CD19 CAR circRNA 可以表达 CD19 car 蛋白,并且可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。 CD19 car 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。
CD19 CAR mRNA (Mouse) 可以表达小鼠 CD19 CAR 蛋白,并且可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。 CD19 CAR 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。
CD19 CAR mRNA (Human) 可以表达人源 CD19 CAR 蛋白,并且可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。 CD19 CAR 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。
Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 是从 E. coli O55:B5 中提取的内毒素,由一个抗原 O-特异性链、一个核心寡糖和脂质 A 构成。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 激活免疫细胞的 TLR-4。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 可以引起大鼠体温变化,且具有剂量和血清型特异性,Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 导致大鼠体温多相性和非剂量依赖性升高。
CD19 car circRNA-LNP 是一种包含 CD19 car circRNA 的脂质纳米粒 (LNP),适用于 RNA 传递、翻译效率、细胞活力等检测。CD19 car circRNA 可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。而 CD19 car 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。
CD19 car mRNA (Mouse)-LNP 是一种包含 CD19 car mRNA 的脂质纳米粒 (LNP),适用于 RNA 传递、翻译效率、细胞活力等检测。CD19 car mRNA 可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。而 CD19 car 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。
Focusyltransferase 7 (FUT7) 是一种高尔基堆叠膜蛋白。Focusyltransferase 7 在 Lewis 抗原合成过程中催化最后的聚焦化步骤,并产生独特的糖基化产物 sialyl Lewis X (sLeX)。Focusyltransferase 7 催化参与唾液 Lewis X 抗原表达的 α -1,3 糖苷键。
Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O26:B6 是一种脂多糖内毒素和 TLR-4 激活剂,可激活免疫系统的致病相关分子模式 (PAMP) 和诱导细胞分泌迁移体。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O26:B6 由一个抗原 O-特异性链、部分细胞缺乏 O 抗原侧链,能够被核心特异性单克隆抗体 MAb J8-4C10 识别。
Lipopolysaccharides, from S. enterica serotype enteritidis 是一种脂多糖内毒素,会引发人类的胃肠疾病,能够通过受污染的鸡蛋或以鸡蛋和家禽肉制品为基础的食品传播。S. enterica serotype enteritidis 能够高效产生高分子量的 LPS 的 O 抗原链,而 Lipopolysaccharides, from S. enterica serotype typhimurium (HY-D1056C3) 则不能。S. enterica serotype enteritidis 与其他致病性沙门氏菌相似。Lipopolysaccharides, from S. enterica serotype enteritidis的 O 抗原在噬菌体感染 S. Enteritidis 的早期阶段中与噬菌体附着有关。
Periglaucine B ((+)-Periglaucine B) 是一种生物碱和 HBsAg 抑制剂。Periglaucine B 能够从 Pericampylus glaucus 中分离得到。Periglaucine B 抑制 Hep G2.2.15 细胞中乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV) 表面抗原 (HBsAg) 的分泌,IC50 值为 0.47 mM。
印楝素 B
Azadirachtin B 是从 Azadirachta indica 种子仁中分离的柠檬苦素。Azadirachtin B 增加碱性磷酸酶 (ALP) 活性并刺激成骨细胞分化。Azadirachtin B 对爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒早期抗原 (EBV-EA) 具有活性。Azadirachtin B 具有杀虫,杀线虫,抗癌,抗炎,抗病毒和成骨特性。
Cibisatamab (CEA-TCB) 是一种 T 细胞双特异性抗体,与癌细胞上的癌胚抗原 (CEA) 和 T 细胞上的 CD3 结合。Cibisatamab (CEA-TCB) 对细胞表面表达中到高水平 CEA 的癌细胞系触发 T 细胞杀伤。Cibisatamab (CEA-TCB) 可用于结直肠癌研究。
Lewis X trisaccharide (Lewis X, Lex) 是一种强效 TH2 调节剂,拮抗 LPS 诱导的 IL-12 的免疫表达。Lewis X trisaccharide 是人组织血型抗原,在细胞-细胞粘附中起关键作用,是一种肿瘤标志物。Lewis X trisaccharide 也被用于血吸虫病的免疫学研究。
Celestine Blue 是DNA生物传感器中的一种电活性指示剂。Celestine Blue 在尖晶石相和碳纳米管 (CNT) 上具有很强的吸附作用,有利于分散,可作为旋盖剂,并可用于制造尖晶石装饰的碳纳米管。Celestine Blue 是一种高效的电荷转移介质,它允许显著改善电容行为。在丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV) 核心抗原的夹心免疫检测中,掺杂 Celestine Blue 的二氧化钛纳米颗粒可作为标记物。
Lipopolysaccharides from P. aeruginosa 10 是一种脂多糖内毒素,由一个抗原 O-特异性链、一个核心寡糖和脂质 A 构成。P. aeruginosa 10 的脂多糖具有不同于一般肠杆菌类的脂肪酸组成、异常高的磷酸化程度 (已检测到三磷酸残基) 和独特的核心寡糖的外部区域,同时其 O 特异性侧链通常富含新型氨基糖。Lipopolysaccharides, from P. aeruginosa 10 的对病毒的易感性与其组分中高分子量多糖含量有关。高分子量多糖的缺失增强其对噬菌体的敏感性。
Lipopolysaccharides, from S. marcescens 是一种脂多糖内毒素,可激活免疫系统的致病相关分子模式 (PAMP) 和诱导细胞分泌迁移体。Lipopolysaccharides 能够从革兰氏阴性菌外膜的外叶中提取得到,由一个抗原 O-特异性链、一个核心寡糖和脂质 A 构成。Lipopolysaccharides, from S. marcescens 通过 Toll 样受体(TLR4)/MD-2 诱导小鼠细胞中的 NF-κB 活化。S. marcescens 的 Lipopolysaccharides可以诱导宿主免疫细胞凋亡。
Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 是一种来源于大肠杆菌 O127:B8脂多糖内毒素和 TLR-4 激活剂,可激活免疫系统的致病相关分子模式 (PAMP) 和诱导细胞分泌迁移体。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 由一个抗原 O-特异性链、一个核心寡糖和脂质 A 构成。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 可以引起大鼠体温变化且具有剂量和血清型特异性具有剂量和血清型特异性,高剂量 Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 可引起了大鼠体温的双重变化,即先出现低体温然后是发热。此外,Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 具有炎症诱导与生殖抑制作用,并可导致软体动物有丝分裂活性大幅度增加。
DILI 已被证实是一个由多种机制参与的复杂病理过程,其中包括肝脏的结构和功能完整性的直接损害(例如线粒体功能障碍);产生改变肝细胞结构和功能的代谢产物;产生能与肝蛋白结合的反应性药物代谢产物,从而产生新的抗原性药物-蛋白质加合物,这些新的加合物被宿主的防御系统所针对(半抗原假说),并引发损害肝脏的全身超敏反应(即药物过敏)。
MCE 肝脏毒性化合物库包含 1,443 种肝脏毒性化合物,是进行肝损伤及相关药物毒理研究的有力工具,该化合物库也可以用来探究 DILI 发病机制,识别早期 DILI 标记物,在药物开发中及时发现并规避可能诱导肝损伤的药物设计,有助于药物的顺利上市。
Celestine Blue 是DNA生物传感器中的一种电活性指示剂。Celestine Blue 在尖晶石相和碳纳米管 (CNT) 上具有很强的吸附作用,有利于分散,可作为旋盖剂,并可用于制造尖晶石装饰的碳纳米管。Celestine Blue 是一种高效的电荷转移介质,它允许显著改善电容行为。在丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV) 核心抗原的夹心免疫检测中,掺杂 Celestine Blue 的二氧化钛纳米颗粒可作为标记物。
Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 是从 E. coli O55:B5 中提取的内毒素,由一个抗原 O-特异性链、一个核心寡糖和脂质 A 构成。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 激活免疫细胞的 TLR-4。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 可以引起大鼠体温变化,且具有剂量和血清型特异性,Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 导致大鼠体温多相性和非剂量依赖性升高。
CD19 car circRNA-LNP 是一种包含 CD19 car circRNA 的脂质纳米粒 (LNP),适用于 RNA 传递、翻译效率、细胞活力等检测。CD19 car circRNA 可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。而 CD19 car 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。
CD19 car mRNA (Mouse)-LNP 是一种包含 CD19 car mRNA 的脂质纳米粒 (LNP),适用于 RNA 传递、翻译效率、细胞活力等检测。CD19 car mRNA 可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。而 CD19 car 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。
Focusyltransferase 7 (FUT7) 是一种高尔基堆叠膜蛋白。Focusyltransferase 7 在 Lewis 抗原合成过程中催化最后的聚焦化步骤,并产生独特的糖基化产物 sialyl Lewis X (sLeX)。Focusyltransferase 7 催化参与唾液 Lewis X 抗原表达的 α -1,3 糖苷键。
Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O26:B6 是一种脂多糖内毒素和 TLR-4 激活剂,可激活免疫系统的致病相关分子模式 (PAMP) 和诱导细胞分泌迁移体。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O26:B6 由一个抗原 O-特异性链、部分细胞缺乏 O 抗原侧链,能够被核心特异性单克隆抗体 MAb J8-4C10 识别。
Lipopolysaccharides, from S. enterica serotype enteritidis 是一种脂多糖内毒素,会引发人类的胃肠疾病,能够通过受污染的鸡蛋或以鸡蛋和家禽肉制品为基础的食品传播。S. enterica serotype enteritidis 能够高效产生高分子量的 LPS 的 O 抗原链,而 Lipopolysaccharides, from S. enterica serotype typhimurium (HY-D1056C3) 则不能。S. enterica serotype enteritidis 与其他致病性沙门氏菌相似。Lipopolysaccharides, from S. enterica serotype enteritidis的 O 抗原在噬菌体感染 S. Enteritidis 的早期阶段中与噬菌体附着有关。
Lipopolysaccharides from P. aeruginosa 10 是一种脂多糖内毒素,由一个抗原 O-特异性链、一个核心寡糖和脂质 A 构成。P. aeruginosa 10 的脂多糖具有不同于一般肠杆菌类的脂肪酸组成、异常高的磷酸化程度 (已检测到三磷酸残基) 和独特的核心寡糖的外部区域,同时其 O 特异性侧链通常富含新型氨基糖。Lipopolysaccharides, from P. aeruginosa 10 的对病毒的易感性与其组分中高分子量多糖含量有关。高分子量多糖的缺失增强其对噬菌体的敏感性。
Lipopolysaccharides, from S. marcescens 是一种脂多糖内毒素,可激活免疫系统的致病相关分子模式 (PAMP) 和诱导细胞分泌迁移体。Lipopolysaccharides 能够从革兰氏阴性菌外膜的外叶中提取得到,由一个抗原 O-特异性链、一个核心寡糖和脂质 A 构成。Lipopolysaccharides, from S. marcescens 通过 Toll 样受体(TLR4)/MD-2 诱导小鼠细胞中的 NF-κB 活化。S. marcescens 的 Lipopolysaccharides可以诱导宿主免疫细胞凋亡。
Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 是一种来源于大肠杆菌 O127:B8脂多糖内毒素和 TLR-4 激活剂,可激活免疫系统的致病相关分子模式 (PAMP) 和诱导细胞分泌迁移体。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 由一个抗原 O-特异性链、一个核心寡糖和脂质 A 构成。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 可以引起大鼠体温变化且具有剂量和血清型特异性具有剂量和血清型特异性,高剂量 Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 可引起了大鼠体温的双重变化,即先出现低体温然后是发热。此外,Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O127:B8 具有炎症诱导与生殖抑制作用,并可导致软体动物有丝分裂活性大幅度增加。
BDC2.5 Mimotope 1040-63 是一种有生物活性的肽。(TCR转基因模型(BDC2.5)模拟表位用于1型糖尿病(T1D)研究。 T1D 是一种自身免疫性疾病,其中 T 细胞介导对胰岛 b 细胞的损伤。 T1D 是由产生胰岛素的细胞的自身反应性 T 细胞破坏引起的。 BDC2.5模拟表位用于支持抗原肽向胰岛自身抗原特异性T细胞的抗原呈递的研究。)
SIIVFEKL TFA 是主要 MHC I 类限制性表位 SIINFEKL 的变体。SIIVFEKL TFA 是一种抗原肽,可在实验环境中刺激特定 T 细胞,以研究 T 细胞之间的竞争性相互作用。SIIVFEKL TFA 对 OT-I T 细胞受体 (TCR) 的亲和力较低,可用于检测 CD8+ T 细胞。
