG1-associated factor 53A; BAF53A; INO80 complex subunit K
ACTL6A Antibody (YA2684) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2684), targeting ACTL6A, with a predicted molecular weight of 47 kDa (observed band size: 47 kDa). ACTL6A Antibody (YA2684) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
C21; DC42; F box like/WD repeat containing protein TBL1XR1; F-box-like/WD repeat-containing protein TBL1XR1; FLJ12894; IRA1; Nuclear receptor corepressor/HDAC3 complex subunit; Nuclear receptor corepressor/HDAC3 complex subunit TBLR1; TBL1 related protein 1; TBL1-related protein 1; TBL1R_HUMAN; TBL1XR1; Transducin (beta) like 1 X linked receptor 1; Transducin beta like 1X related protein 1; Transducin beta-like 1X-related protein 1.
Human, Mouse
TBL1XR1 Antibody (YA1052) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG1 antibody (Clone NO.: YA1052), targeting TBL1XR1, with a predicted molecular weight of 56 kDa (observed band size: 60 kDa). TBL1XR1 Antibody (YA1052) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse background.
C21; DC42; F box like/WD repeat containing protein TBL1XR1; F-box-like/WD repeat-containing protein TBL1XR1; FLJ12894; IRA1; Nuclear receptor corepressor/HDAC3 complex subunit; Nuclear receptor corepressor/HDAC3 complex subunit TBLR1; TBL1 related protein 1; TBL1-related protein 1; TBL1R_HUMAN; TBL1XR1; Transducin (beta) like 1 X linked receptor 1; Transducin beta like 1X related protein 1; Transducin beta-like 1X-related protein 1.
Human, Mouse, Rat
TBL1XR1 Antibody (YA1053) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1053), targeting TBL1XR1, with a predicted molecular weight of 56 kDa (observed band size: 56 kDa). TBL1XR1 Antibody (YA1053) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
C21; DC42; F box like/WD repeat containing protein TBL1XR1; F-box-like/WD repeat-containing protein TBL1XR1; FLJ12894; IRA1; Nuclear receptor corepressor/HDAC3 complex subunit; Nuclear receptor corepressor/HDAC3 complex subunit TBLR1; TBL1 related protein 1; TBL1-related protein 1; TBL1R_HUMAN; TBL1XR1; Transducin (beta) like 1 X linked receptor 1; Transducin beta like 1X related protein 1; Transducin beta-like 1X-related protein 1.
Human, Monkey
TBLR1 Antibody (YA1084) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG1 antibody (Clone NO.: YA1084), targeting TBLR1, with a predicted molecular weight of 56 kDa (observed band size: 60 kDa). TBLR1 Antibody (YA1084) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, monkey background.
NF-KB p100 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 97 kDa, targeting to NF-KB p100. It can be used for WB,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
IKK alpha/beta Antibody (YA1871) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1871), targeting IKK alpha/beta, with a predicted molecular weight of 85 kDa (observed band size: 75,87 kDa). IKK alpha/beta Antibody (YA1871) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
60S acidic ribosomal protein P1; AA409079; AI325195; AU020965; HSSB; ik:tdsubc_2g1; M(2)21C; MGC137236; OTTHUMP00000004008; p32; p34; RCJMB04_6d17 replication protein A2; 32kDa; REPA 2; REPA1; REPA2; Replication factor A protein 2; Replication protein A 32 kDa subunit; Replication protein A 32kDa subunit; Replication protein A 34 kDa subunit; Replication protein A; replication protein A1 (70kD); Replication Protein A2 (32kDa); Replication protein A2 32kD; Replication protein A2 32kDa; Replication protein A2; Replication protein A2; 32kDa; RF A; RF-A protein 2; Rf-A2; RFA; RFA2_HUMAN; RP A; RP-A p32; RP-A p34; RP21C; RPA 2; RPA 32; RPA; RPA2; RPA32; RPA34; RPA70; RpLP1; RpP2; xx:tdsubc_2g1; zgc:109822.