SIYNFEKL TFA 是主要 MHC I 类限制性表位 SIINFEKL 的变体。SIYNFEKL TFA 是一种抗原肽,可以在实验环境中刺激特定 T 细胞,以研究 T 细胞之间的竞争性相互作用。SIYNFEKL TFA 对 OT-I T 细胞受体 (TCR) 的亲和力较低,可用于检测 CD8+ T 细胞。
Cibisatamab (CEA-TCB) 是一种 T 细胞双特异性抗体,与癌细胞上的癌胚抗原 (CEA) 和 T 细胞上的 CD3 结合。Cibisatamab (CEA-TCB) 对细胞表面表达中到高水平 CEA 的癌细胞系触发 T 细胞杀伤。Cibisatamab (CEA-TCB) 可用于结直肠癌研究。
Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 是从 E. coli O55:B5 中提取的内毒素,由一个抗原 O-特异性链、一个核心寡糖和脂质 A 构成。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 激活免疫细胞的 TLR-4。Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 可以引起大鼠体温变化,且具有剂量和血清型特异性,Lipopolysaccharides, from E. coli O55:B5 导致大鼠体温多相性和非剂量依赖性升高。
Periglaucine B ((+)-Periglaucine B) 是一种生物碱和 HBsAg 抑制剂。Periglaucine B 能够从 Pericampylus glaucus 中分离得到。Periglaucine B 抑制 Hep G2.2.15 细胞中乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV) 表面抗原 (HBsAg) 的分泌,IC50 值为 0.47 mM。
印楝素 B
Azadirachtin B 是从 Azadirachta indica 种子仁中分离的柠檬苦素。Azadirachtin B 增加碱性磷酸酶 (ALP) 活性并刺激成骨细胞分化。Azadirachtin B 对爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒早期抗原 (EBV-EA) 具有活性。Azadirachtin B 具有杀虫,杀线虫,抗癌,抗炎,抗病毒和成骨特性。
Lewis X trisaccharide (Lewis X, Lex) 是一种强效 TH2 调节剂,拮抗 LPS 诱导的 IL-12 的免疫表达。Lewis X trisaccharide 是人组织血型抗原,在细胞-细胞粘附中起关键作用,是一种肿瘤标志物。Lewis X trisaccharide 也被用于血吸虫病的免疫学研究。
B2 microglobulin; DADB-15K14.8; HLA 6.0; HLA class I histocompatibility Antigen alpha chain G; HLA class I histocompatibility Antigen; alpha chain G; HLA class I molecule; HLA G; HLA G Antigen; HLA G histocompatibility Antigen class I G; HLA G3; HLA-G; HLA-G histocompatibility Antigen; class I; HLA60; HLAG; HLAG_HUMAN; Major histocompatibility complex class I G; MHC class I Antigen; MHC class I Antigen G; MHC G; T-cell A locus; TCA
HLA class II histocompatibility Antigen; HLA class II histocompatibility Antigen; DP beta 1 chain; HLA class II histocompatibility Antigen; HLA-DP1B; HLA-DPB
HLA-C 蛋白是 MHC I 类家族的一部分,对于免疫系统功能至关重要,可将抗原呈递给细胞毒性 T 细胞。在这个家族中,HLA-C 参与调节免疫反应和识别外来物质。需要进一步探索以揭示更广泛的 MHC I 类家族中的特定功能和影响,强调其在免疫监视和宿主防御机制中的重要性。HLA-C Protein, Human (His) 是重组的 HLA-C 蛋白,由 E. coli 表达,带有 N-6*His 标签。HLA-C Protein, Human (His) 全长 284 个氨基酸,分子量约为 ~36.7 kDa。
CD1D 蛋白是一种关键的抗原呈递分子,可结合自身和非自身糖脂,将它们呈递给自然杀伤 T 细胞上的 T 细胞受体。它与 B2M 合作,集中协调免疫反应,并且它与 MHC II 的相互作用强调了它在复杂的免疫系统调节网络中的重要性。CD1D Protein, Human (His-SUMO) 是重组的 CD1D 蛋白,由 E. coli 表达,带有 N-6*His, N-SUMO 标签。CD1D Protein, Human (His-SUMO) 全长 282 个氨基酸
重组人 CD160, His (HEK293 表达)
CD160 Protein, Human (HEK293, His)是一种在 HEK 293 细胞中表达的,N 末端有 His 标签的重组人 CD160。CD160 Protein 与 MHC I 弱结合,并刺激 NK 和 CD8+ T 细胞活化。
B2 microglobulin; DADB-15K14.8; HLA 6.0; HLA class I histocompatibility Antigen alpha chain G; Major histocompatibility complex class I G; MHC class I Antigen; MHC class I Antigen G; MHC G; T-cell A locus; TCA
CRTAM/CD355 蛋白通过介导细胞间粘附来调节 T 细胞亚群。它与 CADM1 相互作用,增强 NK 细胞的细胞毒性、CD8+ T 细胞的 IFNG 分泌以及 NK 细胞介导的肿瘤排斥。CRTAM 调节 CD8+ T 细胞增殖,但不调节细胞毒性。它还促进 CD4+ T 细胞极化并调节 TCR 介导的增殖和细胞因子的产生。CRTAM 有助于淋巴结中活化的 CD8+ T 细胞的保留和上皮内 T 细胞的肠道保留。它可能以单体或同二聚体的形式存在,并与 SCRIB 相互作用以促进 CD4+ T 细胞的极化。CRTAM/CD355 Protein, Cynomolgus (HEK293, Fc) 是重组的 CRTAM/CD355 蛋白,由 HEK293 表达,带有 C-hFc 标签。
重组小鼠 CD160, His (HEK 293 表达)
CD160 Protein, Mouse (HEK293, His)是一种在 HEK 293 细胞中表达的,N 末端有 His 标签的重组小鼠 CD160。CD160 Protein 与 MHC I 弱结合,并刺激 NK 和 CD8+ T 细胞活化。
重组恒河猴 CD160, His (HEK 293 表达)
CD160 Protein, Rhesus macaque (HEK293, His)是一种在 HEK 293 细胞中表达的,N 末端有 His 标签的重组恒河猴 CD160。CD160 Protein 与 MHC I 弱结合,并刺激 NK 和 CD8+ T 细胞活化。
ELAV embryonic lethal abnormal vision Drosophila; like 4; ELAV L4; ELAV like 4; ELAV like protein 4; ELAV-like protein 4; ELAV4_HUMAN; Elavl4; Embryonic lethal abnormal vision Drosophila homolog of like 4; Hu Antigen D; Hu-Antigen D; HuD; Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis Antigen HuD; PNEM
Tubulointerstitial nephritis Antigen-like (TINAGL1); also known as Glucocorticoid-inducible protein 5; Oxidized LDL-responsive gene 2 protein; TIN Ag-related protein; Tubulointerstitial nephritis Antigen-related protein; GIS5; LCN7; OLRG2 and TINAGL
CD4 蛋白在辅助 T 细胞表面表达。它通过与抗原呈递细胞上的主要组织相容性复合物 II 类分子结合,促进 T 细胞激活和细胞因子产生,在免疫反应中发挥关键作用。CD4蛋白还参与免疫调节和耐受。了解其功能有助于开发自身免疫性疾病和免疫缺陷的疗法。CD4 Protein, Rat (HEK293, His) 是重组的 CD4 蛋白,由 HEK293 表达,带有 C-His 标签。
重组人 CD160, C-Fc (HEK 293 表达)
CD160 Protein, Human (HEK293, Fc)是一种在 HEK 293 细胞中表达的,C 末端有 Fc 标签的重组人 CD160。CD160 Protein 与 MHC I 弱结合,并刺激 NK 和 CD8+ T 细胞活化。
Lysosome Membrane Protein 2; 85 kDa Lysosomal Membrane Sialoglycoprotein; LGP85; CD36 Antigen-Like 2; Lysosome Membrane Protein II; LIMP II; Scavenger Receptor Class B Member 2; CD36; SCARB2; CD36L2; LIMPII
CD300 Antigen like family member; CD300 Antigen-like family member F; CD300 molecule like family member f; CD300f; CD300LF; CLM; CLM-1; CLM1; CMRF35-like molecule 1; IGSF; IgSF13; Inhibitory receptor IREM1; IREM; IREM-1; IREM1; Nepmucin; NK inhibitory receptor; NKIR; TREM
Signal-Regulatory Protein Gamma; SIRP-Gamma; CD172 Antigen-Like Family Member B; Signal-Fegulatory Protein Beta-2; SIRP-b2; SIRP-Beta-2; CD172g; SIRPG; SIRPB2
Alpha 3 type IV collagen; Alpha3 type IV collagen; CO4A3_HUMAN; COL4A 3; Col4a3; Collagen alpha 3IV; chain; Collagen IV alpha 3 polypeptide; Collagen type IV alpha 3 Goodpasture Antigen; ; Collagen type IV alpha 3; Collagen type IV alpha 3 chain; Goodpasture Antigen; OTTHUMP00000195044; Tumstatin
重组人 CD107a, His (HEK 293 表达)
LAMP1/CD107a Protein, Human (HEK293, His)是一种在 HEK 293 细胞中表达的,N 末端有 His 标签的重组人 CD107a。LAMP1/CD107a Protein 可用作鉴定自然杀伤细胞活性的功能标记。
rHuC-type lectin domain family 4 member K/CD207, His; CD207 Antigen; langerin; CD207; C-type lectin domain family 4 member K; C-type lectin domain
family 4, member K
NKG2-A/NKG2-B type II integral membrane protein; CD159 Antigen-like family member A; NK cell receptor A; NKG2-A/B-activating NK receptor; CD159a; KLRC1; NKG2A
CMRF35-like molecule 8; CD300 Antigen-like family member A; CMRF-35-H9; CMRF35-H; IRC1/IRC2; Immunoglobulin superfamily member 12; Inhibitory receptor protein 60; NK inhibitory receptor
rHuCD158d, His; Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor 2DL4; CD158 Antigen-Like Family Member D; KIR-103AS; MHC Class I NK Cell Receptor KIR103AS; CD158d; KIR2DL4; KIR103AS
重组人 CD158d, His (HEK 293 表达)
CD158d/KIR2DL4 Protein, Human (HEK293, His)是一种在 HEK 293 细胞中表达的,N 末端有 His 标签的重组人 CD158d。CD158d/KIR2DL4 Protein 是具有抑制潜能的 NK 细胞激活受体。
Galectin-3/LGALS3 Protein 是一种半乳糖凝集素,对具有 β-半乳糖苷键的碳水化合物具有高结合亲和力。Galectin-3/LGALS3 Protein 与糖基化蛋白相互作用以介导细胞间相互作用和细胞间基质粘附。Galectin-3/LGALS3 Protein 具有调节包括 Wnt/β-catenin 在内的信号传导,影响细胞增殖和生存,调节免疫功能,影响肿瘤进展等多种作用。Galectin-3/LGALS3 Protein, Human 是重组的 Galectin-3/LGALS3 蛋白,在 E. coli 表达。
Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor 2DL2; CD158 Antigen-like family member B1; MHC class I NK cell receptor; NKAT-6; p58 NK receptor CL-43; CD158b1; KIR2DL2; CD158B1; NKAT6
Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor 2DL2; CD158 Antigen-like family member B1; MHC class I NK cell receptor; NKAT-6; p58 NK receptor CL-43; CD158b1; KIR2DL2; CD158B1; NKAT6
Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha; Heat shock 86 kDa (HSP 86; HSP86); Heat shock protein family C member 1; Lipopolysaccharide-associated protein 2 (LAP-2; LPS-associated protein 2); Renal carcinoma Antigen NY-REN-38; HSP90A, HSPC1, HSPCA
rHuLeukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily A member 3/ILT6, His; Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily A member 3; CD85 Antigen-like family member E; Immunoglobulin-like transcript 6; ILT-6; Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor 4; LIR-4 and Monocyte inhibitory receptor HM43/HM31
CD314; KLRK1; CD314 Antigen; Killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily K member 1; killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily K; member 1; KLR; NK cell receptor D; NKG2-D; NKG2-D type II integral membrane protein; NKG2-D-activating NK receptor; NKG2D
NKG2D/CD314 蛋白作为免疫监视中的关键激活和共刺激受体,与肿瘤和病毒感染细胞上的多种应激诱导配体结合。它通过刺激 NK 细胞和增强 CD8(+) T 细胞介导的适应性反应中 T 细胞的激活发挥双重作用。NKG2D/CD314 Protein, Human (HEK293, His) 是重组的 NKG2D/CD314 蛋白,由 HEK293 表达,带有 N-6*His 标签。
TMEFF2; transmembrane protein with EGF like and two follistatin like domains 2; TR; HPP1; TPEF; TR-2; TENB2; CT120.2; tomoregulin-2; cancer/testis Antigen family 120, member 2; hyperplastic polyposis protein 1; transmembrane protein TENB2; transmembrane protein with EGF-like and two follistatin-like domains
CD314; CD314 Antigen ; D12S2489E; Killer cell lectin like receptor subfamily K member 1; Killer cell lectin-like receptor subfamily K member 1; KLR; KLRC4 KLRK1 readthrough; KLRK1; NK cell receptor D; NK lectin-like receptor; NKG2 D activating NK receptor; NKG2 D type II integral membrane protein; NKG2-D; NKG2-D type II integral membrane protein; NKG2-D-activating NK receptor; Nkg2d; NKG2D_HUMAN; NKLLR; NKR P2; Nkrp2
NKG2D/CD314 蛋白作为免疫监视中的关键激活和共刺激受体,与肿瘤和病毒感染细胞上的多种应激诱导配体结合。它通过刺激 NK 细胞和增强 CD8(+) T 细胞介导的适应性反应中 T 细胞的激活发挥双重作用。NKG2D/CD314 Protein, Human (HEK293, Fc) 是重组的 NKG2D/CD314 蛋白,由 HEK293 表达,带有 C-hFc 标签。
CD19 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 61 kDa, targeting to CD19. It can be used for WB,ICC/IF,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
SV40 T Antigen Antibody (YA3256) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3256), targeting SV40 T Antigen, with a predicted molecular weight of 82 kDa (observed band size: 90 kDa). SV40 T Antigen Antibody (YA3256) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP experiment in species independent background.
CD19 Antibody (YA807) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody, targeting to CD19 (3G7). It can be used for ICC/IF,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Advanced glycosylation end product specific receptor; Advanced glycosylation end product-specific receptor; AGER; EC; LE 9211 A Antigen; LE-9211-A Antigen; MGC22357; MOK; RAGE 1; RAGE1; MOK protein kinase; Receptor for advanced glycation endproducts; Renal tumor Antigen 1; Renal tumor Antigen; Renal cell carcinoma Antigen (MOK protein kinase); Renal tumor Antigen 1; RAGE_HUMAN.
Human, Mouse, Rat,
RAGE Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 42 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-RAGE polyclonal antibody. RAGE Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, Flow-Cyt, IF expriments in human, mouse, rat, background without labeling.
Antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 67; Antigen KI67; KIA; Ki67; MKI67; Proliferation related Ki 67 Antigen; Antigen KI-67; KI67_MOUSE.
Ki-67 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 358 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-Ki-67 polyclonal antibody. Ki-67 Antibody can be used for: IHC-P, IHC-F, ICC, IF expriments in human background without labeling.
SAGE1 Antibody (YA1150) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1150), targeting SAGE1. SAGE1 Antibody (YA1150) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
MAGEA1 Antibody (YA1105) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1105), targeting MAGEA1. MAGEA1 Antibody (YA1105) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
Prostate Specific Antigen Antibody (YA1537) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1537), targeting Prostate Specific Antigen, with a predicted molecular weight of 29 kDa (observed band size: 34 kDa). Prostate Specific Antigen Antibody (YA1537) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human background.
CEA Antibody (YA917) is an unconjugated, approximately 150-200 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CEA (YA917) monoclonal antibody. CEA Antibody (YA917) can be used for: WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF expriments in human, background without labeling.
Bone marrow stromal Antigen 2; BST2; CD317; HM1.24 Antigen; NPC A 7; Tetherin
BST2 Antibody (YA3357) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3357), targeting BST2, with a predicted molecular weight of 20 kDa (observed band size: 28-40 kDa). BST2 Antibody (YA3357) can be used for WB, IHC-P, FC experiment in human background.
CD80 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 30 kDa, mouse-derived, anti-CD80 monoclonal antibody. CD80 Antibody can be used for: WB, IHC-P,FC ICC expriments in mouse,human, and predicted: rat background without labeling.
FRA1 Antibody (YA2027) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2027), targeting FRA1, with a predicted molecular weight of 29 kDa (observed band size: 39 kDa). FRA1 Antibody (YA2027) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human background.
FRA2 Antibody (YA2718) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2718), targeting FRA2, with a predicted molecular weight of 35 kDa (observed band size: 45 kDa). FRA2 Antibody (YA2718) can be used for WB, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD14 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 40 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CD14 monoclonal antibody. CD14 Antibody can be used for: WB,IHC-P, ICC/IF expriments in human background without labeling.
CD7 Antibody (YA1405) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1405), targeting CD7. CD7 Antibody (YA1405) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
CD8 Antigen, alpha polypeptide (p32); CD8a; CD8a Antigen; CD8a molecule; CD8A_MOUSE; CD8A_HUMAN; Leu2; Leu2 T lymphocyte Antigen; MAL; OKT8 T cell Antigen; p32; T cell Antigen Leu2; T cell co receptor; T-cell surface glycoprotein CD8 alpha chain; T-lymphocyte differentiation Antigen T8/Leu-2; T8 T cell Antigen.
CD8 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 27 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CD8 polyclonal antibody. CD8 Antibody can be used for: WB, IHC-P, IHC-F, IF expriments in human, mouse, background without labeling.
HLA G Antigen; MHC class I Antigen G; HLA-G; HLA60; HLAG
HLA G Antibody (YA3225) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting HLA G, with a predicted molecular weight of 38 kDa (observed band size: 42 kDa). HLA G Antibody (YA3225) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
MLANA; MART1; Melanoma Antigen recognized by T-cells 1; MART-1; Antigen LB39-AA; Antigen SK29-AA; Protein Melan-A
MelanA Antibody (YA3040) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3040), targeting MelanA, with a predicted molecular weight of 13 kDa (observed band size: 20 kDa). MelanA Antibody (YA3040) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human background.
UAP1 Antibody (YA2265) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2265), targeting UAP1, with a predicted molecular weight of 59 kDa (observed band size: 59 kDa). UAP1 Antibody (YA2265) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD63 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 26 kDa, targeting to CD63. It can be used for WB,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
HBcAg Antibody (YA910) is an unconjugated, mouse-derived, anti-HBcAg (YA910) monoclonal antibody. HBcAg Antibody (YA910) can be used for: IHC-P expriments in human background without labeling.