Human, Mouse, Rat
Phospho-RPA2 (Thr21) Antibody (YA2720) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2720), targeting Phospho-RPA2 (Thr21), with a predicted molecular weight of 29 kDa (observed band size: 32 kDa). Phospho-RPA2 (Thr21) Antibody (YA2720) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Caspase-1 p20 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 46 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-Caspase-1 p20 polyclonal antibody. Caspase-1 p20 Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, Flow-Cyt, ICC, IF expriments in human, mouse, rat, background without labeling.
NEF; Protein S100 B; Protein S100-B; S 100 calcium binding protein beta chain; S 100 protein beta chain; S-100 protein beta chain; S-100 protein subunit beta; S100; S100 calcium binding protein beta (neural); S100 calcium-binding protein B; S100 protein b
Human, Mouse, Rat, Goat
S100B Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 11 kDa, targeting to S100B. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat, Goat.
NGFB Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 27 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-NGFB monoclonal antibody. NGFB Antibody can be used for: WB, IF-Cell, IF-Tissue, IHC-P, IHC-Fr expriments in human, rat, mouse ,Zebrafish background without labeling.
Cdk7 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 39 kDa, targeting to Cdk7. It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Caspase-5 subunit p20; Apoptosis related cysteine protease; CASP 5; CASP5; Caspase-5; Caspase5; Caspase 5 apoptosis related cysteine peptidase; caspase 5 apoptosis related cysteine protease; ICE; ICE(rel) III; ICE(rel)III; ICEREL III; ICERELIII; ICH 3; ICH 3 protease; ICH3; ICH3 protease; MGC141966; TY; TY protease.
Human, Mouse
Caspase-5 p20 Antibody is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting Caspase-5 p20, with a predicted molecular weight of 48 kDa. Caspase-5 p20 Antibody can be used for WB, IHC-P, IHC-F, ICC/IF, ELISA experiments in human, mouse backgrounds.
Basic helix loop helix PAS protein MOP2; Basic-helix-loop-helix-PAS protein MOP2; bHLHe73; Class E basic helix-loop-helix protein 73; ECYT4; Endothelial PAS domain containing protein 1; Endothelial pas domain protein 1; Endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1; EPAS 1; EPAS-1; EPAS1; EPAS1_HUMAN; HIF 1 alpha like factor; HIF-1-alpha-like factor; HIF-2-alpha; HIF2-alpha; HIF2A; HLF; Hypoxia inducible factor 2 alpha; Hypoxia inducible factor 2 alpha subunit; Hypoxia-inducible factor 2-alpha; Member of PAS protein 2; Member of pas superfamily 2; MOP 2; MOP2; PAS domain-containing protein 2; PASD2.
Human, Mouse, Rat
HIF 2 alpha Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 96 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-HIF 2 alpha monoclonal antibody. HIF 2 alpha Antibody can be used for:WB, IHC-P, FC expriments in human, mouse, rat background without labeling.
NF-kB p65 (phospho S536); p-NF-κB p65(Phospho-Ser536); RELA(phospho S536); NF kB P65; NF-kB p65; NFKBp65; NF-κBp65; p65 NF kappaB; p65 NFkB; NFKBp65; RELA; Transcription Factor p65; v rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 3 (p65)); V Rel Avian Reticuloendotheliosis Viral Oncogene Homolog A; v rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian); v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A; p65NFKB; Avian reticuloendotheliosis viral (v rel) oncogene homolog A; MGC131774; NFKB 3; NFKB3; Nuclear Factor NF Kappa B p65 subunit; Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells 3; Nuclear Factor Of Kappa Light Polypeptide Gene Enhancer In B Cells; TF65_HUMAN. NFκB-p65; NFκB p65; NF κB-p65; NFκBp65
Human, Mouse, Rat
Phospho-NF-κB p65 (Ser536) Antibody is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting Phospho-NF-κB p65 (Ser536), with a predicted molecular weight of 61 kDa. Phospho-NF-κB p65 (Ser536) Antibody can be used for WB, IHC-P, FC experiments in human, mouse, rat backgrounds.