Anthrax Protective gen Antibody (YA1060) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG2b antibody (Clone NO.: YA1060), targeting Anthrax Protective gen. Anthrax Protective gen Antibody (YA1060) can be used for ELISA experiment in bacillusanthracis background.
CD48 Antibody (YA1111) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1111), targeting CD48. CD48 Antibody (YA1111) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
Aw-68; HLA class I histocompatibility Antigen; A-28 alpha chain; MHC class I Antigen A*68; HLA-A; MHC class I Antigen HLA A heavy chain
HLA A Antibody (YA2940) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2940), targeting HLA A, with a predicted molecular weight of 41 kDa (observed band size: 41 kDa). HLA A Antibody (YA2940) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human background.
CD9 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 25 kDa, targeting to CD9. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
CD90/Thy-1 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 18 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CD90/Thy-1 monoclonal antibody. CD90/Thy-1 Antibody can be used for: WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF expriments in human background without labeling.
Aw-68; HLA class I histocompatibility Antigen; A-28 alpha chain; MHC class I Antigen A*68; HLA-A; MHC class I Antigen HLA A heavy chain
MHC Class I Antibody (YA3322) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3322), targeting MHC Class I, with a predicted molecular weight of 41 kDa (observed band size: 41 kDa). MHC Class I Antibody (YA3322) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD1a Antibody (YA3379) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3379), targeting CD1a, with a predicted molecular weight of 37 kDa (observed band size: 37 kDa). CD1a Antibody (YA3379) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human background.
MAGEC2 Antibody (YA1114) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1114), targeting MAGEC2. MAGEC2 Antibody (YA1114) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD66c; CEACAM6; CEAL; NCA; Non specific cross reacting Antigen; Normal cross reacting Antigen
Human, Mouse, Rat
CEACAM6 Antibody (YA3351) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3351), targeting CEACAM6, with a predicted molecular weight of 37 kDa (observed band size: 37 kDa). CEACAM6 Antibody (YA3351) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD239 Antibody (YA2376) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2376), targeting CD239, with a predicted molecular weight of 67 kDa (observed band size: 85 kDa). CD239 Antibody (YA2376) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PSCA Antibody (YA1479) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1479), targeting PSCA. PSCA Antibody (YA1479) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
MLRW; HLA-DRA1; MHC class II Antigen DRA; HLA class II histocompatibility Antigen; DR alpha chain
HLA DR Antibody (YA3084) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3084), targeting HLA DR, with a predicted molecular weight of 29 kDa (observed band size: 29 kDa). HLA DR Antibody (YA3084) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human background.
p53 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 44 kDa, targeting to p53 tumor protein. It can be used for WB,IHC,IF, ELISA assays in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat, Monkey.
CD86 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 38 kDa, targeting to CD86. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Rat.
CD105 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 71 kDa, targeting to CD105. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Ki67 Antibody (YA001) is a non-conjugated and Rat origined monoclonal antibody, targeting to Ki67. It can be used for IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
DNAM1 Antibody (YA1436) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1436), targeting DNAM1. DNAM1 Antibody (YA1436) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
CD226 Antibody (YA2412) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CD226, with a predicted molecular weight of 39 kDa (observed band size: 60-80 kDa). CD226 Antibody (YA2412) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
Ly6A/E Antibody (YA2518) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2518), targeting Ly6A/E, with a predicted molecular weight of 14 kDa (observed band size: 18 kDa). Ly6A/E Antibody (YA2518) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in mouse background.
PTPRC; CD45; Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C; Leukocyte common Antigen; L-CA; T200; CD Antigen CD45
Human, Mouse
CD45 Antibody (YA800) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 147 kDa, targeting to CD45. It can be used for WB,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
CD34 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 39 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CD34 polyclonal antibody. CD34 Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, Flow-Cyt, IF expriments in human, mouse, and predicted: rat, dog, pig, cow, rabbit background without labeling.
CD5 Antibody (YA1404) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CD5, with a predicted molecular weight of 55 kDa. CD5 Antibody (YA1404) can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP experiment in human background.
CD83; CD83 Antigen; hCD83; B-cell activation protein; Cell surface protein HB15; CD Antigen CD83
Human, Mouse, Rat
CD83 Antibody (YA2260) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CD83, with a predicted molecular weight of 23 kDa (observed band size: 45 kDa). CD83 Antibody (YA2260) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD5 Antibody (YA3453) is a non-conjugated IgG1 antibody, targeting CD5, with a predicted molecular weight of 55 kDa. CD5 Antibody (YA3453) can be used for WB,IHC-P,FC,ELISA experiment in human,mouse background.
CD146 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 72 kDa, targeting to CD146. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Rat.
HT-7; CD147; EMMPRIN; AI115436; AI325119; BSG; Basigin; 5F7; EMMPRIN; Leukocyte activation Antigen M6; OK blood group Antigen; Tumor cell-derived collagenase stimulatory factor; TCSF; CD Antigen CD147
CD147 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 42 kDa, targeting to CD147. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
KCTD3 Antibody (YA3137) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting KCTD3, with a predicted molecular weight of 89 kDa (observed band size: 89 kDa). KCTD3 Antibody (YA3137) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
Phospho-p53 (Ser37) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 44 kDa, targeting to Phospho-p53 (Ser37). It can be used for WB,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Phospho-p53 (Ser6) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 44 kDa, targeting to Phospho-p53 (Ser6). It can be used for WB,IHC-P,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Integrin alpha E Antibody (YA3051) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3051), targeting Integrin alpha E. Integrin alpha E Antibody (YA3051) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
Scavenger receptor cysteine-rich type 1 protein M130; CD 163; CD163 Antigen; CD163 molecule; Hemoglobin Scavenger Receptor; M130; M130 Antigen precursor; Macrophage associated Antigen; MM130; C163A_HUMAN.
Human, Mouse
CD163 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 130 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CD163 polyclonal antibody. CD163 Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, Flow-Cyt, ICC, IF expriments in human, mouse, and predicted: rat, dog, pig, horse background without labeling.
B7-1 Antibody (YA1413) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1413), targeting B7-1. B7-1 Antibody (YA1413) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
Tenascin Antibody (YA2996) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting Tenascin, with a predicted molecular weight of 241 kDa. Tenascin Antibody (YA2996) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
GPA33 Antibody (YA2266) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2266), targeting GPA33, with a predicted molecular weight of 36 kDa (observed band size: 50 kDa). GPA33 Antibody (YA2266) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human background.
CD103 Antibody (YA1243) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1243), targeting CD103. CD103 Antibody (YA1243) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
AMF Antibody (YA1777) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1777), targeting AMF, with a predicted molecular weight of 63 kDa (observed band size: 63 kDa). AMF Antibody (YA1777) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human background.
PTPRC; CD45; Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C; Leukocyte common Antigen; L-CA; T200; CD Antigen CD45
Mouse Anti-Human CD45 Antibody (AF647) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody , targeting to CD45. It can be used for FC assays with AF647, in the background of Human.
CA9 Antibody (YA1368) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1368), targeting CA9. CA9 Antibody (YA1368) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
Carbonic Anhydrase 9Rabbit mAb Antibody (YA2443) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2443), targeting Carbonic Anhydrase 9. Carbonic Anhydrase 9 Antibody (YA2443) can be used for WB,IHC-P,FC experiment in human background.
CD8 alpha Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 26 kDa, targeting to CD8 alpha. It can be used for WB,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Hamster.
CD97 Antibody (YA1144) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1144), targeting CD97. CD97 Antibody (YA1144) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
SA2 Antibody (YA1147) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1147), targeting SA2. SA2 Antibody (YA1147) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
HLA class I histocompatibility Antigen E alpha chain antibody;
EA1.2 antibody;
EA2.1 antibody;
HLA 6.2 antibody;
HLA class I histocompatibility Antigen alpha chain E antibody;
HLA class I histocompatibility Antigen E alpha chain precursor antibody;
HLA class I histocompatibility Antigen E alpha chain precursor antibody;
HLA6.2 antibody;
HLAE antibody;
Lymphocyte Antigen antibody;
Major histocompatibility complex class I E antibody;
MHC antibody;
MHC class I Antigen E antibody;
MHC HLA E alpha 1 antibody;
MHC HLA E alpha 2.1 antibody;
QA1 antibody
HLA E Antibody is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 40 kDa, targeting to HLA E . It can be used for WB, IP, FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
uPAR Antibody (YA1257) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1257), targeting uPAR. uPAR Antibody (YA1257) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD86 is an 80 kD immunoglobulin superfamily member also known as B7-2, B70, and Ly-58. CD86 is expressed on activated B and T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, and astrocytes. CD86, along with CD80, is a ligand of CD28 and CD152 (CTLA-4). CD86 is expressed earlier in the immune response than CD80. CD86 has also been shown to be involved in immunoglobulin class-switching and triggering of NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. CD86 binds to CD28 to transduce co-stimulatory signals for T cell activation, proliferation, and cytokine production. CD86 can also bind to CD152, also known as CTLA-4, to deliver an inhibitory signal to T cells.
CD74; DHLAG; HLA class II histocompatibility Antigen gamma chain; HLA-DR Antigens-associated invariant chain; Ia Antigen-associated invariant chain; Ii; p33; CD74
CD74 Antibody (YA1282) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1282), targeting CD74. CD74 Antibody (YA1282) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD 152; CD152; CD152 Antigen; Celiac disease 3; CELIAC3; CTLA 4; CTLA-4; Cytotoxic T cell associated 4; Cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated 4; Cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated Antigen 4; Cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated protein 4; Cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated serine esterase 4; Cytotoxic T lymphocyte protein 4; Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated Antigen 4; Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4; GSE; IDDM12; CD152 isoform; CTLA4_HUMAN; GRD4; ICOS; Ligand and transmembrane spliced cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated Antigen 4.
Human, Mouse, Rat
CTLA4 Antibody is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CTLA4, with a predicted molecular weight of 25 kDa. CTLA4 Antibody can be used for WB,ICC/IF experiments in human, mouse, rat backgrounds.
CD2 Antibody (YA1640) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1640), targeting CD2, with a predicted molecular weight of 39 kDa (observed band size: 48 kDa). CD2 Antibody (YA1640) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human background.
CLGN; MEG 1 Antigen; Calnexin-T; Calmegin precursor; Calmegin
Human, Mouse, Rat
Calmegin Antibody (YA2296) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2296), targeting Calmegin, with a predicted molecular weight of 70 kDa (observed band size: 100 kDa). Calmegin Antibody (YA2296) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
MRC2 Antibody (YA2364) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting MRC2, with a predicted molecular weight of 167 kDa (observed band size: 190 kDa). MRC2 Antibody (YA2364) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
CENPF; Centromere protein F; CENP-F; AH Antigen; Kinetochore protein CENPF; Mitosin
CENPF Antibody (YA1161) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1161), targeting CENPF. CENPF Antibody (YA1161) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
VWF; von Willebrand factor; von Willebrand Antigen II; F8VWF
von Willebrand Factor Antibody (YA2406) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2406), targeting von Willebrand Factor, with a predicted molecular weight of 309 kDa (observed band size: 309 kDa). von Willebrand Factor Antibody (YA2406) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in rat background.
OX40 Antibody (YA1504) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1504), targeting OX40. OX40 Antibody (YA1504) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
IL-13RA1 Antibody (YA1377) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1377), targeting IL-13RA1. IL-13RA1 Antibody (YA1377) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
CD79a Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 25 kDa, targeting to CD79a. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
CANX; Calnexin; IP90; Major histocompatibility complex class I Antigen-binding protein p88; p90
Human, Mouse, Rat
Calnexin Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 68 kDa, targeting to Calnexin. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,ELISA assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Prominin-1; Antigen AC133; Prominin-like protein 1; CD133.
CD133 Antibody (YA809) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 97 kDa, targeting to CD133 (8F2). It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
NTB-A Antibody (YA1472) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1472), targeting NTB-A. NTB-A Antibody (YA1472) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
SLAMF6 Antibody (YA1977) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1977), targeting SLAMF6, with a predicted molecular weight of 37 kDa (observed band size: 60 kDa). SLAMF6 Antibody (YA1977) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
Tissue Factor Antibody (YA2471) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2471), targeting Tissue Factor, with a predicted molecular weight of 33 kDa (observed band size: 45 kDa). Tissue Factor Antibody (YA2471) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
IL-13 Receptor alpha 1 Antibody (YA1624) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting IL-13 Receptor alpha 1, with a predicted molecular weight of 49 kDa (observed band size: 49 kDa). IL-13 Receptor alpha 1 Antibody (YA1624) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
N Cadherin Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 100 kDa, targeting to N Cadherin. It can be used for WB,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
CD37 Antibody (YA1393) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1393), targeting CD37. CD37 Antibody (YA1393) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
Syntaxin 1A Antibody (YA2001) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2001), targeting Syntaxin 1A, with a predicted molecular weight of 33 kDa (observed band size: 33 kDa). Syntaxin 1A Antibody (YA2001) can be used for WB, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
ALDOA Antibody (YA2037) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2037), targeting ALDOA, with a predicted molecular weight of 39 kDa (observed band size: 39 kDa). ALDOA Antibody (YA2037) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD44 Antibody (YA801) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 82 kDa, targeting to CD44 (2H12). It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
PBK; TOPK; Lymphokine-activated killer T-cell-originated protein kinase; Cancer/testis Antigen 84; CT84; MAPKK-like protein kinase; Nori-3; PDZ-binding kinase; Spermatogenesis-related protein kinase; SPK; T-LAK cell-originated protein kinas
PBK Antibody (YA1256) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1256), targeting PBK. PBK Antibody (YA1256) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD22 Antibody (YA1267) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1267), targeting CD22. CD22 Antibody (YA1267) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
ITGAX Antibody is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting ITGAX, with a predicted molecular weight of 128 kDa (observed band size: 140 kDa). ITGAX Antibody can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
CD31 Antibody (YA806) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 83 kDa, targeting to CD31 (2D3). It can be used for WB, IF-Cell, IF-Tissue, IHC-P, mIHC assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
TLR4; Toll-like receptor 4; hToll; CD Antigen CD284
Toll-Like Receptor 4 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 96 kDa, targeting to Toll-Like Receptor 4. It can be used for WB,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
BTLA; B- and T-lymphocyte attenuator; B- and T-lymphocyte-associated protein; CD Antigen CD272
BTLA Antibody (YA1364) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1364), targeting BTLA. BTLA Antibody (YA1364) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
Nuclear Mitotic Apparatus Protein 1 Antibody (YA1526) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1526), targeting Nuclear Mitotic Apparatus Protein 1, with a predicted molecular weight of 238 kDa (observed band size: 238 kDa). Nuclear Mitotic Apparatus Protein 1 Antibody (YA1526) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Tyrosinase Antibody (YA2522) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2522), targeting Tyrosinase, with a predicted molecular weight of 60 kDa (observed band size: 70-80 kDa). Tyrosinase Antibody (YA2522) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human background.
CD144/VE Cadherin Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 88 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CD144/VE Cadherin monoclonal antibody. CD144/VE Cadherin Antibody can be used for: WB, IF-Cell, FC expriments in human, mouse, rat, background without labeling.
E Cadherin Antibody is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody , targeting E Cadherin, with a predicted molecular weight of 97 kDa (observed band size: 135 kDa). E Cadherin Antibody can be used for WB, IHC-P, IHC-F, ICC/IF, ELISA experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CTNNA1 Antibody (YA2057) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2057), targeting CTNNA1, with a predicted molecular weight of 100 kDa (observed band size: 100 kDa). CTNNA1 Antibody (YA2057) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
L glycoprotein; L-HBsAg; LHB; Large S protein; Large surface protein; Major surface Antigen; S; HBSAG_HBVC5.
HBsAg Antibody (YA913) is an unconjugated, approximately 44 kDa, mouse-derived, anti-HBsAg (YA913) monoclonal antibody. HBsAg Antibody (YA913) can be used for: ELISA, expriments without labeling.
CEND1; BM88; Cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation protein 1; BM88 Antigen
Human, Mouse, Rat
CEND1 Antibody (YA2129) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2129), targeting CEND1, with a predicted molecular weight of 15 kDa (observed band size: 22 kDa). CEND1 Antibody (YA2129) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
EpCAM Antibody (YA458) is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 35 kDa, targeting to EpCAM. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
ICAM1; Intercellular adhesion molecule 1; ICAM-1; Major group rhinovirus receptor; CD Antigen CD54
ICAM1 Antibody (YA725) is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 58 kDa, targeting to ICAM1. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
ICAM1; Intercellular adhesion molecule 1; ICAM-1; Major group rhinovirus receptor; CD Antigen CD54
ICAM1 Antibody (YA352) is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 58 kDa, targeting to ICAM1. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
PODXL Antibody (YA1100) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1100), targeting PODXL. PODXL Antibody (YA1100) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD207; CD207 Antigen; langerin; CD207 molecule; CLEC4K; Langerhans cell specific c type lectin; Langerin
Langerin Antibody (YA1266) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1266), targeting Langerin. Langerin Antibody (YA1266) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
ITGA6; CD49 Antigen-like family member F; VLA-6; CD49f
Human, Mouse, Rat
Integrin alpha 6 Antibody (YA3020) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3020), targeting Integrin alpha 6, with a predicted molecular weight of 127 kDa (observed band size: 127 kDa). Integrin alpha 6 Antibody (YA3020) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD138 (syndecan 1) is a transmembrane proteoglycan that can bind a variety of cytokines and modulate their activity, as well as the activity of extracellular matrix components and influence many developmental processes. CD138 is expressed mainly in differentiating keratinocytes and is transiently upregulated in all layers of the epidermis upon tissue injury. It is also highly expressed on plasma cells and can be detected even on fibroblasts, vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells. Up-regulation and down-regulation of CD138 on the cell surface often correlates with the gain of cancerous characteristics. Serum levels of the shedded soluble sCD138 are used as a prognostic factor of cancerogenesis.
HLA class II histocompatibility Antigen; DP beta 1 chain; HLADPB1; HLADP1B; HLADM
HLA DPB1 Antibody (YA3273) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3273), targeting HLA DPB1, with a predicted molecular weight of 29 kDa (observed band size: 29 kDa). HLA DPB1 Antibody (YA3273) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
CLEC4C; BDCA2, CLECSF11, CLECSF7, DLEC, HECL; UNQ9361/PRO34150; C-type lectin domain family 4 member C; CD303; Blood dendritic cell Antigen 2 (BDCA-2); C-type lectin superfamily member 7; Dendritic lectin
CLEC4C Antibody (YA1174) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1174), targeting CLEC4C. CLEC4C Antibody (YA1174) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD16 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 27 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CD16 polyclonal antibody. CD16 Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, Flow-Cyt, IF expriments in human, mouse, rat, and predicted: pig, cow, rabbit, sheep background without labeling.
CD59 Antibody (YA3251) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3251), targeting CD59, with a predicted molecular weight of 14 kDa (observed band size: 14 kDa). CD59 Antibody (YA3251) can be used for WB, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human background.
CD107 Antigen like family member A antibody;
CD107 Antigen-like family member A antibody;
CD107a antibody;
CD107a Antigen antibody;
LAMP 1 antibody;
LAMP-1 antibody;
LAMP1 antibody;
LAMP1_HUMAN antibody;
LAMPA antibody;
LGP120 antibody;
lgpA antibody;
Lysosomal membrane glycoprotein 120KD antibody;
Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 1 antibody;
Lysosome associated membrane glycoprotein 1 antibody;
Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1 antibody;
Lysosome-associated membrane protein 1 antibody;
OTTHUMP00000040663 antibody
LAMP1 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 45 kDa, targeting to LAMP1. It can be used for WB,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
CD107 Antigen like family member A antibody;
CD107 Antigen-like family member A antibody;
CD107a antibody;
CD107a Antigen antibody;
LAMP 1 antibody;
LAMP-1 antibody;
LAMP1 antibody;
LAMP1_HUMAN antibody;
LAMPA antibody;
LGP120 antibody;
lgpA antibody;
Lysosomal membrane glycoprotein 120KD antibody;
Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 1 antibody;
Lysosome associated membrane glycoprotein 1 antibody;
Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 1 antibody;
Lysosome-associated membrane protein 1 antibody;
OTTHUMP00000040663 antibody;
Human, Mouse, Rat
LAMP1 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 45 kDa, targeting to LAMP1. It can be used for WB, IHC-P, IF-Tissue, IHC-Fr assays with tag free, in the background of Human,Mouse,Rat.
MUC16 Antibody (YA890) is an unconjugated, approximately 1519 kDa, anti-MUC16 (YA890) monoclonal antibody. MUC16 Antibody (YA890) can be used for: WB, IF-Cell, IF-Tissue, IHC-P, FC expriments in human background without labeling.
Lymphocyte-specific protein 1; Protein pp52; 52 kDa phosphoprotein; Lymphocyte-specific Antigen WP34; 47 kDa actin-binding protein
LSP1 Antibody (YA1089) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1089), targeting LSP1. LSP1 Antibody (YA1089) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD53 Antibody (YA1115) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1115), targeting CD53. CD53 Antibody (YA1115) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
IGF1R; Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor; Insulin-like growth factor I receptor; IGF-I receptor; CD Antigen CD221
IGF1 Receptor Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 155 kDa, targeting to IGF1 Receptor. It can be used for WB,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Neuropilin 1 Antibody (YA1831) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1831), targeting Neuropilin 1, with a predicted molecular weight of 103 kDa (observed band size: 125-135 kDa). Neuropilin 1 Antibody (YA1831) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Phospho-E Cadherin (Ser838/Ser840) Antibody (YA2579) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2579), targeting Phospho-E Cadherin (Ser838/Ser840), with a predicted molecular weight of 97 kDa (observed band size: 135 kDa). Phospho-E Cadherin (Ser838/Ser840) Antibody (YA2579) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human, mouse background.
UCHL1 / PGP9.5; UCHL1; B220; CD 45; CD45; cd45 Antigen; ec3.1.3.48; GP 180; GP180; Human homolog of severe combined immunodeficiency due to PTPRC deficiency; L CA; L-CA; lca; Leukocyte common Antigen; LY 5; LY5; Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type
Human, Mouse, Rat
PGP9.5 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 25 kDa, targeting to PGP9.5. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
IL17A Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 15 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-IL17A polyclonal antibody. IL17A Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, IF expriments in mouse, rat, background without labeling.
VCAM1; L1CAM; Vascular cell adhesion protein 1; V-CAM 1; VCAM-1; INCAM-100; CD Antigen CD106
Human, Mouse, Rat
VCAM1 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 81 kDa, targeting to VCAM1. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
The glutathione S-transferase (GST) family of enzymes comprises a long list of cytosolic, mitochondrial, and microsomal proteins that are capable of multiple reactions with a multitude of substrates, both endogenous and xenobiotic. Mammalian cytosolic GSTs are dimeric both subunits being from the same class of GSTs. The monomers are in the range of 22–29 kDa. Glutathione S-transferase is used to create the “GST gene fusion system” in genetic engineering. Here, GST is used to purify and detect proteins of interest.
CD10 Antibody (YA1313) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1313), targeting CD10, with a predicted molecular weight of 86 kDa (observed band size: 100 kDa). CD10 Antibody (YA1313) can be used for WB, IHC-P ,IP experiment in human, rat background.
CD171 Antibody (YA1370) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1370), targeting CD171. CD171 Antibody (YA1370) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
IL-17RA Antibody (YA1379) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1379), targeting IL-17RA. IL-17RA Antibody (YA1379) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
CD11 Antigen-like family member B; CR-3 alpha chain; Cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 subunit alpha; CD11b; Leukocyte adhesion receptor MO1
CD11b Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 127 kDa, targeting to CD11b. It can be used for WB,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Mouse.
CD3D; T3D; T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 delta chain; T-cell receptor T3 delta chain; CD Antigen CD3d
CD3D Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 19 kDa, targeting to CD3D. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
CBX5; HP1A; Chromobox protein homolog 5; Antigen p25; Heterochromatin protein 1 homolog alpha; HP1 alpha
Human, Mouse, Rat
HP1 alpha Antibody (YA981) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG2b antibody (Clone NO.: YA981), targeting HP1 alpha, with a predicted molecular weight of 22 kDa (observed band size: 26 kDa). HP1 alpha Antibody (YA981) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CBX5; HP1A; Chromobox protein homolog 5; Antigen p25; Heterochromatin protein 1 homolog alpha; HP1 alpha
Human, Rat, Mouse
HP1 alpha Antibody (YA982) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG1 antibody (Clone NO.: YA982), targeting HP1 alpha, with a predicted molecular weight of 22 kDa (observed band size: 22 kDa). HP1 alpha Antibody (YA982) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human, rat, mouse background.
CBX5; HP1A; Chromobox protein homolog 5; Antigen p25; Heterochromatin protein 1 homolog alpha; HP1 alpha
Human, Mouse, Rat
HP1 alpha Antibody (YA983) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA983), targeting HP1 alpha, with a predicted molecular weight of 22 kDa (observed band size: 22 kDa). HP1 alpha Antibody (YA983) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Flotillin 2 Antibody (YA1439) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1439), targeting Flotillin 2, with a predicted molecular weight of 47 kDa (observed band size: 47 kDa). Flotillin 2 Antibody (YA1439) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Hsp110 Antibody (YA2613) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2613), targeting Hsp110, with a predicted molecular weight of 97 kDa (observed band size: 105 kDa). Hsp110 Antibody (YA2613) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
IL-17 Receptor A Antibody (YA2645) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2645), targeting IL-17 Receptor A, with a predicted molecular weight of 96 kDa (observed band size: 160 kDa). IL-17 Receptor A Antibody (YA2645) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human background.
Desmoglein-1; Desmosomal glycoprotein 1; DG1; DGI; Pemphigus foliaceus Antigen; Cadherin family member 4; DSG1; CDHF4
Human, Mouse, Rat
Desmoglein 1 Antibody (YA2873) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2873), targeting Desmoglein 1, with a predicted molecular weight of 114 kDa (observed band size: 114 kDa). Desmoglein 1 Antibody (YA2873) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
L1CAM Antibody (YA3149) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3149), targeting L1CAM, with a predicted molecular weight of 140 kDa (observed band size: 140 kDa). L1CAM Antibody (YA3149) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD3 epsilon Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 23 kDa, targeting to CD3 epsilon. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
IGF1R; Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor; Insulin-like growth factor I receptor; IGF-I receptor; CD Antigen CD221
Human, Mouse, Rat
Phospho-IGF1 Receptor (Tyr1166) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 155 kDa, targeting to Phospho-IGF1 Receptor (Tyr1166). It can be used for WB,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
CD134/OX40L Recepter Antibody (YA1254) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1254), targeting CD134/OX40L Recepter. CD134/OX40L Recepter Antibody (YA1254) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD266 Antigen; FGF inducible 14; Fibroblast growth factor inducible immediate early response protein 14; FN14; TNFRSF 12A; Tweak receptor; TweakR
Human, Mouse, Rat
CD266 Antibody (YA2676) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2676), targeting CD266, with a predicted molecular weight of 14 kDa (observed band size: 14 kDa). CD266 Antibody (YA2676) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD11 Antigen-like family member B; CR-3 alpha chain; Cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 subunit alpha; CD11b; Leukocyte adhesion receptor MO1
CD11b Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 127 kDa, targeting to CD11b. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,ICC/IF,FC,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
CD81; TAPA1; TSPAN28; CD81 Antigen; 26 kDa cell surface protein TAPA-1; Target of the antiproliferative antibody 1; Tetraspanin-28; Tspan-28; CD81
Human, Mouse
CD81 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 26 kDa, targeting to CD81. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
LAMP2; Lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein 2; LAMP-2; Lysosome-associated membrane protein 2; CD107 Antigen-like family member B; CD107b
LAMP2 Antibody (YA310) is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 45 kDa, targeting to LAMP2. It can be used for WB,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Toll-Like Receptor 3 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 105 kDa, targeting to Toll-Like Receptor 3 . It can be used for WB, IHC-P, IHC-F, IF, ELISA assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Interferon gamma Receptor 1 Antibody (YA2074) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2074), targeting Interferon gamma Receptor 1, with a predicted molecular weight of 54 kDa (observed band size: 45-100 kDa). Interferon gamma Receptor 1 Antibody (YA2074) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, FC experiment in human background.
CD127 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 52 kDa, targeting to CD127. It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Cancer/testis Antigen 98; CT98; DKFZp686F1078; hKOC; IF2B3_HUMAN; IGF II mRNA binding protein 3; IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 3; IGF2 mRNA binding protein 3; IGF2 mRNA-binding protein 3; IGF2BP3; IMP 3; IMP-3; Insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding prot
Human, Mouse, Rat
IMP3 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 64 kDa, targeting to IMP3. It can be used for WB,ICC/IF,IP,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
CD13 Antibody (YA1253) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1253), targeting CD13. CD13 Antibody (YA1253) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
Folate Binding Protein Antibody (YA1099) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1099), targeting Folate Binding Protein. Folate Binding Protein Antibody (YA1099) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD276 Antibody (YA1279) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1279), targeting CD276. CD276 Antibody (YA1279) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
IL-2RA Antibody (YA1457) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1457), targeting IL-2RA. IL-2RA Antibody (YA1457) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
ITGA4; CD49D; Integrin alpha-4; CD49 Antigen-like family member D; Integrin alpha-IV; VLA-4 subunit alpha; CD49d
Integrin alpha 4 Antibody (YA3201) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting Integrin alpha 4, with a predicted molecular weight of 115 kDa (observed band size: 150 kDa). Integrin alpha 4 Antibody (YA3201) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
IL-2 Receptor alpha Antibody (YA2361) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2361), targeting IL-2 Receptor alpha. IL-2 Receptor alpha Antibody (YA2361) can be used for IHC-P, ICC/IF experiment in human background.
CD247; CD3Z; T3Z; TCRZ; T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 zeta chain; T-cell receptor T3 zeta chain; CD Antigen CD247
Phospho-CD3 zeta (Tyr142) Antibody (YA2425) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2425), targeting Phospho-CD3 zeta (Tyr142), with a predicted molecular weight of 19 kDa (observed band size: 19 kDa). Phospho-CD3 zeta (Tyr142) Antibody (YA2425) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human background.
p-pg; PGP; ABCB1; MDR1; PGY1; Multidrug resistance protein 1; ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 1; P-glycoprotein 1; CD Antigen CD243
P Glycoprotein Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 141 kDa, targeting to P Glycoprotein. It can be used for WB assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
CD166 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 65 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CD166 monoclonal antibody. CD166 Antibody can be used for: WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP expriments in human, mouse, rat background without labeling.
CSF1R Antibody (YA1189) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1189), targeting CSF1R. CSF1R Antibody (YA1189) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
Phospho-CD18 (Ser745) Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 85 kDa, targeting to Phospho-CD18 (Ser745). It can be used for WB,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
5T4 Antibody (YA1097) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1097), targeting 5T4. 5T4 Antibody (YA1097) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
OX40L Antibody (YA1475) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1475), targeting OX40L. OX40L Antibody (YA1475) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
ITGA2; CD49B; Integrin alpha-2; CD49 Antigen-like family member B; Collagen receptor; Platelet membrane glycoprotein Ia; GPIa; VLA-2 subunit alpha; CD49b
Human, Mouse, Rat
Integrin alpha 2 Antibody (YA3107) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3107), targeting Integrin alpha 2, with a predicted molecular weight of 129 kDa (observed band size: 150 kDa). Integrin alpha 2 Antibody (YA3107) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD39 Antibody (YA1094) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1094), targeting CD39. CD39 Antibody (YA1094) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
DPP4/CD26 Antibody (YA1274) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1274), targeting DPP4/CD26. DPP4/CD26 Antibody (YA1274) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
CD26 Antibody (YA2511) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CD26, with a predicted molecular weight of 88 kDa (observed band size: 110 kDa). CD26 Antibody (YA2511) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CXCR4 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 40 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CXCR4 polyclonal antibody. CXCR4 Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, IHC-F, Flow-Cyt, IF expriments in human, mouse, rat, and predicted: cow, rabbit background without labeling.
LILRB1; ILT2; LIR1 ; MIR7; Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily B member 1; LIR-1 ; Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor 1; CD85j ; CD85 Antigen-like family member J
LILRB1 Antibody (YA1261) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1261), targeting LILRB1. LILRB1 Antibody (YA1261) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
VEGFR2 Antibody is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting VEGFR2, with a predicted molecular weight of 152 kDa. VEGFR2 Antibody (YA1388) can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,ELISA experiment in human, mouse background.
CD36 Antibody (YA1538) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1538), targeting CD36, with a predicted molecular weight of 53 kDa (observed band size: 70-100 kDa). CD36 Antibody (YA1538) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
Integrin alpha L Antibody (YA2398) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2398), targeting Integrin alpha L, with a predicted molecular weight of 129 kDa (observed band size: 150 kDa). Integrin alpha L Antibody (YA2398) can be used for WB, IHC-F, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human background.
CD209; CLEC4L; CD209 Antigen; C-type lectin domain family 4 member L; Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing non-integrin 1; DC-SIGN; DC-SIGN1; CD209
CD209 Antibody (YA3359) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CD209, with a predicted molecular weight of 46 kDa (observed band size: 50 kDa). CD209 Antibody (YA3359) can be used for WB experiment in human background.
p75 NGF Receptor Antibody (YA1245) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1245), targeting p75 NGF Receptor. p75 NGF Receptor Antibody (YA1245) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
SELP; GMRP; GRMP; P-selectin; CD62 Antigen-like family member P; Granule membrane protein 140; GMP-140; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; LECAM3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane protein; PADGEM; CD62P
SELP Antibody (YA1482) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1482), targeting SELP. SELP Antibody (YA1482) can be used for FC, ELISA experiment in human background.
PDGFR beta Antibody (YA1925) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1925), targeting PDGFR beta, with a predicted molecular weight of 124 kDa (observed band size: 190 kDa). PDGFR beta Antibody (YA1925) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
PDGF Receptor beta Antibody (YA3467) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3467), targeting PDGFR beta, with a predicted molecular weight of 124 kDa (observed band size: 190 kDa). PDGFR beta Antibody (YA3467) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IP, FC, IF-Tissue, IF-Cell, mIHC experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
c-Kit Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined polyclonal antibody about 110 kDa, targeting to c-Kit. It can be used for WB,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Phospho-PDGFR beta (Tyr740) Antibody (YA3062) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3062), targeting Phospho-PDGFR beta (Tyr740), with a predicted molecular weight of 124 kDa (observed band size: 190 kDa). Phospho-PDGFR beta (Tyr740) Antibody (YA3062) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in mouse, rat background.
MUC1; PUM; Mucin-1; MUC-1; Breast carcinoma-associated Antigen DF3; Carcinoma-associated mucin; Episialin; H23AG; Krebs von den Lungen-6; KL-6; PEMT; Peanut-reactive urinary mucin; PUM; Polymorphic epithelial mucin; PEM; Tumor-associated ep
Mucin 1 Antibody (YA3086) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3086), targeting Mucin 1, with a predicted molecular weight of 122 kDa (observed band size: 18-25 kDa). Mucin 1 Antibody (YA3086) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP, FC experiment in human background.
SELP; GMRP; GRMP; P-selectin; CD62 Antigen-like family member P; Granule membrane protein 140; GMP-140; Leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 3; LECAM3; Platelet activation dependent granule-external membrane protein; PADGEM; CD62P
CD62P Antibody (YA3274) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting CD62P, with a predicted molecular weight of 91 kDa. CD62P Antibody (YA3274) can be used for WB, IHC-P experiment in human background.
SIRPA; BIT; MFR; MYD1; PTPNS1; SHPS1; SIRP; Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type substrate 1; SHP substrate 1; SHPS-1; Brain Ig-like molecule with tyrosine-based activation motifs; Bit; CD172 Antigen-like family member A; Inhibito
SIRP alpha Antibody (YA1361) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1361), targeting SIRP alpha. SIRP alpha Antibody (YA1361) can be used for FC,WB experiment in human background.
DDR2; NTRKR3; TKT; TYRO10; Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2; Discoidin domain receptor 2; CD167 Antigen-like family member B; Discoidin domain-containing receptor tyrosine kinase 2; Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase; receptor-related 3; Re
Human, Mouse, Rat
DDR2 Antibody (YA3367) is a biotin-conjugated non-conjugated IgG antibody, targeting DDR2, with a predicted molecular weight of 97 kDa (observed band size: 97 kDa). DDR2 Antibody (YA3367) can be used for WB experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CD11c Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 126 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CD11c polyclonal antibody. CD11c Antibody can be used for: ELISA, Flow-Cyt, IF expriments in human, rat, and predicted: mouse, dog background without labeling.
HER2 Antibody (YA771) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 138 kDa, targeting to HER2. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Fas like protein; Apoptosis inducing protein TRICK2A/2B; Apoptosis inducing receptor TRAIL R2; CD 262; CD262; CD262 Antigen; Cytotoxic TRAIL receptor 2; Death domain containing receptor for TRAIL/Apo 2L; Death domain containing receptor for TRAIL/Apo2L; D
Human, Mouse
TNFRSF10B Antibody (YA660) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 48 kDa, targeting to TNFRSF10B (7F4). It can be used for WB,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
XRCC6; G22P1; X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 6; 5'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase Ku70; 5'-dRP lyase Ku70; 70 kDa subunit of Ku Antigen; ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 1; ATP-dependent DNA helicase II 70 kDa subunit; CTC box-
Ku70 Antibody (YA319) is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 70 kDa, targeting to Ku70. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
XRCC5; G22P2; X-ray repair cross-complementing protein 5; 86 kDa subunit of Ku Antigen; ATP-dependent DNA helicase 2 subunit 2; ATP-dependent DNA helicase II 80 kDa subunit; CTC box-binding factor 85 kDa subunit; CTC85; CTCBF; DNA repair pr
Human, Monkey
Ku80 Antibody (YA714) is a non-conjugated and Mouse origined monoclonal antibody about 83 kDa, targeting to Ku80 (8H1). It can be used for WB,ICC/IF,IP,ChIP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Monkey.
Programmed cell death protein 1; CD279; CD279 Antigen; hPD 1; hPD-1; hSLE1; PD 1; PD1; PDCD 1; PDCD1; PDCD1_HUMAN; Programmed cell death 1; Protein PD 1; Protein PD-1; SLEB2; Systemic lupus erythematosus susceptibility 2.
PD-1 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 32 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody. PD-1 Antibody can be used for: WB, IHC-P, Flow-Cyt, IF/ICC expriments in human background without labeling.
F4/80 (mouse); Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor E1; Cell surface glycoprotein EMR1; Cell surface glycoprotein F4/80; DD7A5 7; Egf like module containing mucin like hormone receptor like 1; Egf like module containing mucin like hormone receptor like sequence 1; EGF like module receptor 1; EGF TM7; EGF-like module receptor 1; EGF-like module-containing mucin-like hormone receptor-like 1; EGFTM7; EMR 1; EMR1; EMR-1; EMR1 hormone receptor; EMR1_HUMAN; AGRE1_HUMAN; Gpf480; Ly71; Lymphocyte Antigen 71; TM7LN3.
Mouse, Rat
ADGRE1 (F4/80) Antibody (YA920) is an unconjugated, approximately 102 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-ADGRE1 (F4/80) (YA920) monoclonal antibody. ADGRE1 (F4/80) Antibody (YA920) can be used for: WB, IHC-P, IF-Tissue, IHC-Fr expriments in mouse, rat background without labeling.
EpCAM Antibody (YA3470) is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 35 kDa, targeting to EpCAM. It can be used for IHC-P、ICC/IF、FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
CXC-chemokine receptor 2; CD 182; CD182; CD182 Antigen; CDw128b; Chemokine (CXC) receptor 2; CMKAR2; CXCR 2; CXC R2; CXC-R2; CXCR2_HUMAN; C-X-C chemokine receptor type 2; CXCR-2; GRO/MGSA receptor; High affinity interleukin-8 receptor B; IL-8R B; IL-8 receptor type 2.
CXCR2 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 41 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CXCR2 polyclonal antibody. CXCR2 Antibody can be used for: WB,IHC-P ELISA expriments in human background without labeling.
CD44 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 82 kDa, targeting to CD44. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
Hsp90 alpha/beta Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 85 kDa, targeting to Hsp90 alpha/beta. It can be used for WB,IHC-F,IHC-P,ICC/IF,IP assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse, Rat.
Mannose Receptor; C-type lectin domain family 13 member D; CD 206; CD206; CD206 Antigen; CLEC13D; CLEC13DL; Macrophage mannose receptor; Mannose receptor C type 1; MMR; MRC 1; MRC-1; MRC1_HUMAN; Macrophage mannose receptor 1; MRC1L1; C-type lectin domain family 13 member D-like; Macrophage mannose receptor 1-like protein 1.
Human, Rat
MRC1 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 160 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-MRC1 monoclonal antibody. MRC1 Antibody can be used for: WB expriments in human and rat background without labeling.
Calgranulin-A antibody;
Calprotectin L1L subunit antibody;
CFAG antibody;
Cystic fibrosis Antigen antibody;
Leukocyte L1 complex light chain antibody;
Migration inhibitory factor-related protein 8 antibody;
MRP-8 antibody;
N-terminally processed antibody;
p8 antibody;
Protein S100-A8 antibody;
S100 calcium-binding protein A8 antibody;
S100A8 antibody;
S10A8_HUMAN antibody;
Urinary stone protein band A antibody
S100A8 Antibody (YA1170) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1170), targeting S100A8. S100A8 Antibody (YA1170) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IF-Cell, FC, IF-Tissue, IP experiment in human background.
CD31 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 83 kDa, targeting to CD31. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,FC,IP,IF assays with tag free, in the background of Human.
Toll-like receptor 2; Toll like receptor 2; Toll like receptor 2 precursor; Toll-like receptor 2; TLR 2; TLR-2; Toll/interleukin-1 receptor-like protein 4; CD282 Antigen; CD282; TIL 4; TIL4; TLR2_HUMAN; Toll/interleukin 1 receptor like 4; Toll/interleukin 1 receptor like protein 4; Toll/interleukin receptor like protein 4.
Human, Mouse, Rat
TLR2 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 84 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-TLR2 monoclonal antibody. TLR2 Antibody can be used for: WB, FC, IF-Cell expriments in human, mouse, rat background without labeling.
KIR2DL3 Antibody (YA1246) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1246), targeting KIR2DL3. KIR2DL3 Antibody (YA1246) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
G-CSF Receptor Antibody (YA3373) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3373), targeting G-CSF Receptor, with a predicted molecular weight of 92 kDa (observed band size: 92 kDa). G-CSF Receptor Antibody (YA3373) can be used for WB, FC experiment in human background.
CLL associated Antigen KW 6; DNA-binding protein Ikaros; hIk 1; hIk-1; Hs.54452; IK1; Ikaros (zinc finger protein); IKAROS; IKAROS family zinc finger 1 (Ikaros); Ikaros family zinc finger protein 1; Ikzf1; IKZF1_HUMAN; LYF1; Lymphoid transcription factor LyF-1; PRO0758; Zinc finger protein subfamily 1A 1 (Ikaros); zinc finger protein subfamily 1A 1; Zinc finger protein; subfamily 1A; member 1; ZNFN1A1.
Ikaros Antibody (YA987) is a mouse-derived non-conjugated IgG1 antibody (Clone NO.: YA987), targeting Ikaros, with a predicted molecular weight of 58 kDa (observed band size: 58 kDa). Ikaros Antibody (YA987) can be used for WB, IP experiment in human background.
CLL associated Antigen KW 6; DNA-binding protein Ikaros; hIk 1; hIk-1; Hs.54452; IK1; Ikaros (zinc finger protein); IKAROS; IKAROS family zinc finger 1 (Ikaros); Ikaros family zinc finger protein 1; Ikzf1; IKZF1_HUMAN; LYF1; Lymphoid transcription factor LyF-1; PRO0758; Zinc finger protein subfamily 1A 1 (Ikaros); zinc finger protein subfamily 1A 1; Zinc finger protein; subfamily 1A; member 1; ZNFN1A1.
Ikaros Antibody (YA988) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA988), targeting Ikaros. Ikaros Antibody (YA988) can be used for IHC-P experiment in human background.
B cell Antigen receptor Ig beta associated protein 1; BPM 90; BPM L; BPM-L; BPM90; BPML; IBAP 1; Imp 9; Importin 9; Novel centrosomal protein RanBPM; RAN binding protein 9; Ran binding protein centrosomal; Ran Binding Protein in the Microtubule organizing center; Ran binding protein M; Ran BP9; Ran-binding protein 9; Ran-binding protein M; RANB9_HUMAN; RanBP 7; RANBP 9; RanBP7; RanBP9; RanBPM.
Human, Mouse, Rat
RanBP9 Antibody (YA1995) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA1995), targeting RanBP9, with a predicted molecular weight of 78 kDa (observed band size: 91 kDa). RanBP9 Antibody (YA1995) can be used for WB, ICC/IF experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
CXCR3_HUMAN; Interferon-inducible protein 10 receptor; IP-10 receptor; C-X-C chemokine receptor type 3; CD 183; CD183; CD183 Antigen; G protein-coupled receptor 9; G Protein Coupled Receptor 9; Chemokine (C X C motif) receptor 3; Chemokine (C X C) receptor 3; C-X-C Chemokine receptor; CXC Motif Receptor 3; Chemokine CXC Motif Receptor 3; CKRL2; CKR L2; CKR-L2; GPR9; CXC-R3; CXCR-3; IP10 receptor.
Human, Mouse, Rat
CXCR3 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 40 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CXCR3 polyclonal antibody. CXCR3 Antibody can be used for: WB expriments in human, mouse, rat, and predicted: dog, pig, cow, rabbit, guinea pig background without labeling.
CXCR3_HUMAN; Interferon-inducible protein 10 receptor; IP-10 receptor; C-X-C chemokine receptor type 3; CD 183; CD183; CD183 Antigen; G protein-coupled receptor 9; G Protein Coupled Receptor 9; Chemokine (C X C motif) receptor 3; Chemokine (C X C) receptor 3; C-X-C Chemokine receptor; CXC Motif Receptor 3; Chemokine CXC Motif Receptor 3; CKRL2; CKR L2; CKR-L2; GPR9; CXC-R3; CXCR-3; IP10 receptor.
CXCR3 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 41 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CXCR3 monoclonal antibody. CXCR3 Antibody can be used for: WB expriments in human background without labeling.
ACE Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 150 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-ACE monoclonal antibody. ACE Antibody can be used for: WB,IHC-P,FC expriments in human, mouse background without labeling.
NGFR Antibody (YA2774) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA2774), targeting NGFR, with a predicted molecular weight of 45 kDa (observed band size: 75 kDa). NGFR Antibody (YA2774) can be used for WB, IHC-P, ICC/IF, IP experiment in human, mouse, rat background.
HSD3B1 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 42 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-HSD3B1 monoclonal antibody. HSD3B1 Antibody can be used for: WB,ICC/IF expriments in human background without labeling.
Galectin 3 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 26 kDa, targeting to Galectin 3. It can be used for WB,ICC/IF,FC,IHC-P assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
CCR7_HUMAN; BLR 2; BLR2; C C chemokine receptor type 7; C C CKR 7; CC chemokine receptor 7; CC chemokine receptor type 7; CC CKR 7; CCCKR7; CCR 7; CD 197; CD197; CD197 Antigen; CDW197; Chemokine C C motif receptor 7; Chemokine C C receptor 7; Chemokine receptor 7-like protein; EBI 1; EBI1; Ebi1h; EBV Induced G Protein Coupled Receptor 1; Epstein Barr virus induced G protein coupled receptor; Epstein Barr virus induced gene 1; EVI 1; EVI1; Lymphocyte Specific G Protein Coupled Peptide Receptor; MGC108519; MIP 3 beta receptor; MIP3 Beta Receptor.
Human, Mouse, Rat
CCR7 Antibody is an unconjugated, approximately 42 kDa, rabbit-derived, anti-CCR7 polyclonal antibody. CCR7 Antibody can be used for: WB, ELISA, IHC-P, ICC, IF expriments in human, mouse, rat, and predicted: dog background without labeling.
Leukocyte L1 complex heavy chain antibody; 60B8AG antibody; CAGB antibody; Calgranulin B antibody; Calgranulin-B antibody; Calprotectin L1H subunit antibody; CFAG antibody; CGLB antibody; Cystic fibrosis Antigen B antibody; L1AG antibody;
Leukocyte L1 complex heavy chain antibody; LIAG antibody; MAC387 antibody; MIF antibody; Migration inhibitory factor related protein 14 antibody; Migration inhibitory factor-related protein 14 antibody; MRP 14 antibody; MRP-14 antibody; MRP14 antibody; Myeloid-related protein 14 antibody; NIF antibody; OTTHUMP00000015331 antibody; p14 antibody; Protein S100-A9 antibody; S100 A9 antibody; S100 calcium binding protein A9 antibody; S100 calcium binding protein A9 calgranulin B antibody;
S100 calcium-binding protein A9 antibody; S100A9 antibody; S10A9_HUMAN antibody
S100A9 Antibody(YA3464) is a rabbit-derived non-conjugated IgG antibody (Clone NO.: YA3464), targeting S100A8. S100A9 Antibody (YA1170) can be used for WB, IHC-P, IF-Cell, FC, IF-Tissue, IP experiment in human background.
C C chemokine receptor type 2 antibody;
C C CKR 2 antibody;
C-C chemokine receptor type 2 antibody;
C-C CKR-2 antibody;
CC chemokine receptor type 2 antibody;
CC CKR 2 antibody;
CC-CKR-2 antibody;
CCCKR2 antibody;
CCR 2 antibody;
CCR-2 antibody;
CCR1L antibody;
CCR2 antibody;
CCR2_HUMAN antibody;
CCR2A antibody;
CCR2B antibody;
CCR5L antibody;
CD192 antibody;
CD192 Antigen antibody;
Chemokine C C motif receptor 2 antibody;
Chemokine CC Motif Receptor 2 antibody;
CKR 2 antibody;
CKR2 antibody;
CKR2A antibody;
CKR2B antibody;
CMKBR2 antibody;
MCP 1 R antibody;
MCP-1-R antibody;
MCP1 RECEPTOR antibody;
MCP1R antibody;
Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 receptor antibody;
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1 Receptor antibody;
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1 Receptor antibody
Human, Mouse
CCR2 Antibody is a non-conjugated and Rabbit origined monoclonal antibody about 42 kDa, targeting to CCR2. It can be used for WB,IHC-P,IP,FC assays with tag free, in the background of Human, Mouse.
CD19 CAR mRNA (Mouse) 可以表达小鼠 CD19 CAR 蛋白,并且可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。 CD19 CAR 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。
CD19 CAR mRNA (Human) 可以表达人源 CD19 CAR 蛋白,并且可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。 CD19 CAR 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。
CD19 car mRNA (Mouse)-LNP 是一种包含 CD19 car mRNA 的脂质纳米粒 (LNP),适用于 RNA 传递、翻译效率、细胞活力等检测。CD19 car mRNA 可用于嵌合抗原受体 T 细胞免疫疗法 (CAR-CD19)。而 CD19 car 是一种嵌合抗原受体。其中 CD19 是 B 细胞表达的一种 CD 分子 (即白细胞分化抗原),参与 B 细胞增殖、分化、活化及抗体产生的重要膜抗原,还可促进 BCR 的信号转导。